
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 12:40:02
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You are a toy seller at Taobao.Ms.Liu ordered a transformer from you 10 days ago,but she have not received that,because the heavy snow makes the courier unable to deliver the ordered goods on time.Please write an email to
1.tell the fact that the slow shipment is not preventable,
2.you will ask the courier to try to speed up the process
3.you will mail her a gift later
4.you will call her again in 2 days and see whether she receives the goods or not.

为你 :
Dear Ms Liu:
I am sorry to hear that you haven't received the transformer you have ordered in my Taobao store.
Due to the heavy snow,the courier is unable to deliver the goods on time.I will ask them to try to speed up the process.By appologying for the incovenience,I will send you a gift later.
After 2 days I will contact you again to check whether you receive the good or not.
Thank you very much for your understanding.


Dear Ms.Liu,
I am sorry to tell you that the courier is unable to deliver the ordered goods on time because of the heavy snow, which is hard to prevent. I will push the courier to make it faster. ...


Dear Ms.Liu,
I am sorry to tell you that the courier is unable to deliver the ordered goods on time because of the heavy snow, which is hard to prevent. I will push the courier to make it faster. Please accept my apology for what happened, and I will send a gift to you.
I wil call you 2 days later to check whether you receive it or not.
Best regards.


求英语小作文.要求如下:你是一个玩具卖家在淘宝.刘女士订购的变压器从你10天前,但她还没有收到,因为大雪使得快递无法按时交付订购的货物.请写电子邮件至1.告诉装运缓慢的事实,是无法 求英语作文,要求如下, 求英语作文要求如下, 求英语作文要求如下, 急求一篇英语小故事作文,要求如下:内容是关于一个女人和她的狗救了一个溺水小男孩的故事,100词左右...急求一篇英语小故事作文,要求如下:内容是关于一个女人和她的狗救了一个溺水小 求一篇初三英语作文,要求如下 求指教初2英语作文,两篇英语作文要求如下:第一篇要求:假如你是美国中学生Henry,你有一个梦想,希望将来拥有一个名叫superman的机器人,他可以帮你做以下事情:1.打扫房子,购物2.陪你下棋, 写一篇英语作文,字数小一点,要求如下 求英语作文,字数至少100,要求如下 英语小作文,请问怎么写?写作内容:假设你是班长,向全班同学作一个口头通知,通知内容如下主题:周末去露营时间:本周六地点:中山公园内容:唱歌、跳舞、烧烤要求:早上七点在校门口 求一个英语小作文:the place I want to visit要求演讲3分钟 一篇英语小作文,要求如下:关于去芝林旅游的,过去式,50单词以上 英语聚会作文 急要一篇邀请某人来参加生日聚会的作文 要求是你叫李明,本周六是你的生日.你父母打算在家开一个生日聚会,你准备邀请部分同学参加.以下是你给John的邀请函,要点如下:1 生 求关于音乐的英语作文、急、有如下要求:音乐的定义、音乐的历史、你所喜爱的音乐、中国音乐的未来、 急求英语关于写信的作文,要求初中水平,要求如下假如你是Richard,你的朋友Robin整日沉迷于电脑游戏.为此你感到很担心,于是你决定给他写一封电子邮件,帮助他改掉这个坏习惯.80字左右提示:1 谁给我写一篇英语作文啊,要求如下假设你是玛丽,下周六,2010年1月11日是你的生日.你准备在家开一个晚会,并且邀请一些朋友和同学来参加,晚会7.30开始,你加住在复兴路,48号,房子是红色的,门 求一个英语小作文:幸福happiness 求一个英语小作文,my family