请求翻译这几句话,在线等,不要翻译机...我们的社会需要一些人站出来,用他们的实际行动来树立一个好的榜样. Hill 为了保护环境而作出的贡献对我们的社会乃至下一代都产生了深远的影响.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 01:07:26
请求翻译这几句话,在线等,不要翻译机...我们的社会需要一些人站出来,用他们的实际行动来树立一个好的榜样. Hill 为了保护环境而作出的贡献对我们的社会乃至下一代都产生了深远的影响.
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请求翻译这几句话,在线等,不要翻译机...我们的社会需要一些人站出来,用他们的实际行动来树立一个好的榜样. Hill 为了保护环境而作出的贡献对我们的社会乃至下一代都产生了深远的影响.
我们的社会需要一些人站出来,用他们的实际行动来树立一个好的榜样. Hill 为了保护环境而作出的贡献对我们的社会乃至下一代都产生了深远的影响. 在这个时候,Luna会不会被砍伐已经变得不那么的重要,重要的是人们从他们的故事中学到了些社么.当这个社会充斥着自私自利的时候,有一个人甘愿牺牲自己去保护一棵树,一片森林,甚至整个自然环境. 这是多么的伟大和具有教育意义.

请求翻译这几句话,在线等,不要翻译机...我们的社会需要一些人站出来,用他们的实际行动来树立一个好的榜样. Hill 为了保护环境而作出的贡献对我们的社会乃至下一代都产生了深远的影响.
Our society needs some people come out with their practical action to set a good example .The contribution made by Hill in order to protect the environment had a profound impact on our society and even the next generation .At this time ,the Luna will not be felled has become less important ,it is important people learn from their stories to some community .
When the society is awash with selfish ,a person willing to sacrifice themselves to protect a tree ,a forest ,or even the whole of the natural environment .This is such a great and educational significance .

Our society needs some people to stand up, setting examples by their own actions. What Hill did to preserve the enviroment has a big impact to our society, even for next generation. At this moment, it...


Our society needs some people to stand up, setting examples by their own actions. What Hill did to preserve the enviroment has a big impact to our society, even for next generation. At this moment, it is not that important to know if Luna will be cut or not. The important thing is what we've leanrt from their story. While the society is full of lust, selfishness, there is someone who is willing to die, just die for protecting a tree, a forest, even the whole natural enviroment. This is so mighty and enducational to all.


Our society needs some people to stand out , those who use their actions to set up a good example to the whole society.Hill's contribution , which is aimed to protect the environment, has made great d...


Our society needs some people to stand out , those who use their actions to set up a good example to the whole society.Hill's contribution , which is aimed to protect the environment, has made great diffierence to our society even the next generation.At this moment, whether Luna would be cut or not has become less important,what really matters is that what people have learnt from their story.When egoism is filled in the society , there is still living such a man who is wiling to scrifice himself to protect a tree, a forest, even the whole natural environment .How great and educational it is !


请求翻译这几句话,在线等,不要翻译机...我们的社会需要一些人站出来,用他们的实际行动来树立一个好的榜样. Hill 为了保护环境而作出的贡献对我们的社会乃至下一代都产生了深远的影响. 翻译这句话不要翻译机翻译的!He wrapped one towel below the snake bite. 英语翻译“爱情,转瞬即逝”这句话的英文翻译不要翻译机翻译的. 用于制药物、染料、碘酒、试纸和碘化合物等.把这句话翻成英文 不要翻译机! 英语翻译不要翻译机翻译的 请帮忙翻译下这句话 谢谢 在线等 在线等,求翻译这句话no code needed offer prices as markedno code needed offer prices as marked.求翻译,请不要用翻译器.谢谢了 英语翻译不要翻译机翻译出来的.. 英语翻译不要翻译机翻译的 急用 英语翻译不要翻译机翻译出来的 home live 怎么翻译 不要用翻译机 a strong showing是什么意思?不要翻译机翻译. 英语翻译如题!不要翻译机翻译的! 英语翻译不要翻译机翻译的,含run 英语翻译不要翻译机翻译出来的.. 这句话如果用英语来表达比较好如下:从另一个侧面也反映了你是好人.【如何翻译 不要翻译机】 温州话在线翻译,在线等如题,请问:“这几天看的几家公司就这个单位的小伙子不错,价格也还蛮公道,可以优先考虑”这句话用温州瑞安的方言翻译怎么说?在线等 我对他的请求不好拒绝这句话怎么翻译啊?不要用翻译软件,我试过了.