
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/28 15:53:03
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Sadako Sasaki (佐佐木 祯子) was a Japanese girl who lived near Misasa Bridge in Hiroshima,Japan.She was only two years old when the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6,1945.At the moment of explosion she was at her home,about 1 mile from ground zero.
In November of 1954 she developed a cold,and lumps developed on her neck and behind her ears that slowly moved towards her face.In January of 1955 purple spots started to form on her legs.On February 18,1955 she was diagnosed with leukemia.She was hospitalised on February 21,1955,and given at the most,a year to live.
On August 3,1955,Sadako saw a gift of one thousand origami paper cranes that were donated to the hospital from the people of Nagoya as a "Get Well" gift.Inspired by the cranes,she started folding them herself spurred on by the Japanese saying that one who folded a thousand cranes was granted a wish.At the time of her death,she had folded a total of 1,300 cranes.
A popular version of the story is that she fell short of her goal of folding 1,000 cranes,having folded only 644 before her death,and that her friends completed the 1,000 and buried them all with her.
Though she had plenty of free time during her days in the hospital to fold these cranes,she lacked paper.She would use medicine wrappings and whatever else she could scrounge up.This included going to other patients' rooms to ask to use the paper from their get well presents.
During her time in hospital her condition progressively worsened,her left leg had swelled and turned purple around mid-October.Speaking about the tea on rice that she had requested after her family urged her to eat something,she said,"It's good." Those were her last words.With her family around her,Sadako died on the morning of October 25,1955.
Every day more cranes arrive at the memorial from children all over the world in the hope for peace.After her death,Sadako's friends and schoolmates published a collection of letters to raise funds to build a memorial to her and all of the children who had died from the effects of the atomic bomb.
In 1958,a statue of Sadako holding a golden crane was unveiled in the Hiroshima Peace Memorial also called the Genbaku dome.At the foot of the statue is a plaque which reads,This is our cry.This is our prayer.Peace in the world.
There is also a statue of her in the Seattle Peace Park.Sadako has become a leading symbol of the impact of a nuclear war.Sadako is a heroine for many young girls.Her story is told in some Japanese schools on the anniversary of the Hiroshima bombing.Dedicated to her,people all over Japan celebrate August 15 as the annual peace and love day.
The paper crane has become an international symbol of peace in recent years as a result of it's connection to the story of a young Japanese girl named Sadako Sasaki born in 1943.Sadako was two years old when the atom bomb was dropped on Hiroshima,Japan on August 6,1945.As she grew up,Sadako was a strong,courageous and athletic girl.In 1955,at age 11,while practicing for a big race,she became dizzy and fell to the ground.Sadako was diagnosed with Leukemia,"the atom bomb" disease.
Sadako's best friend told her of an old Japanese legend which said that anyone who folds a thousand paper cranes would be granted a wish.Sadako hoped that the gods would grant her a wish to get well so that she could run again.She started to work on the paper cranes and completed over 1000 before dying on October 25,1955 at the age of twelve.