我准备报考香港大学,高手们能帮我修改下个人简介吗?(请用英文简述报读香港大学的原因,选择志愿的考虑及I am a graduate from Guangdong Provinse in 2012.I would like to appiy for HKU.It's my pleasure to introduc

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 05:07:59
我准备报考香港大学,高手们能帮我修改下个人简介吗?(请用英文简述报读香港大学的原因,选择志愿的考虑及I am a graduate from Guangdong Provinse in 2012.I would like to appiy for HKU.It's my pleasure to introduc
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我准备报考香港大学,高手们能帮我修改下个人简介吗?(请用英文简述报读香港大学的原因,选择志愿的考虑及I am a graduate from Guangdong Provinse in 2012.I would like to appiy for HKU.It's my pleasure to introduc
I am a graduate from Guangdong Provinse in 2012.I would like to appiy for HKU.It's my pleasure to introduce myslef here.
As is known,HKU ranks No.1 in Asia.This is an important reason for me to choose it.Apart form its reputatiion,its multicultural atmosphere and great education resources attract me most.HKU is different from the universities in the mainland in many aspects,which may be a challenge to me.But I love to challenge myself and believe studying in HKU willl enrich not only my brain but also my life.
I choose Accounting and Finance as my first major.I think thie major is the obvious advantage of HKU and it is a pratical course as every coperation needs accounters.Most iimportantly,I have interest in it.
As for the future,I hope i can have a meaningful life in unversity.To do the best in my study is the importannt mission.Besides,I want to improve my social abiliities,such as the communication skills and the leadership ability.In a world,I hope I will improve myself in all aspects.
Being a member of HKU is my life goal.Please do me a favor to let my dream comr ture.

我准备报考香港大学,高手们能帮我修改下个人简介吗?(请用英文简述报读香港大学的原因,选择志愿的考虑及I am a graduate from Guangdong Provinse in 2012.I would like to appiy for HKU.It's my pleasure to introduc
我毕业于广东2012.I Provinse,想为香港大学专业进修学院appiy.这是我很高兴在这里介绍myslef.

我准备报考香港大学,高手们能帮我修改下个人简介吗?(请用英文简述报读香港大学的原因,选择志愿的考虑及I am a graduate from Guangdong Provinse in 2012.I would like to appiy for HKU.It's my pleasure to introduc 报考计算机四级的网络工程师应该看那样一些书?做什么准备?我准备报考,请高手指教, 我大学英语六级过了,应该报考BEC几级呢? 大学英语的试讲怎么办?我明天有个试讲啊,是要讲大学英语的,可是我什么都不了解,哪位高手能告诉我要怎么准备讲什么内容怎么讲啊?再请问下,那全程用英文好呢还是中英都有的好? 池塘里养鱼需要注意哪些?我有个池塘准备养鱼,请教下高手传授点养鱼的经验, 报考香港大学英语要达到什么标准 去香港读研考雅思还是托福请问各位打个,小弟打算去香港读研,有这么几个问题:1,去香港读研是考雅思还是托福?2,一般需要多长时间准备?3,难度大吗(我英语不是很好,大学勉强过4级)4,推荐本 求高手帮我取个英文名?我男的 喜欢吃巧克力 就麻烦大家用chocolate 帮我修改下 改成有点个性的英文名 香港大学面试的问题现在高二 希望报考港大 我们刚有面试这一环节 是全英文么还有 我在读文科 但是对以后专业并没有确切的目标 但是想考港大 我爸爸下星期准备返回香港用英语怎么说 做鸡头还是凤尾?我大学想考到香港去. 有个题目我不会化学高手教下我! 求帮我修改哈这篇文章的语法,高手留个邮箱我发给你. 请各位高手给起个英文名字我现在有个商标准备叫喜牧游华,感激不尽! 单电源供电分立功放设计问题 高手来帮我画个修改图 谢谢分立高手帮忙了 希望能给我画个修改过的电路图 谢谢 另外能给我注释下的尽量帮我弄下这图我这有 就是嫌他是中功率管 想知道大 我六级580 想要报考BEC中 需要买哪些书来自学(具体一点),3个月准备时间够吗 高手帮我修改英语作文, 请问下我托福需要准备多长时间大学英语四级490分,听力偏弱,每天有6-8个小时备考托福要求:托福成绩至少90分以上请问要准备多久?期待您的参与,