
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/08 16:18:15
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Chinese people like to cook food with a wide range of seasonings,therefore,the flavor of the ingredient is always covered by the spices.However,western people like to preserve the natural taste of food as much as possible.中国人制作菜肴喜欢加入各种各样的调味料,所以原料的口味往往会被香料所覆盖,然而,西方人喜欢最大可能的保留食物的原汁原味.
Probably Chinese people believe that purely white and smooth skin is the basic of beautifulness,as the saying goes,a white skin covers hunhreds of ugliness.In contrast,western people like to stay under the sun for long time in order to get 'wheat colored' skin,as they think relatively dark skin reprensetns beauty and health.美.或许中国人认为白净的皮肤是美丽的根本,俗话说,一白遮百丑.相反,西方人喜欢在太阳下晒很久为了把皮肤晒成小麦色,因为他们认为稍微叫暗色的皮肤代表健康和美丽. 
Characteristics of language
 Some western linguists define Chinese,in particular mandarin,as 'round-about' language,which it never comes to the point directly,however,as the most commonly used language around the world,English puts the effectiveness of communication into the top priority.西方语言学家定义中文,尤其是国语,为‘周旋式‘的语言,意思是它从来不直奔主题,然后,作为世界上使用最广泛的语言,英语把沟通的有效性提到了最高位置. 
In China,the fastest way to get promotion is to establish intimate relations with senior management personnel,and the most common is through bribery.On the contrary,in western society,although nepotism is inevitable,the change of being promoted mainly comes from the employee's hard work,integrity and dedication the company or organization.职场.在中国,最快的升值之道是与部门高管建立良好的亲密友谊,而这种关系往往建立在贿赂之上.相反,在西方社会,虽然裙带关系不可避免,但更多的升职机会是通过员工的努力,诚实和对公司或组织的奉献精神的来的. 

As said in Forest Gump,Chinese people have no religion and no possession,nevertheless,there are few people in China are Buddhists,while the rest only believe in money.Inversely,most of western people are Christians,and they go to church on every Sunday.信仰.正如电影《阿甘正传》里所说的,中国人没有财产,没有信仰,尽管如此,少数中国人是佛教徒,而剩下的人只信钱.相反,大多数西方人是基督教徒,而且他们在礼拜天都会去教堂做礼拜.
Many western countries ahcieved real democracy,which is mainly reflected in freedom and liberalization of speech.Normal citizens play an importan role in referendum,as they are deciding who will be the next prime minister or president.In China,government control upon freedom of speech is still extremely strict and citizens' personal rights protection is exordinarily weak,but it seems this way is performing better based on status que of China. 
