matlab中 关于scatter plot 函数中颜色的问题“帮助”中说scatter的颜色只有若干种(没弄错的化是8种不同颜色可用)比如:scatter(msdata(i,1),msdata(i,2),'.','y');scatter(msdata(i,1),msdata(i,2),'.','g');scatter(msd

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 01:07:33
matlab中 关于scatter plot 函数中颜色的问题“帮助”中说scatter的颜色只有若干种(没弄错的化是8种不同颜色可用)比如:scatter(msdata(i,1),msdata(i,2),'.','y');scatter(msdata(i,1),msdata(i,2),'.','g');scatter(msd
xT]oH+ n*AEڢ+MIcؖgB7B ~ZR*QvE6RylaiT+xB,sϹ$:IH<9p^MDWۃ`{}% œ⊨'Uο!厷2<}洷&S`Dy[t~[.*ǯn6g<*6;KNUbDeBoBOO[\RW+?T|y,6V7mȯn}6h텃nk۟e{TR!v Iq ʇa&xYT$Uѭv(6zbnGӜ Z*Ec?+xX+{olB}ZYf#g-|rwPĐ5zcxTAiY:)02uӦiN",E i0,2@zHSܴGH{(>RY3TBK**c(MA? "M 230,=)@y(P!7DtjL,"r J[E3F޸{M$l뺤 `i,i!yK@38zG9 M,5hTWD=ZC:H[/eӓ065x ~H)>\N._"nkay9Ap;uљR8JcNR435Yyl3EWjE[gG O_;nڢܵx VlozՆ7]„_1)NQ.GYonYN-1,b&5

matlab中 关于scatter plot 函数中颜色的问题“帮助”中说scatter的颜色只有若干种(没弄错的化是8种不同颜色可用)比如:scatter(msdata(i,1),msdata(i,2),'.','y');scatter(msdata(i,1),msdata(i,2),'.','g');scatter(msd
matlab中 关于scatter plot 函数中颜色的问题
我试过比如scatter(msdata(i,1),msdata(i,2),'.',[0.1,0.3,0]); 这样貌似不行啊,

matlab中 关于scatter plot 函数中颜色的问题“帮助”中说scatter的颜色只有若干种(没弄错的化是8种不同颜色可用)比如:scatter(msdata(i,1),msdata(i,2),'.','y');scatter(msdata(i,1),msdata(i,2),'.','g');scatter(msd
scatter(X,Y,S,C) displays colored circles at the locations specified by the vectors X and Y (which must be the same size).
S determines the area of each marker (specified in points^2). S can be a vector the same length as X and Y or a scalar. If S is a scalar, MATLAB draws all the markers the same size. If S is empty, the default size is used.
C determines the color of each marker. When C is a vector the same length as X and Y, the values in C are linearly mapped to the colors in the current colormap. When C is a length(X)-by-3 matrix, it specifies the colors of the markers as RGB values. C can also be a color string (see ColorSpec for a list of color string specifiers).
上面的是help里面的话,里面说了When C is a length(X)-by-3 matrix,t specifies the colors of the markers as RGB values,也就是后面决定颜色的RGB不能只是一列数组,要是length(X)-by-3 matrix.
scatter(msdata(i,1),msdata(i,2),'.',[0.1,0.3,0]); 可以改成