检查英语语法错误A present for my motherToday is my mother’s birthday .In order to express my thankless and love. L will send her my favourite thing---my promise .Her strong wish is to travel all over the world. So l will promise to travel a

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 13:56:46
检查英语语法错误A present for my motherToday is my mother’s birthday .In order to express my thankless and love. L will send her my favourite thing---my promise .Her strong wish is to travel all over the world. So l will promise to travel a
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检查英语语法错误A present for my motherToday is my mother’s birthday .In order to express my thankless and love. L will send her my favourite thing---my promise .Her strong wish is to travel all over the world. So l will promise to travel a
A present for my mother
Today is my mother’s birthday .In order to express my thankless and love. L will send her my favourite thing---my promise .Her strong wish is to travel all over the world. So l will promise to travel all over the world with her in the future. L think she will be happy.

检查英语语法错误A present for my motherToday is my mother’s birthday .In order to express my thankless and love. L will send her my favourite thing---my promise .Her strong wish is to travel all over the world. So l will promise to travel a
thankless 改成thanks,
So l will promise to travel all over the world with her in the future.可改成:
So l promise to travel all over the world with her in the future.
/So l promise I will travel all over the world with her in the future.
还有就是I 写成了L,可能是笔误.其它的就没有错了.写得很好.


Today is my mother’s birthday .In order to express my thanks ① and love,i ② send her my favourite things ③ ---my promises ④ .Her strong wish is to travel all over the world. So l ⑤ ...


Today is my mother’s birthday .In order to express my thanks ① and love,i ② send her my favourite things ③ ---my promises ④ .Her strong wish is to travel all over the world. So l ⑤ promise to travel all over the world with her in the future. i think she will be happy
① 不用解释你也应该知道啊
② , ⑤不用will,有了in order to 和 in the future,就不要will了。严格来说也算错误的
③ , ④可数名词不是以单数出现就是复数,或者加the。


检查一句句子有没有语法错误Coffee is a present when I received at 10 years old. 检查英语语法错误A present for my motherToday is my mother’s birthday .In order to express my thankless and love. L will send her my favourite thing---my promise .Her strong wish is to travel all over the world. So l will promise to travel a a promise fo这句英语是什么意思 word2010里怎么设置自动检查英语语法错误? I want to p____ a present fo my mother根据句意及首字母提示完成单词. 求英语帝检查这句话有没语法错误...Someone tells me to find a way whatever can shows my appetences. 帮忙检查下有无语法错误 检查英语句子是否有语法错误.i was eating lunch at 11 o'clock yesterday morning. 英语作文,语法检查请帮我检查一下,这篇作文有没有语法错误, 在word里怎么检查英语语法错误是2012版本的 帮忙检查看看语法错误You leave me a good impression,but so sorry that i cannot be your girlfriend even you want to give me an expensive present...If you did not married once,maybe I will accept you and ignore 10 years’ gap. 英语问题关于present究竟是buy sb sth for a present还是buy sb sth as a present 有什么软件自带检查英语拼写和语法的功能的?word 是不是只能检查 单词 有无拼写错误而不能检查 语法错误呢? 检查英语作业(句子是否正确,不正确请改一下)Students should concentrate on studyingI want to get a presentHe was present at a meeting yesterdayThanks for you present a book to meHe is a man of experience,because he usually learn man 《英语小练》各位英语高手帮个忙啦~明天老妈大人就要检查我啦!尽量在18点出答案!A大题:We usually have a football match______sunday1on 2at 3toB大题:a group_______boys and girls are dancing in the park1with 2of 3fo 英语,检查语法错误并改正~You may only be a person in this world,but for someone,you are the world...somehow I feel it faintly familiar to the emotion I am now! Word2007怎样检查拼写和语法错误 英语:a birthday present前介词用什么?