Who______(be) the so-called guests invented to your party last night?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 14:30:50
Who______(be) the so-called guests invented to your party last night?
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Who______(be) the so-called guests invented to your party last night?
Who______(be) the so-called guests invented to your party last night?

Who______(be) the so-called guests invented to your party last night?

last night 是过去时的时间状语 要用过去式

Who______(be) the so-called guests invented to your party last night? 英语翻译Who______ ______ ______ drive the car 根据汉语提示填出合适的情态动词(包括否定形式)1、who______(可能)it be at the door?2、you_____ ______ _______(不必)leave so early.3、you_____ ______(必须)tell everyone the result.4、bikes________(不准)be parked h Many people go to school for education.They learn languages,history,politics,mathematics and so onThe student who______ _________________is the best student —Who______ it be that is knocking at the door?—I—Who______ it be that is knocking at the door?—It ______ be Father,but I’m not sure.A.can; must B.can; may  C.must; can  D.may; must Who______ it be that is knocking at the door?—It ______ be Father,but I’m not sure.A.can; must B.can; may C.must; can D.may; must Who______(study)in the room last night?I saw the light was on. 用适当的时态填空: Three of the people who______(take)After Howard Carter discoved Tutankhamen's tomb, strange reports ______(appear) in the newspapers. Three of the people who______(take) part in the discovery _______(die) soon afterwards. 请问下列英语填空题怎么做?who______(study)the best in your class?fanggang often ______(help)her mother _______(do) some housework when she was free.my aunt is ill.i _____(visit)her tomorrowthere ________(be)a football match between china a so be So far so near ,So deepso shallow.The past,can only be used to oblivion. The so-called strong,no doubt just try to be don't be so sad...you are the best one! So she wants to be a singer in the future So we must be careful when we use the Internet. The pandas are s____,so please be quiet. Could you be so kind as to close the window? The panda is very shy ,so please be very q( ).