c()()ling v()g()t()ble b()rr()() id()() p()ct()()() str()()()()t ag()()n sp()c() l()g()t f()()rym()nd()() f()st()v()l m()s()()m dr()g()n h()mb()rg()r t()l()v()sion怎么填

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 15:53:22
c()()ling v()g()t()ble b()rr()() id()() p()ct()()() str()()()()t ag()()n sp()c() l()g()t f()()rym()nd()() f()st()v()l m()s()()m dr()g()n h()mb()rg()r t()l()v()sion怎么填
xQN@l~_e(AfvDE6"`GDCD1a/S.\׹;cJat 32Lۣ`&za:0?fzG68;2`C x]>yVł*X#g/͋n89Ϗbdצ,+YonwPFDΆl0;<<ٸC:[ua1'99٦s} an5tN͂EXr)v_-fxq(aJyz,(SBvF *TD,!dS5z?4Aiw~xj 8loJ|;.eWe "ф DmQ?(OXWO

c()()ling v()g()t()ble b()rr()() id()() p()ct()()() str()()()()t ag()()n sp()c() l()g()t f()()rym()nd()() f()st()v()l m()s()()m dr()g()n h()mb()rg()r t()l()v()sion怎么填
c()()ling v()g()t()ble b()rr()() id()() p()ct()()() str()()()()t ag()()n sp()c() l()g()t f()()ry
m()nd()() f()st()v()l m()s()()m dr()g()n h()mb()rg()r t()l()v()sion

c()()ling v()g()t()ble b()rr()() id()() p()ct()()() str()()()()t ag()()n sp()c() l()g()t f()()rym()nd()() f()st()v()l m()s()()m dr()g()n h()mb()rg()r t()l()v()sion怎么填
ceiling 天花板 vegetable 蔬菜 borrow 借 idea 想法,主意 picture 图片 straight 直的,直线 again 又,再次 space 空间 furry 皮毛的 minder 看守者 festival 节日 museum 博物馆 dragon 龙 hamburger 汉堡包 televison 电视

c()()ling v()g()t()ble b()rr()() id()() p()ct()()() str()()()()t ag()()n sp()c() l()g()t f()()rym()nd()() f()st()v()l m()s()()m dr()g()n h()mb()rg()r t()l()v()sion怎么填 一个物体以初速度V水平抛出,经时间t,竖直方向速度大小为V,则t为?A V/g B 2V/g C v/2g 请问应该选择哪一个? should i call Ling Feng here now?A.can't B.shouldn't C.mustn't D.needn't原题是这样的:should i call Ling Feng here now?No,you ______.He is at home. Yang Ling's dog is()the tree.I can't find it.括号Yang Ling's dog is()the tree.I can't find it.括号里填:A:behind B:under C:in Ling Ping ( )a car.but she has a bike.Ling Ping ( )a car.but she has a bike.括号里选哪个?→ A.has B.don't have C .doesn't have D.have ( ) ling ling( )after her dog( ) A,looks,careful B,looks,carefully C,look,carefully 急, 在Z栏中找出与V栏中相应的答句!Z栏:1.Is this your school bag?V栏:A.It‘s in that building.2.Where’s Yang Ling?B.No,there aren‘t.3.Where’s the reading room?C.All right.4.How many toilets are there?D.Thank you.5.Are there any sl 手机电路图中A.B.C.D.F.G.M.N.T.V.X.Z等字母代表的意思. g n i g g o j 这些字母能组成什么英语单词n i l o i v p a c t s e v w i s m t l e b 这些字母能组成什么英语单词 找出下列每组字母中元音音素不同的字母( )d b g k( )v c w e( )w q p u( )a j g k( )f n z i( )G P T O( )E V G U 角A=arcos1/5,sinA等于多少?第二个问,已知h=1/2*g*t(a)^2 和2h=1/2*g*t(b)^2和3h=1/2*g*t(b)^2和t(a)=S/V(a)和t(b)=S/V(b)和t(c)=S/V(c)问Va:Vb:Vc的比 角A=arcos1/5,sinA等于多少?第二位个问,已知h=1/2*g*t(a)^2 和2h=1/2*g*t(b)^2和3h=1/2*g*t(b)^2和t(a)=S/V(a)和t(b)=S/V(b)和t(c)=S/V(c)问Va:Vb:Vc的比 找出字母元音读音相同的选项 ( )K A.G B.T C.A D.V ( ) Z A.H B,Y C.R D.M ( ) i A.A B.Q C.Y D.D( ) Q A.W B.V C.X D.L ( ) E A.A B.F C.D D.U ( ) L A.S B.T C.D D.i 以初速度v0水平抛出一物体,经过时间t物体的速度大小为v,则经过时间2t,物体速度大小的表达式正确的是A v0+2gt B v+gt C 根号下(v0^2+2g^2 t^2) D 根号下(v^+3g^2 t^2) a r c o t o n,e d t c e t v i e,i n e t r e s i t i n g,a n u t r e,c i s e n e c是什么单词o u h e s,a m g r a n d,o b r n i g,a l e k,l p a y r u o n d g,o s i p h l a t 英语 英语 (9 19:52:4)These two bikes are _____.A.Li Lei and Ling Tao's B.Li Lei's and Ling Tao's C.Li Lei or Ling Tao'sD.Li Lei and Ling Tao 英语 English (18 21:8:28)These two bikes are _____.A.Li Lei and Ling Tao's B.Li Lei's and Ling Tao's C.Li Lei or Ling Tao'sD.Li Lei and Ling Tao 看看下面这些字母分别能组成什么单词?e v o l e n e pt o s c d r a pt e t r l eh g r i t b o m o t t