
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 15:07:47
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When wearing diamond jewelry,please be careful not to come into any harsh contact so as to keep the diamond(s) from coming off the set.
Before going to bed,it's best to take off the jewelry so it wouldn't snap or damage your clothing.

Attention please: Don't touch with force to aviod fall off when wear the diamond jewelry. Before sleeping, take off the jawalry in order to aviod its damage.etc

Please note that do not colliside with hard objects without attention so as not to fall off the diamond and take jewelrys off before sleeping in order not to make decorations pulled down and clothes seriously damaged while you are wearing crystals with diamonds,

Attention, please! Do not impact things hard lest diamonds fall off when wearing jewelry . sleep without no diamonds lest they get broken and tear clothes.

意思是:Worn diamond jewelry when attention please, do not force collision, lest diamond falls off, when sleeping, as far as possible, lest will fall to jewelry ornaments tensile and clothes damaged

Be cautious when wearing diamond ornaments. To avoid diamond dropping, save from collide. Try to take off ornaments before go to bed, so that no broken of the ornaments and no tearing happend to clothes and so on.

Worn diamond jewelry when attention , do not force collision, lest diamond falls off, when sleeping, as far as possible, lest will fall to jewelry ornaments tensile and clothes damaged, etc

Please don't collide the diamond accessories forcibly to avoid their falling off when you adorn them, and remember to take them down as soon as possible before your sleep for fear the accessories be abrupted and the clothing be impaired and so on.

英语翻译在佩戴钻石饰品时请注意,不要用力碰撞,以免钻石脱落,睡觉时尽量将饰品脱落,以免将饰品拉断和衣服受损等这是要写在小册子上作宣传用,书面一点会比较好!而且不要太累赘 如何防止饰品上的金属被氧化在我的饰品未佩戴前,有什么方法可以使我佩戴后饰品上的金属不被氧化吗?不要那种涂指甲油的方法也可以回答饰品被氧化后用什么方法使它不会再氧化像是这 佩戴饰品用英语怎么说? 属羊人最适合佩戴什么饰品 小饰品应如何佩戴?小饰品如何佩戴会显得更美? 英语翻译1.请稍微安静一下2.请不要动广播器材3.开门关门时请勿用力4.请让开一下. 亲们,谁知道在焊接作业时,除了要佩戴optrel变光焊接面罩外,还要注意什么呢? 属鸡的水瓶座女孩适合佩戴什么动物饰品? 观世音像所佩戴的饰品有什么含义? 在零售环节征收消费税的有?a 所有贵重首饰和珠宝玉石b 金银首饰c 钻石及其饰品d 天然宝石及其饰品 属兔的人2011年运程请问属兔的人在兔年最好佩戴哪些饰品或摆哪些东西比较好呢 英语翻译请注意下,翻译时请不要限制男他女他,要男女都可以包含的。 饰品 用哪个单词解释最准确就是类似于哎呀呀这种店的女生用的饰品注意:不是钻石黄金这种贵重的饰品就是很一般的女孩子用的饰品 什么发夹啊 小挂件啊 之类的用哪个单词解释最准确? 英语翻译:我们应当注意不要在公共场所吸烟 在公共的地方注意不要大声说话.(英语翻译) 英语翻译请注意格式, 英语翻译present 请注意 佩戴口罩时有什么注意的么?