谁能帮我把如下英文翻译成中文?急用!By this time strong nation-states had emerged in Europe, and the need for private postal service was passing. In any case, governments were beginning to insist on controlling mail service. In France L

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 13:46:24
谁能帮我把如下英文翻译成中文?急用!By this time strong nation-states had emerged in Europe, and the need for private postal service was passing. In any case, governments were beginning to insist on controlling mail service. In France L
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谁能帮我把如下英文翻译成中文?急用!By this time strong nation-states had emerged in Europe, and the need for private postal service was passing. In any case, governments were beginning to insist on controlling mail service. In France L
By this time strong nation-states had emerged in Europe, and the need for private postal service was passing. In any case, governments were beginning to insist on controlling mail service. In France Louis XI had set up the Royal Postal Service in 1477. In 1516 Henry VIII of England appointed a master of the posts to maintain regular service along the roads leading out of London. Neither of these government systems was intended to serve the public. Private mail delivery operations functioned side by side with government service for a while. Then in 1672 France declared all postal service to be a state monopoly. Private services were eventually forced out of business or purchased. Private carries did not give up, however. Some of them found a way to stay in business by introducing a new public service and----the collection and delivery of mail within cities.
The economic growth in Britain during the 18th century spurred a demand for better mail service. New post roads were built, beginning around 1765. Stagecoaches began carrying mail between cities and towns in 1784. The first route was between London and Bath. Next-day mail delivery became possible in throughout a good part of England by the 1830s.
Between 1775 and 1815 Britain was war almost constantly, either with the United States or with France. To help finance the wars postage rates were increased. Spurred by popular discontent over postal rates, the England educator and tax reformer Rowland Hill formulated proposals on reforming the postal system between 1835 and 1837. His pamphlet, “post Office Reform: Its Importance and Practicability”, is now regarded as a milestone in the development of modern postal system.
Hill proved that carrying charges were an insignificant factor in the total cost of handing mail. He further proved that the complex series of rates based on distance were needless. Most of mail on delivery could be avoided. His solution to postal problems was simple: a uniform rate of postage regardless of distance and prepayment of postage through the use adhesive stamps sold by the post office. He proposed that proposed that payments be based on weight and suggested a penny for each half-ounce.

谁能帮我把如下英文翻译成中文?急用!By this time strong nation-states had emerged in Europe, and the need for private postal service was passing. In any case, governments were beginning to insist on controlling mail service. In France L
18世纪英国经济的发展激励了对更好的邮政服务的需求.从1765年开始,建造了新的投递路线1784年,马车开始在城镇间运载邮件.第一条路线在伦敦和巴恩之间.在18世纪30年代,次日邮件交付在英国的一部分地区变为可能.在1775年和1815年期间,英国与美,法之间经常爆发战争,因为政府需要提供经费给战争,因此邮费率增加了.在1935-1837年间,由大众抱怨邮政率的缘故,英国教育家和税改者Rowland Hill出台了关于改革邮政系统的提案.他的公文中说了,邮局改革:它的重要性和可实行性,现在这在现代邮政系统的发展被认为一个里程碑.