
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 00:21:33
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牛津英语7B 重点词汇
1.be able to
2.add v.
3.advertisement n.
4.all over
5.allow v.
6.among prep.
7.anyone pron.
8.anything pron.
9.around adv.prep.
10.awful adj.
11.beautifully adv.
12.believe v.
13.bridge n.
14.brightly adv.
15.check n.v.
16.close adj.
17.coin n.
18.concert n.
19.conduct v.conductor n.
20.cool v.
21.correct adj.
22.discuss v.
23.discussion n.
24.distance n.
25.drive n.v.(drove,driven)
26.each adj.pron.
27.either adv.
28.electric adj.
29.electrical adj.
30.enemy n.
31.engineer n.
32.enjoyable adj.
33.everyone pron.
34.exchange v.
35.experiment n.
36.fable n.
37.fall (fell,fallen) v.
38.feel (felt,felt) v.
39.field n.
40.forever adv.
41.form n.
42.free adj.
43.freeze(froze,frozen) v.
44.full adj.
45.go on a picnic
46.guest n.
47.guide n.
48.hang (hung,hung) v.
49.headmaster n.
50.hear from
51.heat v.n.
52.heater n.
53.herself pron.
54.himself pron.
56.hold on
57.homeless adj.
58.honest adj.
59.hope v.
60.hut n.
61.importance n.
62.impossible adj.
63.inside adv.
64.interview v.
65.kid n.
66.king n.
67.last v.adj.adv.
68.let v.
69.life(lives ) n.
70.lightning n.
71.local adj.
72.luck n.
73.machine n.
74.mainly adv.
75.match v.n.
76.matter v.n.
77.medium adj.
78.message n.
79.minus prep.
80.modern adj.
81.moment n.
82.myself pron.
83.necessary adj.
84.neighbour n.
85.neither adv.
86.newspaper n.
87.of course
88.off adv.prep.
89.operate v.
90.organize v.
91.ourselves pron.
92.patient adj.n.
93.person n.
94.pity n.
95.planet n.
96.pleasure n.
97.plus prep.
98.point n.v.
99.popular=pop adj.
100.possible adj.
101.power v.n.
103.prepare v.
104.pround adj.
105.public adj.
106.pull v.
107.get ready for
108.reason n.
109.room n.
110.Russian adj.n.
111.sadly adv.
112.save v.
113.seat n.
114.sentence n.
115.shame n.
116.show n.v.
117.sign n.v.
118.since prep./conj.
119.sleep n.v.(slept,slept)
120.go to sleep
121.slide v.n.
122.smart adj.
123.smile v.
124.sound v.
125.speed n.
126.stocking n.
127.storm n.
128.suggest v.
129.suggestion n.
130.surprise n.
131.survey n.
132.system n.
133.theatre n.
134.themselves pron.
135.trick n.
136.tube n.
137.turkey n.
138.turn into
139.understand(understood,understood) v.
140.up adv.
141.used to
142.view n.
143.voice n.
waked) v.
145.war n.
146.well interj.adj.adv.
147.while n.
148.whole adj.
149.wife n.(wives)
150.yourself pron.
151.youeselves pron.
152.zero n.