英语翻译单个字东坡志林 古文

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 05:45:31
英语翻译单个字东坡志林 古文
xW[OI++H;JPija[c1p1 /o)_u{e}ڗ\uwX⑿x7ޠ7lyzT2a^ʌ?0.n=Orx4 ]>-OXį9 ,!\<` 7NWr<oRXn..zkjxnp.3_x*;K0Mل'+3=;I/ySs;=Yss,yeJIvo9UNy_ڏm}/7s7zoEW Đڰn'Y!ޫ.eD:W<q;"e*/1P2v//g 7%7<^xcWS?s7^Vo Tdy#oY0)'7<|" EKu.BS˭dװ&Mqdگݫ7U^˳B4i:`U\.n8\{;@5K# 3r,] -Y xpop#$v*[f%VZ t~ :l5&N ]B(V.MuP!n"0/>}h&+y jۮDԕApƥv"^Ta$Zj&C/SXfL.d̚]ѭW*ERbMtR݇X e l|k|vJ_~@n P;$x,dػb԰إ!&&+?/`|^VSV3{*wX8XkzAaU1,14t%9V?Cmtנ []/n0~>a27[D~`64FE4Ri&0ɞ8;_7h=|໸YjNĊSm *k$aJ6i˓S@gJ:3nɴRSL*ԌZ"4DK'9DYY{@> g-Ffdd\-ȸV(a)Q  -bZ5䄂DC>*꣺|) S5v&$qِ7DQ$3mLo㊉Ңt=-LAmpҾQK5xړbn-1]Bf) j QBH&4f@0H}B70M=6Cȿ$laa (V LQ>Ab բ iQ٠gG4QF,,hlq#q$8֟l Jol3>jz IX,$+}6hAgBmPqIc ]4[#5-[ TbbQctj 1 Uc!8%]n "D;ߊ YU R=?m61'aU4,ҞwR020уXbY5Q X{ J# լMQ<~0=''(<5ÿyw ~,}j l;/{

英语翻译单个字东坡志林 古文
东坡志林 古文

英语翻译单个字东坡志林 古文
欧阳修曾经说过:“有一个患有出冷汗毛病的人,医生问他患病的原因,他说 :‘乘船时遇到风浪,偶然而患上此病.’医把多年的船舵把手放在柂工手出冷汗的地方,刮成末,搀合丹砂、茯神这一类东西,柂工喝了这药就痊愈了.如今《本草注•别药性论》云:‘止汗,用麻黄根节及故竹扇为末服之.’”文忠于是说:“医生凭想当然来用药的都跟这是一样的,乍看好像儿戏,但是偶尔有点疗效,几乎不容易对他质疑了.”我于是对他说 :把毛笔和墨烧成灰和上水让学生喝下去,就能够治好他的糊涂和懒惰了吗?由此推广开来,那么和伯夷的洗澡水,就能够治好贪婪;吃比干的剩菜剩饭,就能够治好奸伪;舔樊哙的盾牌,就能够治好胆怯;闻西施的耳环,就能够治好容貌丑恶.”欧阳修听后就大笑.

With the European public language

Ouyang Wenzhong wrote: " a male diseases.①, medicine to ask the disease by, said: ' the wind was by boat, and get. ' Medicine take years Li tooth as Li of hand sweat stains, scraping end, miscellaneou...


Ouyang Wenzhong wrote: " a male diseases.①, medicine to ask the disease by, said: ' the wind was by boat, and get. ' Medicine take years Li tooth as Li of hand sweat stains, scraping end, miscellaneous cinnabar, Poria ilk, drink more. This " compendium of materia medica injection drug on the cloud: " don't ' antiperspirant, with ephedra root section and an end is for clothes. ' " Because Wen Zhong said: " medicine to use this ratio, beginning a course like, or experienced, not easily to also. " To that: " in words for male scholar burning ash water, when put to Hun③idle? Push the wide, then drink Boyi of grey water, can cure greed; the food than Jun rest④, already had 5; licked fan Kuai shield, can be afraid; olfactory west of Er, can cure the disease evil shall be. " And then laugh.
Yuan you six years intercalary August 17th, boat trip into the little circle, sat just read twenty years ago saw Wen Zhong character in this moment, I talk about the language, complex of.
