
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 12:43:54
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能及时应对客户提出各种要求并调整计划满足,熟悉成本库存的和供应商管控,能及时应对和预防品质,物流,生产等出现的异常;熟练运用ERP.GVC .MRP/MPS
2007 /9--2010 /8\x05** 职业技术学院\x05工商管理\x05大专

Work experience
Shenzhen's letter optical (company is taiwan-funded, flow model for Japanese mode, the main production digital camera, optical lens, optical lens, optical products)
Leading a number of machine the order review, the main production plan scheduled, the customer delivery and material requirement planning, integrated order placement to manufacturers, and subsequent to push into the raw materials. Coordinate and deal with the customer, supplier, production, quality the aspect's problems.
Can the customer put forward in time to meet the requirements and adjust the plan, familiar with cost of inventory and supplier control, can prompt response and prevent quality, logistics, production, appear abnormal; Proficient in use of ERP. GVC. MRP/MPS
The following part details the hope can give you more fully understand, thank you.
1. Receiving customer orders, according to the hand of component of comments and group for customer order review made capacity, and will respond customer or business, period.
2. According to the customer order on stage and the capacity to production plan scheduled (including short-term and long-term production plan), and matches cloth related units. (balance, production, 5 M status, the customer, the customer focus on stage)
3. Spread BOM materials demand analysis integrated order placement every manufacturer, order according to the plan change weekly in adjusting plans order (part raw materials has a minimum order, unit price lower quantitative order). Because the customer demand change, incoming shortage, quality reason such as the abnormal in considering production on the premise of balance and adjust the production plan
4. Cost of inventory control, weeks time order accuracy, ABC classification materials management, suppliers ChaoJiao delay/control, control in the library so that the company capital cost benign flow. Born in every Saturday for ZhouShi tube hang reports, monthly for an early last month hang report.
5. Department product cast urgent exception handling. The number of maintenance, department product import arrangement, the period of component with rush, overseas department product 3 ~ 5 days in advance to rush, in situ of component 3 days in advance with hurried. Timely follow-up understand the production status outsourcing manufacturers.
6. Incoming bad coordinate and deal with progress and, when necessary, called departments and suppliers review meeting.
7. A finished product by processing, coordinate and deal with the production of the quality problem. Regularly review meeting.
8. Cut the management of a model (a cut, cut inventory issued a notice arrangement, playing more than cutting material processing, make a cut report)
9. Customers and suppliers accounts and customs, warehouse account data such as check, urged the treatment with abnormal. Abnormal loading and unloading, handling import accounts.
10. Daily statute sex (lead when table, the tachometer, BOM table maintenance, etc) and leadership explaination work.
P.S; English reading and writing basic OK, I heard that in general, are working to charge, like has the language also please can give me a chance, I believe in the work I can to do the job. Thank you!
Self assessment
Humor and do not break composed, composed and energetic, passion and do not break rigorous (belong to develop).
And human music, has the certain communication skills. Seriously, a must be able to work under pressure. Love life, the interest is extensive.
Education experience
2007/9-2010/8 * * vocational technology of the industry and commerce management college
College English, economics foundation, the university computer, management foundation, accounting foundation, statistics foundation, production and operation management, financial management, management information system, marketing, human resources management, international trade theory and practice, and electronic business, economic law, etc.

英语翻译工作经验深圳信泰光学(公司是台资,流程模式为日资模式,主要生产数位相机,光学镜头,光学镜片等光学产品)主导数个机种的订单评审,主生产计划排定,客户出货以及物料需求计划 本人为LED照明的光学设计工程师,请问厦门哪家的LED照明公司比较好?我主要是做应用方面的光学透镜设计等.我有两年的光学设计工作经验,在厦门薪资怎么样? 我想进东莞信泰光学有限公司,这个公司在那里招聘啊?who can help me?Thank you very much 深圳市航辉科技有限公司怎么样 深圳市航辉电子有限公司怎么样 深圳航程信电子有限公司怎么样其实是一家公司!怎么样? 深圳大族激光怎么样职工福利待遇怎样,是否解决住宿,交哪些保险,请大家指教,工作经验三年的去那大概有多少工资呢?那么对于光学工程师和专利工程师的收入如何?公司是否有年休假?是否有 找深圳英语翻译和深圳翻译公司的区别? 深圳英语翻译哪家公司译员丰富? 英语翻译ups快递公司招聘英语翻译,具体是从事什么工作,我想应聘,想准备的充分一点,现在又没工作经验,大家知道的话请详细描述 英语翻译中文为:台资鞋业公司,主要出口欧美市场真皮男女士皮鞋,SEARS,Natrulizer,Next,Sam Edelman等.(因为有前后场景,所以该句主语”该公司是“省略了)现翻译为:In this shoes enterprise,main market 英语翻译深圳中英文翻译公司,诺贝笔是一家成立10年中译英、英译中翻译公司,诺贝笔翻译公司是由15年资深中英互译翻译家创建! 译优商贸公司是做什么的,没有工作经验的可以去吗? 英语翻译求深圳的专业放心的翻译公司! 英语翻译公司名字:四川信宇网络科技有限公司 深圳 模型公司 深圳沃尔核材公司怎么样 谢谢您刚才的回答!还要向您咨寻个问题.因我在国企工作才一年不到,出来后就去了广东打工,进的是台资企业,这是不是说我的基层工作经历不够?(招考职位需要基层工作经验2年以上的) 深圳地下水处理公司,哪些是有资质的呢? 深圳最大最好的送水公司是那一家!