英语翻译课文如下:1.The Tang Dynasty(618-907)was one of the great dynasties in Chinese history.It was a time of expansion.At its high point,the country reached as far as Siberia ( now part of Russia) in the north,Korea in the east and Vietna

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 05:44:57
英语翻译课文如下:1.The Tang Dynasty(618-907)was one of the great dynasties in Chinese history.It was a time of expansion.At its high point,the country reached as far as Siberia ( now part of Russia) in the north,Korea in the east and Vietna
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英语翻译课文如下:1.The Tang Dynasty(618-907)was one of the great dynasties in Chinese history.It was a time of expansion.At its high point,the country reached as far as Siberia ( now part of Russia) in the north,Korea in the east and Vietna
1.The Tang Dynasty(618-907)was one of the great dynasties in Chinese history.It was a time of expansion.At its high point,the country reached as far as Siberia ( now part of Russia) in the north,Korea in the east and Vietnam in the south.The Tang rulers also controlled the trade route known as the Silk Road well into present-day Afghanistan.
2Trade with foreign countries created a tolerant and cosmopolitan culture.Persians,Arabs and Jews came to live in Chinese towns,bringing with them their religions and customs.They were allowed to live in communities governed by their own laws,and to keep their traditional forms of entertainment such as music and dance,which influencedthe development of Tang culture.But perhaps the biggest foreign influence came from Buddhism,whose origins were in India.At the same time foreigners who were educated at the Tang court took the Chinese culture home with them.Soon Japan and Korea were organized on the Tang model,while Chinese influence extended throughout Southeast Asia.

英语翻译课文如下:1.The Tang Dynasty(618-907)was one of the great dynasties in Chinese history.It was a time of expansion.At its high point,the country reached as far as Siberia ( now part of Russia) in the north,Korea in the east and Vietna

  1. 唐朝是中国历史上最伟大朝代之一.它是一个发展的时代.在鼎盛时期,国家势力延伸北至西伯利亚(现在俄罗斯的一部分),东至韩国南至越南.唐朝统治者也控制了被称为丝绸之路的贸易路线,该路线一直延伸到了今天的阿富汗.

  2. 对外贸易创造了一个宽容和世界性的文化.波斯人,阿拉伯人和犹太人来到中国城镇并居住下来,带来了他们的宗教信仰和习俗.他们被允许住在社区,使用自己的法律管理,并保持他们的传统形式的娱乐如音乐和舞蹈,它影响了盛唐文化的发展.但也许最大的外交影响力源自印度的佛教.同时接受教育的外国人们也从唐朝把中国的文化带回家.很快就组织了日本和韩国在唐模型,而中国的影响力遍及东南亚.

英语翻译课文如下:1.The Tang Dynasty(618-907)was one of the great dynasties in Chinese history.It was a time of expansion.At its high point,the country reached as far as Siberia ( now part of Russia) in the north,Korea in the east and Vietna the tang dynasty 英语提问:1.The Tang Dynasty was the _______(gold)age of the ancient China. 英语翻译free tang position 感温圈的翻译,free tang positon at 75°F±45 英语翻译the apocalypse of Tang Dynasty's social and political structure for the reform of the People's Republic of China.给位大侠来帮忙~ 英语翻译SHANGHAI MO TAI SHANG?BI FENG TANG MEI SHI 英语翻译雅虎给出的答案是 Big Tang west market 英语翻译Mrs.Tang was rather worried but her husband said that she always made too much fuss about nothing and went on reading the newspaper. Vienna tang的the tower的歌词的中文翻译 英语翻译the giant panda 翻译 课文全篇 英语翻译Tang et al.obtained the best result when they attached the 18-mer ncPNA against bozozok (boz) mRNA to an 8-mer sense 2=-OMe-RNA via PL.Tang et al.obtained the best result when they attached the 18-mer ncPNA against bozozok (boz) mRNA to a 1.Today people can design the Tang costume as either formal or casual clothes.2.你需要认清你身边的人 Red-tang Tang是什么意思 英语翻译课文 英语翻译课文! 英语句型转换和完成句子 O(∩_∩)O谢谢了1.The book is about ( how to keep fit) 对括号部分提问 1.( ) the book ( 2.Tang Guoqiang is ( an actor) 对括号部分提问 2.( ) ( ) Tang Guoqiang?3.I like the singer Jay Chou best . 英语翻译谈到中国的茶叶,可以追溯到远古时代,它是从唐代与宋代兴盛起来的.Speaking of Chinese tea,we can trace it back to ( ),which flourished in the Tang and Song Dynasties.