每个人都有不幸的时候,你所经历过的最糟糕的一天是什么样子的(时间地点人物事件等)如果你是Jack请向Betty讲述你经历过的最糟糕的一天(适当运用过去完成时)Dear Betty,I had a bad day today.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 13:28:53
每个人都有不幸的时候,你所经历过的最糟糕的一天是什么样子的(时间地点人物事件等)如果你是Jack请向Betty讲述你经历过的最糟糕的一天(适当运用过去完成时)Dear Betty,I had a bad day today.
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每个人都有不幸的时候,你所经历过的最糟糕的一天是什么样子的(时间地点人物事件等)如果你是Jack请向Betty讲述你经历过的最糟糕的一天(适当运用过去完成时)Dear Betty,I had a bad day today.
Dear Betty,
I had a bad day today.
It was unlucky,was not it?

每个人都有不幸的时候,你所经历过的最糟糕的一天是什么样子的(时间地点人物事件等)如果你是Jack请向Betty讲述你经历过的最糟糕的一天(适当运用过去完成时)Dear Betty,I had a bad day today.
dear betty,
i had a bad day today.it is so ridiculous that people who had listened my story didn't believe to what i've said and even treat me as a laughing stock.right now,i really need solace,and if there was anyone who i could trust and confess myself to,that would be you.anyway i think i should begin my story first.
i woke up 6 o'clock this morning,a bit earlier than usual.unlike the other mornings,after i got dressed and washed up,i didn't wake up my parents for preparing the breakfast.instead i sneaked out of my house thought i finally could catch a bus to school without being irritated by my brother.the moment i aboarded the bus and the bus started to drive,i realise that was a begining of all the mistakes because the calendar on the bus reminded me it was saturday.guess who would go school on saturday?only a fool like me.i have no choice but to comfort myself that next stop wasn't very far away,and wouldn't take very long to go back before my parents realised my disappearance and thought i sneaked out to play without their permissions.so i just sitted and waited impatiently,finally it reached next stop,however the bus didn't stop,i immediately went to the bus driver and was told the bus was a direct bus to the bus interchange.oh my god,i was shocked because that meant it was one-way journey which would probably take half the day to complete.i tried to plead the driver to let me alight but he said it was against the rules and regulations.
needless to say i travelled six hours to go back my house and expected everything to be ended there.but that was not the case.while trying to open the door,i suddenly found my wallet together with my keys were missing,the only explanation was i left them on the bus.i tried to knock the door open but nobody answered,and was told by my neighbors that my family had went to my grandpa's house and would only be back in the evening.when i told them about what happened today.they all laughed and said the bus driver was bluffing me because there was no so-called direct bus in the town yet.i was really very frustrated.
upon spending another 6 hours looking up to the clear blue sky until after the sunset,my parents and my brother finally came back.after telling them what happened,they refuse to believe and even accuse me of lying to them.guess what happened next?i was grounded for a month.and my brother laughed and said there was a big L ( which stand for loser) on my forehead.
so this is all about it.i hope if you don't believe it,at least can be amused by it.anyway,it was just unlucky,wasn't it?
yours sincerely

每个人都有幸运和不幸的时候,在你的记忆中,你所经历的最糟糕的一天是什么样子?请 每个人都有不幸的时候,你所经历过的最糟糕的一天是什么样子的(时间地点人物事件等)如果你是Jack请向Betty讲述你经历过的最糟糕的一天(适当运用过去完成时)Dear Betty,I had a bad day today. 你如何看待生命拜托各位了 3Q生命对每个人来说都有不同的经历,那么你经历过的命运,你有什么看法, 为什么每个人都有成功失败的经历?以为是每个人必须.需要过的一道坎. 每个人都有自己的极限,你挑战过么? 我们每个人都有过开家长会的经历,请你用一段环境描写来表现开家长会时特定的范围和你的心情. 请问各位有过挫折吗,就是在你人生中最不幸的一件事. 每个人都经历过初三吧,在你的记忆里初三是什么样的呢?是什么味道? 你所经历过的最让你伤心的事是什么 求文档: 翻译每个人都有过临江远眺的经历,那是一种简单而美好的惬意的享受;每个人也都有每个人都有过临江远眺的经历,那是一种简单而美好的惬意的享受;每个人也都有过在夕阳桥下, 请以“经历”为话题,写一篇600字左右文章.在岁月的河流中,每个人都有过数不清的难忘的经历:欢乐的、痛苦的;悲壮的、欣喜的;成功的、失败的……然而,所有的经历都如一级级向上的阶 请已“经历”为话题,写一篇不少于500字的文章.文体自选,在岁月的河流中,每个人都有过数不清的难忘的经历:欢乐地,痛苦的;悲伤地,欣喜的;成功的,失败的.然而,所有的经历都如一级级向 (心痛的感觉)你有过心痛的感觉么?你能用语言表达出来么?大家来说说自己心痛时的感觉吧!也许每个人都或多或少地有过这样的感受吧~只不过很多的时候自己很多的感觉却不是用语言所能 每个人的人生时候都有一条固定的轨迹? 关于【【每个人都有犯错的时候】】的成语! 关于每个人都有犯错的时候的成 人类最糟糕的发明中有这样一句话塑料袋不幸“荣获”这一称号,其中“荣获”为什么要加引号 有个词或是短语,知道意思,但想不起来.“你看到一个不幸的人,可能你有过与他相似的经历,所以你觉得他很可怜”有这样的词或是短语吗?答案也不一定唯一啊.