as if和as though有什么区别?具体用法有区别吗?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/31 17:43:26
as if和as though有什么区别?具体用法有区别吗?
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as if和as though有什么区别?具体用法有区别吗?
as if和as though有什么区别?

as if和as though有什么区别?具体用法有区别吗?
没有区别.完全一样.只是as if 稍微更口语化.

as if, as though的用法:
这两个复合从属连词的用法和意义完全一样,但as if 在当代英语中比 as though 普通得多。
1)as if 引出的方式状语从句所表示的情况是事实或具有很大可能性时,通常用直陈语气。名子的谓语我为look, seem, taste, smell, sound等。如:
It looks as if they have succ...


as if, as though的用法:
这两个复合从属连词的用法和意义完全一样,但as if 在当代英语中比 as though 普通得多。
1)as if 引出的方式状语从句所表示的情况是事实或具有很大可能性时,通常用直陈语气。名子的谓语我为look, seem, taste, smell, sound等。如:
It looks as if they have succeeded in the experiment. 看来好像他们试验成功了。
2) as if 引出的方式状语从句所表示的情况不是事实,而是主观想象或夸大性的比喻时,通常用虚拟语气。从句中谓语动词一般用过去时,be 动词常用 were,但在现代英语中也常见到单数 was的情况。如:
The young man with long hair looks as if he were a girl. 这位满头长发的男青年看上去像个女的。
The injured man acted as if nothing had happened to him.这位受伤的男子表现得好像没发生什么事一样。
3)as if 引出的方式状语从句,当主句谓语是过去时态时,从句谓语形式常常没有什么特殊之处。如:
The lady felt as if she lost something. 这位女士好像学得丢了什么东西。
He was singing as though / if he hadn't had / didn't have a care in the world.他唱着歌,好像人世间他没有忧虑。
4)as if 引导的同一从句中所用的时态不同,意思往往不同。请比较:
* The clown looks as if he were ill.那个小丑好像害病似的。(虚拟语气)
* The clown looked as if he had been ill.那个小丑过去好像生过病。(过去生过病或虚拟语气)
