关于a interesting expreience in my life的英语作文

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关于a interesting expreience in my life的英语作文
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关于a interesting expreience in my life的英语作文
关于a interesting expreience in my life的英语作文

关于a interesting expreience in my life的英语作文
A interesting expreience in my life
Althought it was several years ago,I have always remembered that amusing thing that I experienced.
That was an sunny afternoon when I had finished my whole day's class and was on my way home,I suddenly smelt a very marvelous smell.Then I delightly found a small restaurant on a side of the street,and I hastened in,and knew that the smell was from the fried potato.So I also ordered one plate of it.
After eating up,I quickly went home.When I was at the door of my home,my mother stopped me and covered my eyes with a handkerchief.I was quite surprised,but Mother didn't let me move it away,and led me to the dining room,asked me to sit down at the table.
Maybe I had eating so much potatos,I suddedly felt a feeling of passing gas(放屁),thinking that there was nobody around,so I immediately put one foot up,and let the gas passed.Later,Mum asked me to move the handkerchief away,I was quite surprised to see so many friends and relatives sitting around the table,and lots of tasty dishes I liked on the table,which I realized at once that it was my birthday.However,I was very ashamed about what I had done.
Several years has passed,I have always remembered that embrassed (尴尬)experience,but I think that was also the most interesting matter I have experienced.I have told it to many people----my friends,fellow students,and my colleagues,and they all burst into such a big laughter(突然笑起来)that they nearly fell out of chairs.

Something interesting happened in my winter vacation. On my way home from my shopping, I noticed a fire. I called the fire department immediately. In a few minutes, the fire fighters came and started ...


Something interesting happened in my winter vacation. On my way home from my shopping, I noticed a fire. I called the fire department immediately. In a few minutes, the fire fighters came and started work. But, it was not easy to put out the fire, because there was not enough water. In addition, the wind was high, which made the situation worse. The fire fighters were doing their best. But, all of a sudden, a foreign lady rushed to the fire fighters for help. She was talking quickly in English and made lots of gestures to show the fire fighters what was happening. But, the fire fighters could not understand what she was saying. They tried to call the fire station for an interpeter. But, the lady started crying. I waved to her and asked her what had happened. She was very excited to see someone speaking her language. She told me her baby was in her bedroom on the second floor. I told the fire fighters right away and they sent one man there by a high ladder. Her baby was rescued and the lady gave me a big hug. I felt excited because I made use of my English learnt from my school.


题目是:浅谈英语my heart smile. 我的心因你而笑is not interestingExpreience keeps a dear school, yet fools will learn in no other. (

一道关于think的选择题问题是这样的:I don't think there is_________in today's newspaper.A.something interesting B.interesting somethingC.anything interesting D.interesting anything 关于a interesting expreience in my life的英语作文 int a = 8 ,b = 4 ; int expr = a++ % ++b * 2 ;为什么答案是6,急 java高手,帮我做几道简单的算术题!9%8=?20/8*8=?-4321>>>30=?123^321^123=?a=255;int expr = (byte)a+(((byte)a)&0xFF);int expr =123454321.charAt(4)+2;2楼的 这个int expr =123454321.charAt(4)+2 = 55 关于 be interesting in I’m ___ in playing soccer .A、much interesting B、much interested C、more interesting D、more interested 关于英语介词题的填空~1.She felt anxious ( ) her son as she had not heard from him for a long time.2.You ought to be ashamed ( ) your had manners.3.Smoking is bad ( ) your health.4.Be careful ( ) your health.5.I'm sorry!I'm very bad ( ) expr jquery手册中关于children([expr])的描述有这样一句话:children()只考虑子元素而不考虑所有后代元素. 关于such &so 的用法It is _____film that i would like to see it a third time.Asuch an interesting B so an interesting C such interesting D so interesting an请说明每个选项为什么对为什么错 关于interested 和interesting的区别did you meet anyone ---at the party? no,in fact,i found the party rather ---.a.interested;boring b.interesting;bored c.interesting ;boring d. interesting ;bored为什么选 C? children are_____in this _____movie A.interesting interesting B.interested interestedC.interesting interestedD.interested interesting MATLAB符号运算问题运行下面:syms a b x X Y>> k=sym('3');>> z=sym('c*sqrt(d)+y*sin(t)');>> EXPR=a*z*X+(b*x^2+k)*Y;>> symvar(EXPR)得到:ans =[ X,Y,a,b,c,d,t,x,y]这是书上的一个例子.但有一点比较疑惑:符号运算不是都 Mathematica中Module和Block的一个问题Module[{expr},expr = 2 z; f[z_] = expr; f[7]]得到的结果是2z而Block[{expr},expr = 2 z; f[z_] = expr; f[7]]得到的结果是14还有:Module[{expr},expr = 2 z; f[z_] = Evaluate[expr]; f[7]]也能得 while循环语句中expr是什么意思? Interesting interesting Interesting interesting There is a interesting book.还是an interesting book?