
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/04 09:43:29
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Such as title, JD Salinger is well-known 20th century American writer. "The Catcher in the Rye" Salinger is only a long, although only 100,000 characters, it has on society and literature in the United States have had a great impact. In 1951, the birth of the novel, and immediately caused a sensation. The hero's experiences and ideas among young people caused a strong response by the readers, especially high school students a warm welcome. They imitate the hero Holden clothing dress, speak, "Holden" type of language, because the novel tells of their voices, reflecting their ideals, and aspirations of depression. "The Catcher in the Rye" has been able to produce such a significant impact, it is important also because the author has created a new artistic style. The book by the first person to describe the tone of a youth by his own thoughts, observations and behavior, but also a vision of young people criticized the adult world of hypocrisy and deception practices. The author analyzes the delicate brushwork profound psychological complexity of the hero, not only to seize his ideal and reality to analyze the psychological conflict, but also seize the psychological characteristics of young adolescent to express the absurdity of the hero's innocence and goodness indulgence.
Papers by "Catcher in the Rye," the analysis described in the growth process of young people to encounter major problems and causes: on their own about death. First-person novel about the hero from his home just seven days to leave school and think of the seen, all the hypocrisy of people and things in society so that the hero of breath, but he did not want evil deeds can not find a solution. Therefore, he prefers a child, he thought a child is the most simple. Such as his sister Phoebe. He is afraid that one day these children one day simply become hypocritical and hateful, president of the General Assembly, so he wanted to protect them, do a Catcher in the Rye. Guardian of these children. This is exactly the purpose of the author writing the novel.
"Catcher in the Rye" Salinger is a great masterpiece. The theme for the young people it has an important role in guiding the growth and learn. This work certainly represents a spirit of the times, creating a style of an era for the reality of the 20th century, literature has added luster.

英语翻译如题,J.D.Salinger是美国20世纪著名作家.《麦田里的守望》是塞林格唯一的一部长篇,虽然只有十几万字,它却在美国社会上和文学界产生过巨大影响.1951年,这部小说一问世,立即引起轰动 将J-K触发器改为D型触发器如题 KDJ中的K,D,J各代表什么?如题 M.A.,M.S.,MBA,MSW,M.D.,J.D.,or Ph.D.如题~ 文献中的[J],如题 英语翻译原作者是SAMUEL J.SCHULTZ 如图1所示,一个小球由静止从光滑曲面的顶端自由滑下,若它在顶端的重力势能为65J,则滑到低端的动能是( D ) A.35J B.50J C.55J D.65J 为什么选D? 氧化还原题对于电极反应 O2 + 4H++ 4e- 2H2O 来说,当PO2 = 101.3 kPa时,酸度对电极电势影响的关系式是 (A) j = j f + 0.0592 pH (B) j = j f - 0.0592 pH(C) j = j f + 0.0148 pH (D) j = j f - 0.0148 pH 英语翻译@for(set2(i):@for(set2(j)|i#lt#j:d(i,j)*(z(i,j)+z(j,i))=@if(d(i,j)#eq#0,0,w(j))));怎么翻译成约束条件 英语翻译J aimerais entretenir un lien d amitieavec vous. 英语翻译do i=1,dwrite(*,(('',I4,''))) (A(i,j),j=1,d) enddo 英语翻译如题 是英文翻译 for(j=10;j>3;j--) { if(j%3) j--; --j; --j; printf(%2d, j) }求大神解释为毛这个最后的答案是7,4 1eV等于多少J?如题, J'étais fatigué 如题 英语翻译应当是“J'aime chinois”还是“J'aime le chinois”? z j b z j t d j t z b 是汉语拼音的开头 求汉字 what's the missing letter?(丢失的字母是什么?) J M A M J J A S O N D字母是:J M A M J J A S O N D(“?”是什么字母?)