一道英语选择题,麻烦讲讲He tried his best to make the novel( ),but it's difficult.A.completedB.completeC.be completedD.completing应该选B,但我觉得A对:completed和novel不应该是被动关系吗?只能用动词原形吗?我怎么

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/17 05:01:48
一道英语选择题,麻烦讲讲He tried his best to make the novel( ),but it's difficult.A.completedB.completeC.be completedD.completing应该选B,但我觉得A对:completed和novel不应该是被动关系吗?只能用动词原形吗?我怎么
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一道英语选择题,麻烦讲讲He tried his best to make the novel( ),but it's difficult.A.completedB.completeC.be completedD.completing应该选B,但我觉得A对:completed和novel不应该是被动关系吗?只能用动词原形吗?我怎么
He tried his best to make the novel( ),but it's difficult.
C.be completed

一道英语选择题,麻烦讲讲He tried his best to make the novel( ),but it's difficult.A.completedB.completeC.be completedD.completing应该选B,但我觉得A对:completed和novel不应该是被动关系吗?只能用动词原形吗?我怎么

一道英语选择题,麻烦讲讲He tried his best to make the novel( ),but it's difficult.A.completedB.completeC.be completedD.completing应该选B,但我觉得A对:completed和novel不应该是被动关系吗?只能用动词原形吗?我怎么 问一道高二英语选择题when he turned around,he found a pair of eyes__himAlookingBwatch atCfixing onDstaring at麻烦解释一下,谢谢 一道英语选择题说原因···即可I tried hard to get some information about the final result out of his mouth,but he remained_____.A.quiet B.secret C.silent D.calm 一道英语选择题,麻烦理由paul never learned a foreign language,____a.he doesn't think he has to b.nor does he think he has toc.neither he thinks he has tod.he thinks he has not to,either我选的是a,但是错了,麻烦告诉理由 英语选择题一道 一道英语选择题22.30 一道英语选择题,学霸请戳 询问一道英语选择题. 一道英语选择题, 一道小小英语选择题 一道选择题 英语 问一道英语选择题 求一道英语选择题 He tried to _____ the clerk into _____ the price.英语选择题.A. argue, lowered B. argue, lowering C. quarrel, lowering D. quarrel, lowered 高二英语,一道选择题,麻烦告一下为什么会选这个选项?谢谢! ____hard he tried, he couldn't lift it.A Whichever B No matter C However D Although麻烦各位:这个选择题应该选哪一个,以及选它的理由.我期待着您的回答,在此多谢了! 麻烦老师选择题的最后一道题. 关于高中等差数列的题目一道麻烦给我讲讲