在运行java工程启用tomcat6时出现A configuration error occured during startup错误是怎么回事?错误信息为A configuration error occured during startup.Please verify the prefrence field with the prompt: error.Transport library not fou

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/12/01 19:25:52
在运行java工程启用tomcat6时出现A configuration error occured during startup错误是怎么回事?错误信息为A configuration error occured  during startup.Please verify the prefrence field with the prompt: error.Transport library not fou
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在运行java工程启用tomcat6时出现A configuration error occured during startup错误是怎么回事?错误信息为A configuration error occured during startup.Please verify the prefrence field with the prompt: error.Transport library not fou
在运行java工程启用tomcat6时出现A configuration error occured during startup错误是怎么回事?
错误信息为A configuration error occured during startup.Please verify the prefrence field with the prompt: error.Transport library not found:dt_socket error;JDWP Transport dt_socket failed to initialize,Transport _Load(509) JDWP exit error AGENT_ERROR_Transport _LOAD(509):NO Transports initialize[../../../src/share/back/debugint.c:690]

在运行java工程启用tomcat6时出现A configuration error occured during startup错误是怎么回事?错误信息为A configuration error occured during startup.Please verify the prefrence field with the prompt: error.Transport library not fou

在运行java工程启用tomcat6时出现A configuration error occured during startup错误是怎么回事?错误信息为A configuration error occured during startup.Please verify the prefrence field with the prompt: error.Transport library not fou 刚刚安装什么oracle ,myeclipse8.6+tomcat6.0,第一步先把tomcat调通了,然后新建一个java项目,在src下面建一个java文件 写了读取数据库内容的十几行代码,代码没错但是运行后下面提示Io异常The Network Adap 博仕莱空气置换装置可以启用无人在自己运行吗? 在哪启用Direct加速 阳床在运行时出水量减小是什么原因? 关于会计账簿的启用,下列表述中,正确的有()关于会计账簿的启用,下列表述中,正确的有(ACD)A.账簿启用时,应在封面上写明单位名称和账簿名称,并正确填写账簿启用表B.启用订本式账簿时 在Java中我运行的程序出现 can not find symbol,这是什么情况! Eclipse运行时提示failed to create the java virtual machine 如何解决 A configuration error occurred during startup,Please verify the preferece field with the prompt ;Tomcat JDK name 在启动tomcat6时弹出来滴框.这是神马错误,各路神仙. java计算正余弦值出错代码就是下面的了,所以没有注释运行起来显示没有问题,计算也出结果,可就是不正确./*** @(#)myfrm.java*** @author * @version 1.00 2009/3/23*/import java.awt.*;import java.awt.event.*;public cla create or replace package testpackage as type test_cursor is ref cursor; end testpackage; create or运行时出现如下问题 是怎么回事?java.sql.SQLException: ORA-06550: 第 1 行, 第 20 列: PLS-00103: 出现符号 ;在需要下列之一 请问Java运行时出现”the serializable class drawline does not declare a static final serialversio”是什么原因, 怎样在ANDROID的WEBVIEW中启用重力感应? 在魏国启用吴起的是哪个国君 在魏国启用吴起的是哪国君 在魏国启用用吴起的是哪个国君? 在魏国启用吴起变法的是哪个国君 新色谱柱启用时要怎么活化