
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 06:48:42
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Smells like chemical substance.Orange fire color.Hard to ignite,strong smell.Emits a great amount of smoke.Extinguishes when half burnt.Black ashes.
Conclusion:we are fooled,it is man-made.

Flavor of smelling contain the composition of the chemistry material.The fiery color is orange.It is very difficult to burn, the flavor is very smelly.Thering will be the black smoke in large quantity 冒 outs.Burning half would the oneself put out.The ashes is black.
Conclusion:We were cheated, ising artificial.

National: Greeks, more than for the Turks, Macedonians, Bulgarians, Muslims, and so on.
Religion: Islam, Orthodox. In which the Greek Orthodox Church (Orthodox) as the state religion.


National: Greeks, more than for the Turks, Macedonians, Bulgarians, Muslims, and so on.
Religion: Islam, Orthodox. In which the Greek Orthodox Church (Orthodox) as the state religion.
Language: Greek as a national language.
Capital: Athens. In Homer's epic "Iliad," where as a female god of war Athena, the Greek heroes inspire, and fight with them. Athens derived from the names on her name.
Athens is the capital of Greece, but also the largest city of Greece.
Aegean Sea, the eastern Mediterranean, a large bay located on the Greek peninsula and Asia Minor between the peninsula. The Aegean Sea is the world's largest islands, the sea, the Aegean Sea has "Archipelago," said.
The most powerful of the ancient Greek city-state of Athens first (which is the center of the ancient Greek civilization), Sparta second.
Crete Island, Greece's largest island. In the Mediterranean, the Aegean Sea to the south.


闻起来的味道有化学物质的成分.火的颜色是橘黄色的.非常的难烧,味道很臭.会有大量黑烟冒出.烧到一半会自己熄灭.灰烬是黑色的.结论:我们被骗了,是人造的. 果实闻起来很像梨的味道 银器闻起来,会有淡淡的金属味道吗?类似铁的一种味道,还是银是无味的? 英语翻译味道闻起来像树叶和纸的味道.火的颜色是橘黄色的.非常的难烧,火也很难灭.灰烬是黑色的.灰烬的硬度有点硬.结论:经过鉴定我们应该被骗了.应该不是纯棉.味道闻起来是纸的味道. 枫树叶闻起来的味道是什么拿了片枫叶闻的味道 英语翻译闻起来有股头发的味道.火的颜色是橘黄色的.非常的难灭,烧的时候会粘在一起.灰烬是黑颜色的,而且还卷在一起.灰烬的硬度有点软.结论:经鉴定大部分应该是SILK,但还是有少量的其 女生高潮时阴部的水闻起来什么味道? 为什么晒过的肥皂闻起来有酒精的味道? 青木瓜粉泡起来是什么颜色青中带点黄还是土黄色?我买回的木瓜粉没冲之前闻起来是甜甜的,土黄色的.冲了以后是土黄色的,没有味道,而且冲不开了(有很多沉淀,我看到有木瓜粉冲起来是青 化学物质颜色的总结 化学物质的颜色总结? 各种化学物质的颜色 所有化学物质的颜色? 所有化学物质的颜色. 大米生了羊子,放在太阳下晒过,现在有味道,请问能吃吗现在的问题是米闻起来有那种油坏掉的味道,颜色也和原来是一样的、也没有发霉,就是米一煮就碎了,煮好的粥有点像米湖的感觉.小黑虫 为什么双氧水有味道?闻着有点怪怪的味道.氧气不是应该没味道吗?莫非是臭氧? 为什么下雨时会有味道?我很喜欢闻那个味道!是泥土的味道嘛?还是别的什么. 太空闻起来是个什么味道?太空是有味道的.但是它闻起来到底是什么样的呢?不同的科学家和宇航员们给出的答案都不相同——从烤焦的牛排到滚烫的金属味,从火药味道焊接金属的烟尘味,也