
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 09:38:55
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Andy spent a lot of money on books.Andy花了很多钱买书.
2.若表示"在.上花费(时间、金钱等)",常用句型spend some money/ some time on sth.,介词on后接名词或代词.例如:
Kitty spends two hours on her homework every day.Kitty每天花两个小时做家庭作业.
3.若表示"花费(时间、金钱等)做某事",则常用句型spend some money / some time (in) doing sth.,此时第二个动词要用动词-ing形式,介词in可以省略.例如:
They spent 4450 yuan buying the big colour TV set.他们买那台大彩电花了4450元.
They want to spend their summer holiday in the country.他们想去乡下过暑假
虽然三者均可表示“花费”,但所用主语不同:take 的主语可以是事或物(包括形式主语 it),也可以是人;spend 的主语只能是人,不能是事或物;cost 的主语通常是事或物(包括形式主语 it),不能是人.如:
It took me an hour to write the letter.我写这封信花了一个小时.
The letter took me an hour (to write).(译文同上)
I spent an hour writing the letter.(译文同上)
The computer cost (me) $2000.这台电脑花了(我) 2000 美元.
It costs $1000 a year to run a car.使用一辆车每年要花1000美元.
I have spent all day looking for you.我花了一整天找你.
注:若 cost 不是表示“花费”,而是表示客观地或被动地“耗费”,则也可用人作主语.如:
Smokers cost them a lot of money every year.抽烟的人每年要耗费他们不少钱.
take 的宾语通常是时间,cost 的宾语通常是钱,而 spend 的宾语则可以是时间或钱.如:
It took her two hours to walk to the station.走路去车站花了她两小时.
How much did it cost to build the bridge?建这座桥花了多少钱?
He spends much time (money) on books.他花了很多时间读(钱买)书.
注:cost 有时也用于时间,但通常只用于笼统时间(一般不用于具体明确的时间).如:
Making experiments like this costs much time and labour.做这样的实验要花很多时间和劳力.
按传统语法,take 的宾语通常是时间,但在现代英语中,用钱作其宾语的现象已很普遍.如:
It takes a lot of money to buy a house.买一座房子要花一大笔钱.
sth costs (sb) money 某物花某人多少钱
it costs (sb) money to do sth 做某事花某人多少钱
sb spends time (money) on sth 某人在某一方面花多少钱
sb spends time (money) in [on] doing sth 某人在做某事方面花多少钱
it takes sb time (money) to do sth = it takes time (money) for sb to do sth 做某事花某人多少时间或钱
sth takes sb time (money) to do 某事花某人多少时间或钱去做
sb takes time (money) to do 某人花多少时间或钱去做某事

spend 的语法与用法如下:
1. 表示“花费”,其主语只能是人,不能是事或物;其宾语可以是时间或金钱,表示在某一方面花钱或花时间,通常用 on sth 或用(in) doing sth。如:
He spent much time (money) on books. 他花了很多时间读(很多钱买)书。
She spent most of her life (in) writ...


spend 的语法与用法如下:
1. 表示“花费”,其主语只能是人,不能是事或物;其宾语可以是时间或金钱,表示在某一方面花钱或花时间,通常用 on sth 或用(in) doing sth。如:
He spent much time (money) on books. 他花了很多时间读(很多钱买)书。
She spent most of her life (in) writing the book. 她花了大半辈子写这本书。
(1) 以上 in doing sth 中的介词 in 在口语中通常可以省略,但是若其后接的不是动名词,而是表示动作意义的名词,则此介词不能省略。如:
We spent two hours in discussion. 我们花了两小时来讨论。
(2) 有时也可后接 for sth / on doing sth(尤指花钱时)。如:
She spent a lot of money on [for] clothes. 她花了很多钱买衣服。
He spends a lot of money on [in] entertaining friends. 他把许多钱花在招待朋友上。
(3) 在美国英语中有时还可后接不定式(尤其是用于花钱或花精力等时)。如:
But your government has spent a lot of money to send you over to study. 可你们的政府已花了很多钱送你们来学习。
They spent great efforts to help us. 他们花了很大的精力来帮助我们。
2. 用于比喻义,表示“消耗”“用完”。如:
The storm soon spent its force. 暴风雨很快就停了下来。
I’ve spent all my energy on this. 我对此事已呕心沥血。
3. 表示“度过”。如:
Come and spend the weekend with us. 来和我们一起过周末吧。
