根据意思猜单词1.agreed,said or done by the government(八个字母)2.the northern central area of the USA(十个字母)3.someone's name or a strong feeling of being part of a group ,race ,ect(八个字母)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/04 15:34:30
根据意思猜单词1.agreed,said or done by the government(八个字母)2.the northern central area of the USA(十个字母)3.someone's name or a strong feeling of being part of a group ,race ,ect(八个字母)
xRJ@!'96ۉXOB)3Xgf=P*x0{;v]ܝ_uwmshc,H-JAhEf>&V)7j/^ڧnl}UiddBy []'߰~uU9Q)}Av}P3fc~l<]X RC$tN4_5~Wr̳8VKi]2teHA@ :? sI,DF['dE뼲0L tu͓%'

根据意思猜单词1.agreed,said or done by the government(八个字母)2.the northern central area of the USA(十个字母)3.someone's name or a strong feeling of being part of a group ,race ,ect(八个字母)
1.agreed,said or done by the government(八个字母)
2.the northern central area of the USA(十个字母)
3.someone's name or a strong feeling of being part of a group ,race ,ect(八个字母)

根据意思猜单词1.agreed,said or done by the government(八个字母)2.the northern central area of the USA(十个字母)3.someone's name or a strong feeling of being part of a group ,race ,ect(八个字母)

1.agreed,said or done by the government(八个字母)

1.agreed,said or done by the government(八个字母)

2.the northern central area of the USA(十个字母)
3.someone's name or a strong feeling of being part of a group ,race ,ect(八个字母)

根据意思猜单词1.agreed,said or done by the government(八个字母)2.the northern central area of the USA(十个字母)3.someone's name or a strong feeling of being part of a group ,race ,ect(八个字母) 根据意思补充单词 agreed什么意思 I____what he said.A.agreed with Bagreed to .C.agreed on D.agreed at 根据汉语意思,补充单词 根据句意及首字母提示,用所学单词的适当形式完成下列各句.1.What's the t_____ with the car?2.The manager agreed to o_____ me a job in his company 新概念英语填空1.Tom said he would go a____to study.(根据句子含义填入句中所缺单词,单词的第一个字母已给出) 归纳agree相关短语的意思1:I don't agree with his words/what he said 2:The climate here does't agree with children 3:We have agreed on how to solve the problem4:The majority agreed to his plan5:You agreed to send the check two weeks ago,but it 根据字母和句子意思写出单词 根据意思给空空填单词 根据意思写单词:b__________:really like 3KAfter he agreed to keep the secret l told him.(保持原句意思不变)l-----told him-----he agreed to keep the secret.写出划线部分单词 替换括号部分词组、单词.(不要改变意思)1.Benny said (politely),:“(May I have)my packet of electricty.________________________________________ Agreed这个英语词什么意思啊 根据音标写出相对应的单词:/pet/ /best/ /saId/ /baIk/ /sIt/ /faIn/ /seIv/ She said i'm a l_____too heavy.(根据提示字母写出单词) But a s____ said he could do that根据首字母补全单词 8A英语题.求解二、根据句子意思及首字母完成单词.1.It's a______that fish sleep in the water with their eyes open.2.He said it in a w________,so Icouldn't hear him.3.Max has a bad cold.He is s_______a lot today.4.Is that an English n