
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/28 20:38:24
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9 Reasons Why Abortions should be Illegal
- Abortion is a hard decision for many good reasons. Whenever a society has condoned abortions, they are greater in number than when abortions are proscribed. Abortion kills babies which could otherwise live a long life. Killing these babies is definitely dangerous to them, and much worse than humiliating. Amazingly, because of legalization of abortion in 1973 in the US, about 1.5 Million babies (One Million Five Hundred Thousand, or 1,500,000) of American babies are being murdered in legal abortions every year. (Sources: The World Almanac and Book of Facts and the Information Please Almanac.)
1. Laws supporting abortion kill babies.
To prohibit abortions vastly decreases them. Abortion are "absolutely necessary" in only two cases: the mother's health or the baby's health. Abortions based on the mother's health account for 3% of abortions. Abortions based on the baby's health account for 3% of abortions. Total: 6%. (Source: Forrest, J.D. & Torres, A. "Why Do Women Have Abortions?" Family Planning Perspectives) Women don't feel that abortion is "absolutely necessary." Women feel selfishly inconvenienced by pregnancy. To repeat, because abortion was made legal in the U.S., about 1.5 Million (1,500,000) babies are murdered every year in the U.S. by abortion. Every baby of the aborted 1.5 Million dies. Cold blooded murder is criminal, and should be treated as murder. (Killing a baby is sometimes, though rarely, medically necessary. This is not murder, and should be legal, just as killing someone in self defense is legal.)
2. Legal abortions protect women's health.
Protecting women's lives preventing serious medical complications are valuable, and should be legal. Your own figures indicate that tens of thousands of women have health reasons for aborting babies. Your own figures indicate that millions of women abort their babies. This indicates a very rough estimate of 1% of abortions that are done because of the mother's health.
3. A fetus is more than a piece of tissue.
Yes, there has been argument over this issue for centuries.
Regarding Science and Medicine: Currently, all valid science and medicine is 100% clear that a fetus is a person. Practically, 100% of a person's genetic makeup is determined at the moment of conception. Science and medicine define being a person (human) by genetic means. According to science and medicine, a fetus is a distinct organism.
Regarding Religion: Religion, on the other hand, is not as clearly defined as medicine and science, because religion introduces the soul into the situation. However, no religious leader would say that a fetus does not have a soul and that because of this a fetus may be capriciously aborted. Religious opinion is slowly beginning to accept science and medicine. Any religious leader with a strong practical grounding in scientific knowledge will have to admit that every embryo has a soul. However, regardless of when a person gains a soul, religious opinion does not show any support at all for abortion. In fact, religion is one of the strongest opponents of abortion.
Regarding Philosophy: Philosophical opinion does show some variety regarding when a baby becomes a person. This is due solely to the fact that most philosophy is of ancient origin. Regardless of whether a philosopher believes ancient philosophies (which were developed before the discovery of cells, heredity, and DNA), the philosopher would not support capricious abortions.
Conclusion: Neither science, nor medicine, nor religion, nor philosophy supports capricious abortions. In fact, there is a narrow band of belief in science, medicine, religion, and philosophy that life is valuable, should be supported, and should not be killed when the killing is reasonably avoided. In fact, those who believe strongly in science, in medicine, in religion, or in philosophy are some of the strongest opponents of abortion.
Regarding Choice: Currently, some small groups run large campaigns to convince people that women have a "right to choose" to abort their babies. This is absurd. The choice comes in when the women decide to have risky sex. When people make choices, they must accept certain ramifications of these choices. Sometimes, people don't want to accept the ramifications of their choices, and try to find an unethical means to avoid taking responsibility for their actions. (By the way, how can any woman with a conscience abort her baby?)
Regarding Rights: No one is saying that babies should have "rights equal to or superior to a woman's". That would be absurd. Pro-life proponents are simply saying that babies have a right to life. That is all. A right to life. If anyone can tell me how a baby having a right to life in any way makes its "rights equal to or superior to a woman's", I would greatly appreciate being informed about this!
Regarding Development: You imply that a fetus is not "a thinking, feeling, conscious human being." Current, valid science indicates that a fetus is not a senseless mass of tissue, as some people have believed in the past. According to Planned Parenthood, a fetus is "the organism that develops from the embryo at the end of eight weeks of pregnancy and receives nourishment through the placenta; the fetus continues to develop until the pregnancy ends." According to Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary, Tenth Edition, an organism is "an individual constituted to carry on the activities of life by means of organs separate in function but mutually dependent : a living being". In other words, Planned Parenthood admits that a fetus is an individual, and a living being! According to Dr. Ruth's Encyclopedia of Sex, "The beginning of the fetal period [is] arbitrarily designated by most embryologists to occur eight weeks after fertilization. At this time, the embryo is nearly one and one-half inches long. Few, if any, major new structures are formed thereafter; development during the fetal period of gestation consists of the maturation of structures formed during the embryonic period." In other words, the basic structure of the baby has already been formed! Planned Parenthood admits this. Now, remember, this is still within the first "trimester"! The baby has a small brain. The baby can feel pain. The baby can feel vibrations. The baby has vague vision and hearing. The baby has reactions which indicate a simple intelligence. Who knows whether a baby is conscious at this point? Admittedly, the baby is undeveloped enough at this point that its sensations and thoughts are not similar to adults'. However, the baby is a thinking, feeling human being, though admittedly undeveloped.
Regarding Diminishment: For women to have the legal right to freely take the lives of their babies, whether on a whim, for their own selfish reasons, or for their own selfish comfort, "is arrogant and absurd".
4. Being a mother is the most important purpose of women.
Regarding Women's Freedom: Many are calling the 1990's the "Me Decade." One aspect of this is some women who consider only their own needs and desires, and disregard the needs and desires of others. This is most obvious when women are willing to kill their own babies (either born or unborn) to fulfill their own selfish desires. Every possible reason for abortion (other than serious health issues for the mother or baby) is a selfish one. Everyone, including men, women, and babies (born and unborn) should have the right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
Regarding Mothering: No task is as crucial as that of parenting. Being a mother is the most important purpose of a woman. Being a father is the most important purpose of a man. Mothering (and Fathering) means having children and caring for them, often sacrificing one's own desires in order to provide the needs and wants of the children. This is the true definition of "parent." Without sacrifice, love is meaningless.
Regarding Choices: Women in Industrialized countries have many choices.
Regarding Equality: The "political and economic equality for" men and women is not worth much if men and women do not share the responsibilities of parenting.
In Conclusion: Wouldn't it make better sense to consider the option of adoption, rather than the option of abortion? Waiting lists are never ending for adoptable newborns. Instead of losing his or her life, the baby instead gets a chance to have a good life with a married couple who highly desire a child to love, raise, and, in other words, parent.
5. Legal abortion is discriminatory.
Low income women have much support and many options. Often, the families of the mothers are willing to assist the mother. Many government programs are also designed to help low income women throughout all phases of bearing and raising children. Finally, adoption is an excellent choice for those women who don't have the financial strength to bear parenting. All expenses are paid, and more, for women who are willing to adopt out their newborn babies.
Legal abortion discriminates against babies. Any law which allows the callous, cold blooded killing of a life must be considered as discriminatory (at the very least!). Even the cold blooded killing of animals is proscribed by law, yet some campaign for less restrictions on killing unborn babies!
Legal abortion discriminates against fathers.
6. Legalized abortion is incompatible with a free society.
How anyone can talk about "compulsory pregnancy laws" with a straight face is beyond me. Women who abort their babies were not compelled to become pregnant. Unless they are forced to engage in unprotected intercourse, they have many opportunities to avoid pregnancy.
7. Keep abortion legal, and more children will abort their children.
The so called "penalty" should be enforced maintenance of any pregnancy which does not involve serious health risks to the mother or baby. "Enforced childrearing" is not condoned by anyone, and it is ridiculous to seriously consider "enforced childrearing".
8. Every child is a wanted child.
Regarding the United States of America: People strongly desiring children are on lengthy waiting lists for the chance to adopt infants. In fact, adoptive parents pay tens of thousands of dollars in order to adopt, as well as submitting to various screening procedures. Adopted babies are treated almost as well as the biological children of married parents: they are not brutalized and abandoned. In general, the children which are seriously disadvantaged are those children who are fortunate enough to not have been aborted, but are unfortunate enough to be raised by the mother alone, without the father's assistance. In these cases, adoption is a better solution, too.
9. Choice is good for families.
Choice is good for families. A choice which is sometimes not given enough consideration is adoption. A choice which is often used unnecessarily is abortion. Family planning means contraceptive measures, awareness of the potential responsibilities of parenting, and, if necessary, adopting out the baby. Family planning does not mean that abortion is "the answer" to "unintended pregnancy". Rather, family planning is avoiding an unintended pregnancy and dealing with it if it happens. All options should be used. However, abortion should not be considered to be an option unless there are serious health risks to the mother or her unborn child.

1. Laws supporting abortion kill babies.
To prohibit abortions vastly decreases them. Abortion are "absolutely necessary" in only two cases: the mother's health or the baby's health. Abortions ba...


1. Laws supporting abortion kill babies.
To prohibit abortions vastly decreases them. Abortion are "absolutely necessary" in only two cases: the mother's health or the baby's health. Abortions based on the mother's health account for 3% of abortions. Abortions based on the baby's health account for 3% of abortions. Total: 6%. (Source: Forrest, J.D. & Torres, A. "Why Do Women Have Abortions?" Family Planning Perspectives) Women don't feel that abortion is "absolutely necessary." Women feel selfishly inconvenienced by pregnancy. To repeat, because abortion was made legal in the U.S., about 1.5 Million (1,500,000) babies are murdered every year in the U.S. by abortion. Every baby of the aborted 1.5 Million dies. Cold blooded murder is criminal, and should be treated as murder. (Killing a baby is sometimes, though rarely, medically necessary. This is not murder, and should be legal, just as killing someone in self defense is legal.)


Abortion is a hard decision for many good reasons. Whenever a society has condoned abortions, they are greater in number than when abortions are proscribed. Abortion kills babies which could otherwise...


Abortion is a hard decision for many good reasons. Whenever a society has condoned abortions, they are greater in number than when abortions are proscribed. Abortion kills babies which could otherwise live a long life. Killing these babies is definitely dangerous to them, and much worse than humiliating. Amazingly, because of legalization of abortion in 1973 in the US, about 1.5 Million babies (One Million Five Hundred Thousand, or 1,500,000) of American babies are being murdered in legal abortions every year. (Sources: The World Almanac and Book of Facts and the Information Please Almanac.)


英语口语辩论:堕胎不合法我的辩题是堕胎不合法,主要是提问题给对方.请好人,给我准备一些问题及其答案,提供一些关于堕胎(或关于人的生命的开始)的名言,还有哪些国家是法律规定反 英语口语辩论;生命优先而不是机遇,妇女不应该堕胎 辩论赛辩词 堕胎是支持还是反对 求支持一方的辩词大学里的辩论赛的前卫辩题求关于支持和反对堕胎的辩论支持一方面的辩词 这是辩论啊,支持堕胎应该怎么辩啊? 英语辩论题目堕胎是不是合法的?我方是流产是合法的.主要是为什么堕胎是合法的?有什么好处? 女人和女人的男人进.堕胎后是否不顺,遭报应?堕胎的报应怎么化解150 - 离问题结束还有 17 天 23 小时佛说堕胎是罪大恶极,会有报应的,很多人也说堕胎的人容易生肿瘤之类的,容易感情事业均 我堕胎100次了,请问还有补救的机会吗从小学堕到现在了,请问还有补救的机会吗 堕胎是否合法辩论赛正方立论我是合法 关于堕胎和流产的英文1.她不小心跌倒,肚子里的孩子流产了2. 婴儿夭折了3. 她被逼堕胎 (因为健康的问题,经济的困难.)4. 她非常伤心因为孩子刚刚流产了帮帮忙.如何用英文表达.不必照者 他这句话有什么特别的意思吗?那天我和他那什么之后,他说TT破了,他说前几天还听一个朋友讲了一个故事,不讲给你听了,太恐怖了,反正是堕胎不好的.你要是怀孕了,可以来找我啊,可以啊,小孩 我和女朋友恋爱,然后现在她怀孕了,但她不想要孩子,她不怎么喜欢我.她家人也不同意我们,她也不敢给她家人说这个事,而我也没有钱,如果是堕胎也没钱,我父亲从小都不管我,我母亲去世得早, 对我有什么评价么…我吃亏了么?我初恋是我上届的学长.我16岁跟他.18岁给他怀儿子.19岁堕胎的.20岁我跟了他们大学的校草. 我想知道女人堕胎或者流产后是什么感觉?女朋友流产了,很悲伤,不说话.把我当空气,已经半个月了.也没有理我.也不说分手.有没有人告诉我这是什么现象?问题是我们才21岁,属于早熟.对方都经 是我没有良心,还是他没有良心?18岁跟男朋友在一起的,他比我大4岁.刚在一起那会儿他什么都没有.跟他在一起吃了一些苦.为了他逃学,离家出走,堕胎,跟父母反目.可能他知道我为他付出了吧, 梦到生女儿我没有结婚 也没有男朋友 晚上却梦到生了个女孩 梦到之前堕胎堕掉一个男孩 生孩子的时候有一个男孩死了 生下一个女孩 还说孩子没有奶喝 又拉大便 拉了很多 蹭了一手 是我爸 该怎么定义人?什么样的生物拥有人权?首先怎么定义人呢?直立行走,使用工具之类的.我觉得用掌握语言拥有一定智商来比较合适,但是把握不好度.当卵子受精的一刻就拥有人权么?但是堕胎又 堕胎后,已经恢复性生活了,怎么办?谢谢了,大神帮忙啊谁能告诉我? 已经做过了! 我该怎么办? 会得什么病啊 好治吗? 又会影响以后的生育么 怎么办... 去医院复查的时候,医生可以查出病吗? 详 英语翻译我在7月19日进行了堕胎手术,到现时还有少量啡色的血块在流,现时感到腰痛,无胃口,头痛,时常感觉疲倦,下腹左右两边隐隐作痛,时常有想大便的感觉,可是又排不出,现时,常有子宫颈像 求一些具有争议性的话题!除了同性恋结婚,堕胎,整容等,有没有其他新的或有意思的争议性话题不要法律方面的,也不要设计到太多政治生活方面的就好 谢谢!