如图(麻烦高手搜下),a,b,c是在地球大气层外圆形轨道上运动的三颗卫星,a和b质量相等且小于c的质量,则A. b所需向心力最小B. b.c的周期相同且大于a的向心加速度C. b.c的向心加速度大小相等,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/31 20:57:01
如图(麻烦高手搜下),a,b,c是在地球大气层外圆形轨道上运动的三颗卫星,a和b质量相等且小于c的质量,则A. b所需向心力最小B. b.c的周期相同且大于a的向心加速度C. b.c的向心加速度大小相等,
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如图(麻烦高手搜下),a,b,c是在地球大气层外圆形轨道上运动的三颗卫星,a和b质量相等且小于c的质量,则A. b所需向心力最小B. b.c的周期相同且大于a的向心加速度C. b.c的向心加速度大小相等,
A. b所需向心力最小
B. b.c的周期相同且大于a的向心加速度
C. b.c的向心加速度大小相等,且大于a的向心加速度

如图(麻烦高手搜下),a,b,c是在地球大气层外圆形轨道上运动的三颗卫星,a和b质量相等且小于c的质量,则A. b所需向心力最小B. b.c的周期相同且大于a的向心加速度C. b.c的向心加速度大小相等,


Another community site can not be ignored in the effort - e-commerce, Commenting on the community network, Mr. Ma has said, "Men carry forward the Men of the disadvantages of e-commerce with the needs...


Another community site can not be ignored in the effort - e-commerce, Commenting on the community network, Mr. Ma has said, "Men carry forward the Men of the disadvantages of e-commerce with the needs of the community together. Men find many international giants companies are exploring the potential of this area. "" To want more from the association of enterprises, we must increase investment in social areas. can not rely on over the move, but the response to carry out restructuring. "Now with the popularity of computers People increasingly rely on networks, e-commerce comes to hot, the national e-commerce transactions in 2007 totaled 2.17 trillion yuan, up 90% over the previous year. China's online shopping carried out rapidly, by the end of June 2008, online shopping to reach 63.29 million subscribers, adding 36.4% within six months. As of December 2008, an e-commerce site users to cover the overall increase was from 90 million to 98 million. It is foreseeable that, e-commerce will be the daily lives of Men will take up a bigger proportion. To west, the combination of e-commerce confidence SNS SNS community site will be launching the limited space.
SNS community site launched tendency is to stop Web site to carry out diversity, combined with other network industries, for example, buy e-commerce industry, LBS, modest, etc., buy and e-commerce in particular, their website even more into the community with vigor and vitality.
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SNS social networking sites in the category, for example happy network,cheap nike air max 2009, for example, Tencent, for example, all networks, should be said that all centers each have their own characteristics and competitive analysis from the current situation, SNS has just started to carry out now is how to deal with the urgent needs of innovative results.
First, take the vertical to carry out the Road: refining market, segment users
Expansion of the wireless areas have great room for growth, burst past two years, the wireless terminal, LBS, etc. used to carry out, SNS social networking sites should be expanded to open up the share of the Internet category, from time to time to expand the strength, talent competition in the future place.
Although China's SNS industry to carry out faster, but slower than the four seas, the prevalence of market simulation, learning, and homogenization, which will make a large minority of the Chinese Internet industry is facing serious results, the user will be from the last novel, easy to gradually transformed into product claims to withstand higher, more critical, more emotional consumers who seek analysis Ereli analysis flute teacher Cao, "Coupling characteristics of the Chinese market, can make differentiated SNS continued to make good business ability to carry out, SNS also stop in the industry reshuffle. "
At present, all international social networking sites, including the happy network, including, in the coming few years doing more of a community concept, but "social" concept has not been fully completed. Men can try the fun may be other community network site, friends to share information (Zhuantie), play the social game, or even a buy (e), and so on, but yet these things are absolutely separate, the future, the direction is to make the combination of the up to Men playing a game, but also share information with friends, complete the booking, listening to music and other things that make social networking more social, idealistic, life. Internet should only be better, to do more fluent in a variety of social functions, to facilitate blending.
April 12, happy Mr. Guo Wei, vice president of network under the SAN old interview on "innovation" issue, he said, SNS is just the beginning of the launching, the space innovation and development effort is very ambitious. Focus on at most two: one, a blend of a variety of functions; Second, the expansion of the wireless areas.
Senior members of the Internet, blog, create one of China Fang Xingdong also think that the current international market competition is not enough intense SNS, which will present the homogenization of scene. On innovation, he said, carried out abroad, the vertical type SNS good analogy is worth international own. Carried out on the vertical, is not unfamiliar with the current of everyone, the industry thought, stop vertical conduct has become the launching of the future direction of SNS website.
Customers now have to carry more and more industry social networking, middle of last month, Tencent Groupon collaboration with the International Customers network "high friends" formally launched soon, happy network layout is also claimed to buy, after the tens of millions of users to carry out buy the market. Zheng Yujie recently leaked "to the traditional smoking aid buy site user, will need to launch a good product every day. But the social network of users, not to buy as a secondary objective, if not a good product, they will still be logged. That is,cheap nike air max shoes, speaking, social networking is easier to maintain a large user base. "undoubtedly buy into the industry to carry out the community site has injected new vitality, so that people and the enemy in exchange for hours, to be quietly shopping loosely.
To carry out the so-called vertical, that is, set the industry vertical sns site, after the needs of the SNS and vertical combination in the common interest of the foundation, the search for enemy fall in love, sharing and discovering their preferences. Disadvantages of vertical sns site is now a secondary table: 1, clearly the purpose of the user; 2, applicability; 3, active high; 4, user loyalty is high; 5, high commercial value.
Vertical mode of operation of the old SNS representatives, human resources, vertical business communities to create a network of people who carry out social networking sites have been made on three concepts: 1, SNS vitality of the basic, to provide users with the ideal life of convergence of the additional value. 2, SNS next step degradation, is the vertical segments and application value. 3, SNS move of the general trend.
From the analysis of the current situation, SNS social networking site has launched the beginning of the road trying to vertical, Men SNS confidence all the entrenched networks and other founding fathers were, and from time to time through the innovative and tireless efforts, finally will be able to Sudden Impact, success is found in my a blue sky.
Men now affect all aspects of life the Internet, SNS community site to carry out is in full swing. All net, happy network competing market, investment in social networking sites passion, a small amount of financing growth of SNS website from time to time, SNS showed a "feudal disputes" scenes, the industry that, after the SNS community site in a good situation under , hidden deep crisis, the industry reshuffle is inevitable. SNS community site so the face of the situation, how to stand tall talent, is now anxious to deal with industry results. After I investigated a number of SNS contacts and websites, and according to some expert advice and ideas, summed up some tentative ideas, detailed tables are now the following three aspects:
Third, take the road to carry out diversified: combining use with other
SNS is a people the basic thrust is based on the ideal of interpersonal relationships as a link on the network as a community expression. SNS also a big disadvantage is the "trust." E-commerce, buy, LBS, and other network industries into thin SNS community site so that people stop trading on emotional communication foundation will become increasingly easy, even more worrying, and then form a community circle, the circle will happen even effect.


如图(麻烦高手搜下),a,b,c是在地球大气层外圆形轨道上运动的三颗卫星,a和b质量相等且小于c的质量,则A. b所需向心力最小B. b.c的周期相同且大于a的向心加速度C. b.c的向心加速度大小相等, a b c在数轴上的位置,计算下题(如图) 18.有a、b、c、d四颗地球卫星,a还未发射,在地球赤道上随地球表面一起转动,b处于地面附近的近地轨道上正常运动,c是地球同步卫星,d是高空探测卫星,各卫星排列位置如图,则有 ( ) A.a的向 有a、b、c、d四颗地球卫星,a还未发射,在地球赤道上随地球表面一起转动,b处于地面附近的近地轨道上正常运动,c是地球同步卫星,d是高空探测卫星,各卫星排列位置如图,则有 ( ) A.a的向心 高中物理如图a、b、c是在地球大气层外圆形轨道上运行的三颗人造卫星,a、b的向心力怎么比较? 已知a、b、c在数轴上的位置如图17-3-1所示,则代数式根号下a²-|a+b|+根号下(c-a)²+|b+c| c<b<0<a 高中物理(每个选项麻烦都解释下)如图,质量为M的物体内有光滑圆形轨道,现有一质量为m的小滑块沿该圆形轨道在竖直面内做圆周运动,A,C点为圆周的最高点和最低点,B,D点是与圆心O同一水平 在地球内部、地震波传播速度变化最快的地方是( )A 莫霍界面B 上、下地幔之间C 古登堡界面D 内、外核之间 初中数学问题,请教高手帮忙解决:如图,在平面直角坐标系中,△ABC是直角三角形,∠ACB=90,顶点A、B、C均在坐标轴上,且A的坐标为(1,0),tan∠ABC=1/2.(1)写出B、C的坐标.(2)求过A、B、C三点的 人在地球上看到月亮从云中穿出,这种情况下的参照物是A.地球B.人C.月亮D.云 航天器是指在地球附近空间或太阳系空间飞行的飞行器,如(选择)A人造地球卫星 B宇宙飞船 C 空间站 D航天员 ___ did he know the police after him.A.Little B.So C.How D.That请高手为我讲下这道题究竟该选哪个,我选的是A,麻烦再为我翻译下这句话,我将感激不尽, 高一关于三角函数的题目、、、函数f(x)=3sin(3x+φ)在区间[a,b]上是增函数,且f(a)=-2,f(b)=2,则g(x)=2cos(2x+φ)在[a,b]上时 ( )A、是增函数 B、是减函数C、可以取得最大值 D、可以取得最小值麻烦高手 1.有一人造地球卫星到地面的高度是地球半径的8倍,使计算此卫星的线速度大小.(地球半径R=6400km)答案:2.67km/s2.如图中的圆a、b、c,其圆心均在地球的自转轴线上,对卫星环绕地球做匀速圆周 一道数学题,比较麻烦的.已知实数abc在数轴上的位置如图,且|a|=|b|,化简|a|+|b|+|c|-{根号下的【c-a】²}-2倍的根号下的c²能用一种把它全部化为绝对值的形式计算么.大致就这样 在三角形ABC中,A,B,C所对的边分别为a,b,c,且acosC,bcosB,acosA成等差数列,(1)求B大小(2)若a+c=4,求AC边上中线长的最小值.麻烦高手帮我解决一下第二问,最好是通俗简便的方法,抱歉,打错一个字母.题 如图,在Rt△ABC内有边长分别为a,b,c的三个正方形,则a,b,c满足的关系式麻烦写明过程 为什么直角三角形内切圆半径是(a+b-c)/2?2S/(a+b+c)我懂的那换成直角三角形不是应该是(ab)/(a+b+c)吗?(ab)/(a+b+c)怎么等于(a+b-c)/2?麻烦高手赐教