英语翻译如果那地方不对给改改就更好了.When it comes to Internet,different people have different views on this issue.Some people hold that the advantages of Internet are far more than its disadvantages; however,in my opinion,with the

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 23:17:31
英语翻译如果那地方不对给改改就更好了.When it comes to Internet,different people have different views on this issue.Some people hold that the advantages of Internet are far more than its disadvantages; however,in my opinion,with the
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英语翻译如果那地方不对给改改就更好了.When it comes to Internet,different people have different views on this issue.Some people hold that the advantages of Internet are far more than its disadvantages; however,in my opinion,with the
When it comes to Internet,different people have different views on this issue.Some people hold that the advantages of Internet are far more than its disadvantages; however,in my opinion,with the society developing recently,is gradually becoming important is our lives.My explanations are as follows:
To begin with,Internet can bring people more benefits than we have ever expected.You can find that in your life The major change.For example,You can find out something you didn't know about on the Internet.As a result,Internet plays an important role in our society.
Moreover,no one can deny the fact that it gradually becoming important is our lives.If there were no Internet,our world would Will change.So essential is it that people cannot go without Internet.
However,Internet,like anything else,has its adverse side.For instance .It is hazardous to our health We cannot ignore the drawbacks Internet bring to us.
From what has been discussed above,we can draw such a definite conclusion that More good than harm.There is no denying that Internet can bring people far more benefits than drawbacks if supervised properly,and we are looking forward to a day when Internet could bring us more advantages than ever.

英语翻译如果那地方不对给改改就更好了.When it comes to Internet,different people have different views on this issue.Some people hold that the advantages of Internet are far more than its disadvantages; however,in my opinion,with the
首先,因特网可带给人们意想不到的利益.你可以在你的生活中找到主要变化.例如,你可以在因特网上找到一些你不知道的东西(you can find something unknown on internet,我的表达.),因此,因特网在我们的社会中扮演着一个重要的角色.


关于网络不同的人有不同的看法 有些人认为网络的优点远大于他的缺点 但是在我看来 随着近代社会的发展 我们的生活变的更重要。。。晕什么跟什么呀

英语翻译如果那地方不对给改改就更好了.When it comes to Internet,different people have different views on this issue.Some people hold that the advantages of Internet are far more than its disadvantages; however,in my opinion,with the 英语翻译如果还有赏析就更好了! 英语翻译如果有城府的寓意那就更好了,希望能推荐一下 英语翻译如果能给些简要的解释就更好了. 英语翻译如果还能把判断力批判和实践理性批判给我就更好了, 英语翻译能加一点感情色彩那就更好了. 英语翻译英语差,看不懂,给个翻译,如果可以给篇100词以内的概括就更好了, 英语翻译如果能解析一下就更好了 英语翻译如果有人能给出答案的话就更好了~ 英语翻译如果能解答出来就更好了= =+ 英语翻译如果有相关知识补充就更好了 英语翻译:如果你给我一些建议那就最好了. 水瓶座女生的英文名2000年的,最好以W开头,中间如果有Z或J那就更好了.要象征着友情,智慧,勇敢,坚强,善良的英文名.一定要是女的!2000年的,最好以W开头,中间如果有Z或J那就更好了.要象征着友 初二关于二次根式的两道题,速度的话+50分++++我做的不对,请给我完整过程,写在纸上也行,然后拍照给我那就更好了,好的给加50!第一道题是化简二次根式 英语翻译有翻译就行了,如果帮忙赏析就更好了 英语翻译能造句就更好了! 怎样生成0000到9999的所有数字?我需要具体的 如果能直接给我那就更好了 商务信函的标准格式是什么样的有知道的朋友请告知如果方便给我附上一封商务信函那就更好了,