将下面句子变感叹句 英语1.They are delicious moon cakes.2.It's bad weather today!3.Jim speaks English very well.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 01:03:56
将下面句子变感叹句 英语1.They are delicious moon cakes.2.It's bad weather today!3.Jim speaks English very well.
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将下面句子变感叹句 英语1.They are delicious moon cakes.2.It's bad weather today!3.Jim speaks English very well.
将下面句子变感叹句 英语
1.They are delicious moon cakes.
2.It's bad weather today!
3.Jim speaks English very well.

将下面句子变感叹句 英语1.They are delicious moon cakes.2.It's bad weather today!3.Jim speaks English very well.
How delicious moon cakes are.
What bad weather today
How well Jim speaks English

将下面句子变感叹句 英语1.They are delicious moon cakes.2.It's bad weather today!3.Jim speaks English very well. 英语句子怎么变感叹句 将下列句子变成感叹句1.She thought a very good idea!2.they look happy 3.she signs well 将下面的句子变成感叹句:Cici has a cute dog. 怎样变感叹句啊?句子:Bill is a funny boy.变感叹句, 英语感叹句的问题求助求助!You have changed a lot. 将这个句子改为感叹句该如何改 英语陈述句变感叹句 英语感叹句怎么变, 初二英语(将下列句子改为感叹句)一、将下列句子改为感叹句1、It is a fine day today._______ _______ _______ day it is today!2、They are having a wonderful time._______ _______ _______ _______ they are having!3、Your garde 英语:变感叹句Tom was a clever boy (变感叹句)_______ _______ clever boy Tom is! 将 they had a busy day yesterday 改为感叹句 they were very happy怎么变感叹句 完成下列感叹句完成下列感叹句1._____big these apples are 2._____interesting book this is 3._____lovely cat it is 4._____hard they're working!将下列句子改为感叹句your dress is beautiful.___________________________!The boy runs v 英文的i love you 谁能把下面的句子转换成感叹句?(用what,how)1.they have a quick meal.2.they eat their meal quickly3.it's an easy question4.i can answer this quesion easily.注意是感叹句,不是要翻译! 如何将句子改感叹句 They had a great time on that day.(变感叹句)___________________________they had on that day 各位网友,帮帮我改5句英语句子为感叹句!very easy!1.It is a good idel. 2.He swins fast. 3.the street is clean. 4.They are beautiful flowers. 5.She is a kind girl. 帮帮我改5句英语句子为感叹句!very easy!1.It is a good idel.2.He swins fast.3.the street is clean.4.They are beautiful flowers.5.She is a kind girl.