请求众神帮忙翻译,在线等.Jeremy Scott我行我素又非常重视与时尚界的联系.Jeremy Scott的设计是艺术设计与商业的完美结合 Jeremy Scott 就是Jeremy Scott没有人可以取代他 他设计的服装有太多的幽默

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 23:22:28
请求众神帮忙翻译,在线等.Jeremy Scott我行我素又非常重视与时尚界的联系.Jeremy Scott的设计是艺术设计与商业的完美结合 Jeremy Scott 就是Jeremy Scott没有人可以取代他 他设计的服装有太多的幽默
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请求众神帮忙翻译,在线等.Jeremy Scott我行我素又非常重视与时尚界的联系.Jeremy Scott的设计是艺术设计与商业的完美结合 Jeremy Scott 就是Jeremy Scott没有人可以取代他 他设计的服装有太多的幽默
Jeremy Scott
Jeremy Scott的设计是艺术设计与商业的完美结合
Jeremy Scott 就是Jeremy Scott
Jeremy Scott的发布会每一场都出奇制胜,狂放不羁,搞出最轰动的效应.
看Jeremy Scott的专场秀,犹如在逛一条热闹非凡的街道,
Jeremy Scott做出了最有趣的服装
“真想买下它们呀 ”,
但是..Jeremy Scott是GAY

请求众神帮忙翻译,在线等.Jeremy Scott我行我素又非常重视与时尚界的联系.Jeremy Scott的设计是艺术设计与商业的完美结合 Jeremy Scott 就是Jeremy Scott没有人可以取代他 他设计的服装有太多的幽默
Jeremy Scott
who was doing everything on his own way and doesnt care about what other says,but also pay very much attention on the fashion industry.
Jeremy's design has perfect match with what business wanted.
Jeremy Scott is Jeremy Scott.
No on could replace him.
In Jeremy's fashion design,it s full of humor and sarcasm.
In his fashion show,it s really surprise attack and uninhibited.
Also plus his dramatic way to performs
makes you wonder what designer wanted to show was not only about clothes
there are more emotions involved,more thoughts and even connected to the society.
Watching Jeremy Scott's fashion show,you ll feel liking walking on the 5th ave,
there are way too many windows made you stop.
Jeremy Scott made the most interesting clothes
"I really want to own it"
will be your thoughts in your mind.
But...Jeremy Scott is a gay
i think this made lots of ladies crashed.