
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 07:06:04
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Captain Morpheus in the real-life human rebel group,has been in the matrix to find the savior of the legend,under the guidance of Mourinho also Morpheus,back to the real reality and escape the Matrix.Mourinho to join the human resistance organizations,Morpheus training,and gradually revealing different with others.At this time,the human resistance organization traitor,and rescued Morpheus,Neo to escape,was killed by agents,the result will allow Mourinho to get new strength,has become a real savior,and matrix omnipotent agents killed.Mourinho to become the savior,to explore their own mission behind the truth,he wanted to find an acceptable reason for their actions.Suddenly,the mother sent a $ 250,000 electronic squid army began to attack Xian Ji ground.Mourinho decided to sneak into the mother,to undermine it from within,and finally to eliminate Armor Corps.The human city at stake,the savior of Mourinho's body and mind but accidental separation,which is once again caught in the mother.Increasingly dangerous situation in Zion,Agent Smith control of the prophet,a threat to the stability of the entire parent.Way to return to Zion,the spacecraft was to electronic squid raid,the Trinity is dead,seriously injured Mourinho came to the machine city.Negotiations and the machine,the machine agreed to the common interests of human and machine,Mourinho went to the eradication of Smith,while the machine is no longer destroy Zion.Human usher in a new peace.

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