
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 11:26:41
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He is represented by calligraphy start,while the watercolors,while the traditional Chinese painting,gallop ivan,due to rich experience,financial
Will link up,God moved materialized,are reaching the territory of God,with lines such as calligraphy Qiu animals and deposited the essence of color too Impressionists,both large sweeping murals,he can find among the Chi Fu Watercolor spirit.Looking at his paintings,wide range of topics and rich in content.Landscapes,flowers,birds insects and fish,come in handy; composition novel,pen concise fan,Sau in the possession of digging,flat Contain surprising Pumao moving.Both with the traditional Chinese painting and watercolor and workers,handy,effortless,Chinese and Western painting you have me,I have you,ambiguous on,but they clearly demonstrate their surnames the United States,created an image of watercolor painting and Italian pen mysteries.This painting industry peers is also rare.
Selected Works of the famous painter Tom commented:"Le-Min Lu Chibi paintings,the exhibition is a wonderful work Hydra sterile.Watercolor colorful,sparkling,with a modern aesthetic taste; not leave the traditional Chinese painting,and good water-color ink symphonic lack the charm of Chinese Painting" .Praised him as "suddenly find there is no fragrance,Lan Yu Shi back a bloom."
Famous poet Ye Fu a tour of his studio and saw his works specially written after the "the joy of heaven,the people of the Hills","big-itself" banners sent to him and said:"Le-Min words are written well,drawing well,I think he is able to endure loneliness The secret sauce lies in being indifferent to fame and fortune,is madding crowd ",can be described as in the phrase."Heaven's music,the people of the Hills","big-itself"
Mr.Cheng Lemin was born in a scholarly family,known as Cha Ma Ancient Road grown in the southern Chinese town known as Chibi Yangloudong,where the mountain You Dong Qi,Water Pik Fengqing,not only rich in tea,bamboo,but also businessmen scholars to gather land,once the brick tea marketing Yangloudong Inner Mongolia,Xinjiang,but also exported to Russia,the United Kingdom.There may be a natural landscape,customs and nurture his artistic nature,so that a child,he embarked on the road of learning calligraphy painting can be that's a long hard road.Catastrophe which has undergone the baptism of the Cultural Revolution.
To see him so many works,both his record of different periods of time,natural portrayal,but also the unrestrained passion of his life and the revelation of a long life of experience and insights.Arts endless,healthy and strong.Mr.Cheng Lemin would like to always maintain the creative passion and imagination in a free ride colorful art world,a happy

太长了 而且四字词好多 有点难度 呵呵 最好找个朋友 学外语的帮你翻译


He is represented by calligraphy start, while the watercolors, while the traditional Chinese painting, gallop ivan, due to rich experience, mastery, God moved materialized, are reaching the territory ...


He is represented by calligraphy start, while the watercolors, while the traditional Chinese painting, gallop ivan, due to rich experience, mastery, God moved materialized, are reaching the territory of God, with lines such as the calligraphy of Qiu animals and deposited the essence of color too Impressionists, both large sweeping murals , he can find among the Chi Fu Watercolor spirit. Looking at his paintings, wide range of topics and rich in content. Landscapes, flowers, birds insects and fish, come in handy; composition novel, pen concise fan, Sau in the possession of digging, flat Contain surprising Pumao moving. Both with the traditional Chinese painting and watercolor and workers, handy, effortless, Chinese and Western painting you have me, I have you, ambiguous on, but they clearly demonstrate their surnames the United States, created an image of watercolor painting and Italian pen mysteries. This painting industry peers is also rare.
  Selected Works of the famous painter Tom commented: "Le-Min Lu Chibi paintings, the exhibition is a wonderful work Hydra sterile. Watercolor colorful, sparkling, with a modern aesthetic taste; not leave the traditional Chinese painting, and good water-color ink symphonic lack the charm of Chinese Painting" . Praised him as "suddenly find there is no fragrance, Lan Yu Shi back a bloom."
   Famous poet Ye Fu a tour of his studio and saw his works specially written after the "the joy of heaven, the people of the Hills", "big-itself" banners sent to him and said: "Le-Min words are written well, drawing well, I think he is able to endure loneliness The secret sauce lies in being indifferent to fame and fortune, is madding crowd ", can be described as in the phrase. "Heaven's music, the people of the Hills", "big-itself"
   Mr. Cheng Lemin was born in a scholarly family, known as Cha Ma Ancient Road grown in the southern Chinese town known as Chibi Yangloudong, where the mountain You Dong Qi, Water Pik Fengqing, not only rich in tea, bamboo, but also businessmen scholars to gather land, once the brick tea marketing Yangloudong Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, but also exported to Russia, the United Kingdom. There may be a natural landscape, customs and nurture his artistic nature, so that a child, he embarked on the road of learning calligraphy painting can be that's a long hard road. Catastrophe which has undergone the baptism of the Cultural Revolution.
  To see him so many works, both his record of different periods of time, natural portrayal, but also the unrestrained passion of his life and the revelation of a long life of experience and insights. Arts endless, healthy and strong. Mr. Cheng Lemin would like to always maintain the creative passion and imagination in a free colorful art world, a happy ride.


英语翻译他由书法入手,而水彩,而国画,驰骋艺苑,由于功底深厚,融会贯通,神移物化,臻于神境,用线如书法之遒动,敷彩得印象派之精华,既能大笔横扫壁画,亦能在尺幅水彩之中寻找性灵.综观他 请把下面一片文章翻译成英文他由书法入手,而水彩,而国画,驰骋艺苑,由于功底深厚,融会贯通,神移物化,臻于神境,用线如书法之遒动,敷彩得印象派之精华,既能大笔横扫壁画, 国画与书法 敏而好学,不耻下问 写书法 从今文化的书法演变来看,行书是由()变化而来的.A草书B楷书C篆书 他为了挣钱而日益工作.英语翻译 王羲之的书法有时如有时像而结构又十分 他认为运笔时要如 这才能 使 英语翻译与可画竹,鲁直不画竹,然观其书法,罔非竹也.瘦而腴,秀而拔;欹侧而有准绳,折转而多断续.吾师乎!吾师乎!其吾竹之清癯雅脱乎!书法有行款,竹更要行款;书法有浓淡,竹更要浓淡;书 为什么市面上的荧光笔绝大部分不能更换笔芯?而水彩笔就可以? 英语翻译商品房;急躁的;耐心的;古玩城;油画;水粉画;中国画;水彩画;蜡笔画;毛笔(书法用的);国画颜料;章法;墨汁;浓淡(专指墨汁说的);晕染; 比喻书法生动而有气势,用什么成语? 他上周六因闯红灯而被罚款 英语翻译 我喜欢西红柿和花椰菜而他却不喜欢英语翻译 他因酒后驾驶而被禁止驾驶 英语翻译 这次的英语比赛他以失败而告终 英语翻译 英语翻译:我们都为他的到来而高兴 他每天骑车上学,而我步行英语翻译 英语翻译他因疏忽大意而断送了前途(ruin)