
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/27 19:19:48
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Chroino is a small humanoid robot with friendly appearance and sophisticated movements.A newly-developed outer covering that serves also as a frame is called a “monocoque frame” and is made of carbon and plastic,giving Chroino a friendly appearance,light weight and strong frame.
Using a new technology named SHIN-Walk,Chroino has the ability to walk more naturally than traditional robots that walk stiffly with constantly bent knees.The ability to walk naturally,similar to a human,have long been expected.Thanks to this latest advancement in technology developed by Robo Garage,SHIN-Walk allows Chroino to walk almost as smoothly as a human.
Chroino was created by Mr.Tomotaka Takahashi from Robo Garage,the only scientist involved in the entire development process – from the design to the production stage – to create this futuristic robot.
