
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 11:22:33
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Abstract: electronic commerce as a new business model,is causing widespread concern more and more businesses and individuals. But our country electronic commerce of small scale, low proportion. Influe...


Abstract: electronic commerce as a new business model,is causing widespread concern more and more businesses and individuals. But our country electronic commerce of small scale, low proportion. Influence factorsof e-commerce enterprises many, both their own reasons,there are social factors, from the enterprise developmentstrategic understanding of e-commerce, e-commerce development.
Electronic commerce as a new economic form of the future society is inevitable, but the current e-commerce in small scale, the low proportion of. Is China's enterprises to develop e-commerce to restrict what factors? We believe that restricting our traditional enterprises e-business not only the enterprise's own factors, social factors, at the same time, the government's weak guidance is also an important factor.
One, understanding and knowledge constraints
China's informationization promotion for ten years, has laid a solid foundation for the development of electronic commerce, enterprise use of computer work at different levels, different levels, but the electronic commerce knowmany or surface, even wrong, specifically in the following aspects:
1 the concept of electronic commerce does not fully understand. Many enterprises of electronic commerce is not clear, some believe that e-commerce is to do awebpage, a web site, some only take e-commerce asonline shopping, some of the electronic commerce as ahigh-tech mysterious, many enterprises do not clear the relationship between e-commerce and enterpriseinformation, etc..
E-commerce is based on enterprise informatization,enterprise informatization is preparing for electronic commerce. Electronic commerce is a new economic form,it has changed the traditional commercial and logistics as the leading pattern of circulation of commodities. Support the electronic commerce new commodity circulation mode with the content and the form is different from the traditional circulation pattern, generally divided into B2C,B2B and enterprise electronic commerce three modes.B2C generally refers to online shopping, which has great potential, but the smaller. B2B e-commerce enterprises and between enterprises, is the main part of electronic commerce, is refers to the enterprise from trade negotiations, the signing of the contract to the entire transaction process. Internal e-commerce is refers to the enterprise internal business processes, production andfinancial system integration, electronic. Informatization is a premise, electronic commerce is the result of.
2 to the electronic commerce investment rate of returnexpectations are low. Specific performance: first, the electronic commerce into larger. Electronic commerce is conducted on the basis of informatization, the informationsystem needs a large number of capital, enterprises purchase basic hardware equipment and the necessary software system in the early time of huge investment,information in the latter part of the investment in equipment and electronic commerce talent training will need more substantial capital investment. Second, the expected return is very low. Influenced by a period of time before the Nasdaq stock market tumbled, the information technology enterprise is regarded as a bubble economy,can not directly bring the economic benefits of the enterprise. Therefore, many enterprises think thatelectronic commerce of large investment, low profits,which became the most direct constraints restricting the development of electronic commerce.
3 on the technical knowledge of e-commerce is not know.Basic technology of electronic commerce technology is the information technology, business technology is the essence of technology. Electronic commerce technologyincludes not only the management of knowledge,technology and commerce, including database technology, network technology, webpage design, network programming and information technology. Many employees because of the limitation of knowledge, theinformation technology is not understood or not understood, the electronic commerce as a high-techmysterious, showing the information technology of fear.The operation mechanism of enterprise leaders and staff on the Internet the lack of real understanding, that e-commerce is the Internet, so a part of enterprises havebuilt site, but can provide information about products and services rarely, information update cycle is long, the lack of fixed visitors.
4 to the electronic commerce application prospect unclear.With the rise of Internet and electronic commercedevelopment, reduced between SMEs and large enterprises in the information acquisition ability, scale economy, marketing and other aspects of the gap, which strengthens the scientific enterprise strain capacity,operation efficiency and decision, reducing the internalmanagement costs, reduce the transaction cost and external relations. First of all, the electronic commerce provides a number of new market opportunities for enterprises. Secondly, the implementation of e-commerce,promote efficient allocation of resources in enterprises.Third, the implementation of e-commerce, is conducive to the international market. Companies use the Internet can be carried out with the international market of dialogue, to develop the international market. The enterprise release of information on the Internet, is easy to bring the enterprise development international opportunities. Fourth, through the implementation of ERP (Enterprise ResourcePlanning, enterprise resource planning) is the integration of enterprise resources, make use of the advanced management ideas of western, improve the efficiency of enterprises.
Two, enterprise itself factors
1 e-commerce talent shortage. Electronic commerce talentin our country lack is one of the key reasons affectingenterprise development electronic commerce. Electronic commerce not only need basic information technology staff, also need to business personnel, need moreadvanced planning and design talents. The modern science and technology change rapidly, technology is constantly changing, update, the electronic commerceproject from the project, development to put into use and maintenance in the future, need to have special talents.Therefore, to ensure the effective operation of e-commerce system, the enterprise should have its own e-commerce talents. In addition to some of the emergingtechnology enterprises, most of the traditional enterpriseinformation technology application level is not high,companies rarely.


摘 要:电子商务作为一种新兴的商务模式,正引起越来越多的企业和个人的广泛关注。但我国电子商务规模小,比重低。影响企业开展电子商务的因素很多,既有企业自身的原因,也有社会因素,应从企业发展战略高度认识电子商务,发展电子商务。


摘 要:电子商务作为一种新兴的商务模式,正引起越来越多的企业和个人的广泛关注。但我国电子商务规模小,比重低。影响企业开展电子商务的因素很多,既有企业自身的原因,也有社会因素,应从企业发展战略高度认识电子商务,发展电子商务。
  4.对电子商务应用前景认识不清。随着因特网的发展与电子商务的兴起,大大缩小了中小企业与大企业之间在信息获取能力、规模经济、市场营销等方面的差距,增强了企业的应变能力、运行效率以及决策的科学性,降低了内部管理费用,减少了与外部往来的交易成本。首先,电子商务为企业提供大量新的市场机会。其次,实施电子商务,促使企业资源高效配置。第三,实施电子商务,有利于和国际市场接轨。企业利用互联网可以开展与国际市场的对话,开拓国际市场。企业在互联网上发布信息,较容易为企业的发展带来国际机遇。第四,通过实施ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning,企业资源计划)对企业资源进行整合,利用西方先进的企业管理思想,提高企业效率。
