
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 16:52:21
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1.A big playground is being built af the foot of the mountain.
2.John always goes to school by bike in order to save time.
3.The driver did not know when he would leave for Shanghai.
4.It seemed that he had already knew it.
5.The little girl was flying the plane and her heat was beating fast.
6.He suggested that we build no more buildings.
7.Do you remember that JOhn and his father went to see him last year?

2.John always go to scholl by bike in order to save time.
3.The driver doesn't know the time to go Shanghai.
4.It seems that he had known the thing.

1.A large stadium is being built at the foot of mountains
2.To save time, JOHN always ride to school
3.Drivers do not know when starting to Shanghai.
4.He has seemed to know this matter


1.A large stadium is being built at the foot of mountains
2.To save time, JOHN always ride to school
3.Drivers do not know when starting to Shanghai.
4.He has seemed to know this matter
5.The little girl is at the plane with rapid heartbeat
6.He suggested that we should not build more houses
7.Did you remember that JOHN and his father visited him last year?


1.A large stadium is being built at the bottom of mountain.
2.John always goes to school by bike in order to save time.
3.It is not sure when the driver will go to shanghai.
4.It seems tha...


1.A large stadium is being built at the bottom of mountain.
2.John always goes to school by bike in order to save time.
3.It is not sure when the driver will go to shanghai.
4.It seems that he has already known what had happened.
5.The girl's pulse is fast when she is on the plane.
6.He advices us not build too many houses.
7.Have you remebered that John and his father visited him.


1.A large playground is being built at the foot of the mountain.
2.In order to save time,John goes to school by bike.
3.The driver doesn't know when to leave for Shanghai.
4.It seems th...


1.A large playground is being built at the foot of the mountain.
2.In order to save time,John goes to school by bike.
3.The driver doesn't know when to leave for Shanghai.
4.It seems that he had known this thing.
5.The little girl sat on the plane with her heart rapid heartbeat.
6.He suggested that we should not build more houses.
7.Do you still remember that John and his father had been here for seeing him last year?


英语翻译1.一个大运动场正在山脚下兴建2.为了节省时间,JOHN总是骑车上学3.死机不清楚什么时候出发去上海.4.他好象已经知道了这件事.5.小女孩做在飞机上,心跳的很快6.他建议我们不要建更 一个男孩正在看一个女孩 英语翻译下 英语翻译1 电梯正在 上升 / 下降2 飞机正在 升高 / 降低/ 降落3 飞机 上升了5000米 / 降低了5000米4 这座寺庙坐落在 山脚下 / 半山腰 / 山顶5 国旗正在上升 / 正在下降6 国旗 被升起/ 被降下 (用 我正在接电话 英语翻译下. 正在兴建的“三峡”枢纽工程在那条河上? 句子排序1.人们都说这个山村真象一幅风景画.2村前有一口大水塘,塘里水清如镜.3山脚下有一个村子,村子景色秀丽.4塘里荷花点点,偶尔还有小鱼跳出水面.5村后有一片青翠的竹林,林中鸟声清 1.改正下面句中的错别字.跳跃的小溪,一路嬉闹喧哗,唱着歌儿,从大山脚下流淌而过.( )2.(1)例句:那时,于勒叔叔的归来是我们最大的希望.(用希望造一个与本句词性不同的句子):(2 1.下列兴建的旅游景点或建筑正确的是( )①上海兴建了大转盘、东方明珠塔.②在青岛、烟台,兴建迪斯尼乐园,可吸引外国游客.③在武陵源风景区兴建民族风格的旅馆满足旅客需要④南昌仿 山顶上的大气压力与山脚下比,较( ).山顶上的大气压力与山脚下比,较( ).A:大 B:小 C:中等 D:无法比较 有一个断层山,山脚下有一个地下出水溶洞,目前洞口在水下5米处,听说该溶洞的水来自该溶洞背后的大山,如何对溶洞的位置和走向进行探测 有一个正方形运动场,4个角都有一棵树,把运动场扩大2倍,不移动树,能做到吗? 忧患:长江上游( ),中游( ),生态环境恶化.2.宜昌以上的( ),( )湖和( )湖,两大水系,北岸的( ),是中下游平原洪水的主要来源.治理措施:1.兴建长江中上游( ),保持( ):兴建 英语翻译他正在一个笔记本上写着什么 青云小区有一个正方形的运动场,运动场的四角都栽有一棵树.现在要扩建运动场,扩建以后运动场仍然是正方但面积是原来的2倍,不移动这四棵树,你能做到吗?请写出理由. 英语翻译摘要:在我国,随着经济飞速发展,人民生活水平的提高,对生态环境的要求日益提高,要求越来越多的污水处理后达标排放.在全国乃至世界范围内,正在兴建及待建的污水厂也日益增多. 乱句组段!非常急!( )人们都说这个山村真像一幅风景画.( )村前有一口大水塘,塘水清如明镜.( )山脚下有一个村子,村子景色秀丽.( )塘里荷花点点,偶尔还有小鱼跳出水面.( )村后 坐落在山脚下的那座房子是一个博物馆.(用定语从句翻译) 英语翻译1.坐落在山脚的那座房子是一个博物馆 2.照片刊登在今天报纸上的那位作家的名字叫什么