爸爸为南希打开了圣诞树下的礼物.妈妈刚才叫彼得去打扫他的卧室. 她两天前把她的表妹带去了日本.C___is a popular holiday in England.It is on the 25th of D___.People usually have a big d___with their r___at home.An

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 03:54:04
爸爸为南希打开了圣诞树下的礼物.妈妈刚才叫彼得去打扫他的卧室. 她两天前把她的表妹带去了日本.C___is a popular holiday in England.It is on the 25th of D___.People usually have a big d___with their r___at home.An
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爸爸为南希打开了圣诞树下的礼物.妈妈刚才叫彼得去打扫他的卧室. 她两天前把她的表妹带去了日本.C___is a popular holiday in England.It is on the 25th of D___.People usually have a big d___with their r___at home.An
爸爸为南希打开了圣诞树下的礼物.妈妈刚才叫彼得去打扫他的卧室. 她两天前把她的表妹带去了日本.
C___is a popular holiday in England.It is on the 25th of D___.People usually have a big d___with their r___at home.And they s___ and d___.It is very e___.C___like this holiday very much.Because they can g___ many p___ f___their family.A___ C ___,New Year's Day is coming.
Last Saturday,I w___ to a zoo w___ my cousin,Tom.Tom l___ animals.First,we f___a big b___ cage.There w___many birds in it. They sang very b___.There w___a sign on the cage.It says"K___ q___".We knew that we s___ m___n____here.Then we t___ many photos with o___animals.But when we saw the fishes, we c___.Because the s___ on the wall means"No p___".还有表妹叫cousin吗,谢谢啦!

爸爸为南希打开了圣诞树下的礼物.妈妈刚才叫彼得去打扫他的卧室. 她两天前把她的表妹带去了日本.C___is a popular holiday in England.It is on the 25th of D___.People usually have a big d___with their r___at home.An
1.Christmas 2.December 3.dinner 4.relations 5.sing 6.dance 7exciting 8Children
9.get 10.present 11from 12 After 13.Christmas 14went 15 with 16like 17found
18.were 19 20 was 21 Keep 22 quiet 23 should 24move 25 26 took
27 28 29 sign 30 photo
先填这些吧 剩下的容在下想想

爸爸为南希打开了圣诞树下的礼物.妈妈刚才叫彼得去打扫他的卧室. 她两天前把她的表妹带去了日本.C___is a popular holiday in England.It is on the 25th of D___.People usually have a big d___with their r___at home.An 英汉互译!1 打开圣诞树下的礼物 2 非常兴奋 英语翻译英语翻译:1)圣诞树下有这么多的礼物.2)MIKE的妈妈喜欢喝茶. 当新年的钟声敲响,新的一年便开始了 用英语怎么说还有一个问题:在圣诞节这一天,人们在家里摆上圣诞树,孩子们会收到爸爸妈妈送给他们的礼物。用英语怎么说? “把礼物放到圣诞树下”的英文是什么?“送贺卡”的英文是什么?“吃团圆饭”的英文是什么?谢谢了 这是一棵挂满礼物的圣诞树英文怎么写 圣诞树下的那个礼物是送给你的翻译成英文 “昨天我为妈妈买了礼物”的英文翻译是什么 爸爸妈妈吵架了,有什么好办法 300字作文 最好是互送爸爸妈妈礼物 圣诞树下有很多那么多礼物(翻译成英文) 回答圣诞树怎么玩?我获得了星星,气球和圣诞树树枝为什么没礼品?获得礼品盒子才能得到礼物,是这样的吗? 英语翻译Jack和爸爸为妈妈过了一个快乐的节目,那是晴朗的一天,上午他们去买了鲜花(flower),Jack还给妈妈买了礼物,下午他们在家里帮忙打扫了妈妈的房间晚上爸爸给妈妈做了晚餐,有牛肉, 初二下期末考成绩出来了,我又下降了这个学期我从开学的23到27到34到这次的36.我反正现在就有点不想读书一回家,爸爸刚下班,妈妈在家,我被爸爸妈妈骂的眼泪都止不住,刚刚才止住.我爸爸说 家家都准备了一棵圣诞树,在树下放满礼物.这句话的英文怎么说 给爸爸妈妈送一件礼物写日记 英语翻译我最开心的时候是我过生日时.在那天,我收到了礼物.还吃了爸爸妈妈为我做的美味饭菜.还有一个大大的蛋糕.我很开心. 爷爷今天过生日,爸爸、妈妈和小刚分别给爷爷买了一份礼物,这些礼物最贵的是218元,最便宜的是12元,你估计这些礼物最多花多少钱?最少花多少钱? 小聪用平日积攒的125元钱分别为爸爸妈妈买了剃须刀和手套作为礼物.已知手套的价钱是剃须刀的3分之2,手套和剃须刀各多少元?