through pass cross across有什么区别?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 01:42:04
through pass cross across有什么区别?
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through pass cross across有什么区别?
through pass cross across有什么区别?

through pass cross across有什么区别?
1.through 表示时间上的通过,介词
2.pass 是动词,通过
3.cross 是名词,交通
4.across 表示空间上的通过,介词

pass v.+sth 通过(抽象或具体物体)e.g. pass the exam
cross v. 与across向对应,可直接加名词
across prep. 平面穿过(立体的用through e.g. run across the street, look through the window,go through the forest)

cross pass across through past 的差别 across cross through pass 的区别? through pass cross across有什么区别? across from cross through go through pass 有什么区别 ( )22.Let’s take a walk ____ the park on Center Street.A.across B,through C.pass D.cross( )22.Let’s take a walk ____ the park on Center Street.A.across B,through C.pass D.cross cross 、across、through、pass、past的区别 举例 求问怎样区分 across ,through,cross,pass? across cross through pass 的区别急!用法和区别 Go _____ Xinhua Supermarket,you can find a big lake on your left.a)pass b)through c)across d)cross Across,cross,through,pass,past的区别Across,cross,through,pass,past有什么区别?希望给的答案简洁明了,易懂,最好还要有例句,谢谢. through across cross pass past我想请教一下这5个词的区别.请抓住“穿过”的意思.Thanks a lot. 穿过河用哪个英语单词across,cross,through,pass的区别? cross,across,through,pass的含义和区别问下这几个词的含义和区别 谁能告诉我across,cross,pass,through有什么区别啊另外,died和dead 咋用啊 Walk ____ the bridge carefally.It's dangerous to run.A.through B.across C.cross D.pass已知选A,请问为什么?加上一个问题:过桥本应用through,但是为什么人们习惯上用across? A lot of cars pass through the street every day 尤其是 pass through 怎么不用 pass across go cross a playground还是go through the playground if you want to go to our school ,you have to go __the park A.across B cross C pass D.through我觉得B和D都行把