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Sweet Home Jiuzhai

From Lanzhou to Jiuzhaigou, bumpy two days. Ali in Tibet hurry over one hundred kilometers a day beginning to show the aftermath. But the first day of Jiuzhai stil...


Sweet Home Jiuzhai

From Lanzhou to Jiuzhaigou, bumpy two days. Ali in Tibet hurry over one hundred kilometers a day beginning to show the aftermath. But the first day of Jiuzhai still very disappointed. Maybe I do not like stagnant water and traveling companion, and maybe I feel too deeply in Tibet, Jiuzhaigou and Wucaiche long sea not caused any of my shock, and the mood spread to the companion. This tour the next day after Pearl Beach changed after the third day completely changed our view. Not that Jiuzhai how the United States, but because of Jiuzhaigou is a real paradise.

from the outset, we choose to live in then check wow Village, and because it's clean and not change his mind, whether it is the dead of night or early morning mist is not scattered throughout the two No room for only the owner and us, no one disturb our dreams. Stockade room consists of two parts, the standard brick and wood structure between the common room. Wooden buildings are interesting, but people go on it will make the whole building was shaking, do not think can easily fall asleep. Perhaps because fewer people to stay, wood white linen room, open the window is behind the green mountains. When tourists visit points early in the morning arrived, we're still in bed Dreams of Duke. Get up at eight, ten o'clock, after some dawdling in the courtyard downstairs for breakfast accompanied by the sun, eleven to go out.

Jiuzhai good environmental protection, which is unmatched in Tibet Zada, I used to think there is a real paradise, an oasis in the desert, but where the environment is dirty, but also darker, security is not guaranteed. Jiuzhaigou is just not environmentally friendly green vehicles, choking exhaust, a bit ironic. But managing very well. The first day of play at the ditch, down a plank from the Panda Lake, sunny, we are watching from the leisurely, but did not find the date the ditch in addition to the staff for only two of us. Four weeks silence, a deep shade of the woods began. Avenue quickly back to the woods drilled. More than just five p.m., at the ditch has no people. As we walk in the woods, people outside can not see, so all the shuttle bus was gone. Along the way there cleared personnel on a motorcycle, leave. Seven are living deep in the woods take on board the original staff, we take the car down.

one o'clock the next day just to play Pearl Beach, sun is shining. Jiuzhaigou Valley is surrounded by mountains, not too early too late sun. Just a lot of people. Shiyou could not resist playing the afternoon ran into the woods Shuzheng ditch gone, the results did not dare to go on the sky late backtrack. Walled visit to the tree is a bit hit two Hong Kong friends,herve leger outlet, invited us to drink and chat, feel ten at night, can not find the car to the tree is intended to open a room for one night. Then we ask the driver of a car to take us back, Hunan Province, at the driver immediately and contact Mizoguchi scheduling, but could not hear the answer. When we finished shopping the check he sent us back to wow camp. Jiuzhaigou from his mouth that a good law and order, do not have to worry about security issues, some small animals to guard against is definitely the night after returning home visitors come out to surprise and insisted on inviting us see Zhu toilet. The next day we practice the word, really good.

before going out for the third day is also eleven, the tree channel is very clean, the entire channel to only two of us. Shuzheng road ditch on both sides, but not many people through the woods. We are under the big cliff side of the road through the woods, walking in a circle around the ditch, because hardly any people along the way, so when we break through the trees at the water's edge, suddenly saw a man come out of the time actually scared the daylights. We have arrived back to the original path along the cliff road, but I did not notice too much trance.

live carefree in Jiuzhaigou, no pollution, honest, good management, room and board as long as the money to solve the problem, nothing to worry about. On the third day and really feel I Jiuzhaigou is paradise. But, after all, people are still too many. To Songpan, I began to yearn Kawakita this land.



一道动点题.直线y=+4/3x+8交x轴于点A,交y轴于点B,直线y=+4/3x+8交x轴于点A,交y轴于点B,点C与点A关于y轴对称.点Q从点A出发沿直线向B移动,速度为每秒2个单位长,移动时间记作t(秒);点P从点A出发 初二数学函数动点题直线y=-½x+2与y轴交于点A,与直线y=x交于点B,平行于y轴的直线l与直线y=-½x+2和直线y=x分别交于点D E,直线l从原点O出发,以每秒1个单位长度的速度沿x轴向右平移,到B点时 直线y=3/4x-3交x轴a交y轴b半径为1的动圆的圆心与O点重合,圆以每秒一个单位的速度移动问几秒后与直线ab相切 直线y=-3/4+3与x轴交于点a与y轴交于点b,o为坐标原点,m为直线ab上的一个动点,则直线om长度最小值 一道初三 二次函数题已知:直线y=1/2x+1与y轴交于A,与x轴交于D,抛物线y=1/2x²-3/2x+1与直线交于A、E两点,与x轴交于B、C两点,且B点坐标为(1,0)(1)动点p在x轴上移动,当△PAE是以p为直角顶点 如图,已知直线l的函数表达式为y=-4/3x+8,且l与x轴,y轴分别交与...[ 标签:已知 直线,直线,函数 ] 如图,已知直线l的函数表达式为y=-4/3x+8,且l与x轴,y轴分别交A、B两点(A在x轴上,B在y轴上),动点Q从 如图直线y=-4/3x+8分别交x轴和y轴于点AB动点Q在线段OA上以每秒1个单位长度的速度从点A向点O运动如图,直线y=-¾x+8分别交x轴和y轴于点A,B动点Q在线段OA上以每秒1个单位长度的速度从点A向点O运 一道初中数学题,大家帮忙来看看,有点难度!如图,在平面直角坐标系xOyz中,直线y=x+1与y=-3/4 x+3交于点A,且分别交X轴于点B和点C,点D是直线AC上的一个动点.1:求点A.B.C的坐标.2当△CBD为等腰直角三 已知直线l的函数表达式为y=-4/3x+8,且l与x,y轴分别交于A,B两点如图,已知直线l的函数表达式为y=-4/3x+8,且l与x轴,y轴分别交A、B两点(A在x轴上,B在y轴上),动点Q从B点开始在线段BA上以每秒2个单位 如图1,在坐标系中,点O是坐标原点,直线y=-3/4x+8与y轴交于点A,与x轴交于C点,直线y=kx+b经过点A,且与x轴相交于点B(16,0)(1)求直线AB的解析式?(2)如图2,点P为x轴正半轴上一个动点,过点P作X轴的垂 一道初三函数动点题如图,在平面直角坐标系中,点A(2,0),C(0,1),以OA、OC为边在第一象限内作矩形OABC,点D(x,0),以BD为斜边在BD上方做等腰直角△BDM,作直线MA交y轴于点N,连接ND.(1)求证:① 直线y=4/3x-4交x轴与点A,交y轴与点B,点D是直线y=4/3-4上的一个动点,DC⊥x轴于C,△OCD与△OAB相似,且点直线y=4/3x-4交x轴与点A,交y轴与点B,点D是直线y=4/3-4上的一个动点DC⊥x轴于C,△OCD与△OAB相似,且点D 还是最后一道的,谁做出来我认他做我师傅,如图.已知抛物线y=x²-ax+a+2与x轴交于A、B两点,与y轴交于点D(0,8),直线DC平行于x轴,交抛物线于另一点C、P、Q分别为CD、AB上的动点,且CP=3/2AQ².(1 一道数学微分方程的题假设:(1)函数y=f(x)(0≤x<+∞)满足条件f(0)=0和0≤f(x) ≤ex-1(2)平行于y轴的动直线MN与曲线y=f(x)和y= ex-1分别交于点P和Q(3)曲线y=f(x)、直线MN与x轴所围封闭图形的 直线y=-x+4与x轴交于点A,与y轴交于点B,P是直线AB上的一个动点,如果△POA是等腰三角形,求点P的坐标 如图,直线y=-4/3x+8分别交X轴,Y轴.怎么求E点坐标 已知曲线y=k/x,与直线y=x/4相交与A、B两点,第一象限上的点M(m,n)(在A点左侧)是双曲线y=k/x上的动点,过点B作BD//y轴交x轴与点D,过点N(0,-n)作NC//x轴交双曲线y=k/x与点E,交BD与点C.(3)设直线AM 在平面直角坐标系中,直线y=-3/4x+6分别交于x轴、y轴于点C、A,点B为AN上的动点点C在∠MAN的内部.