用括号中的单词和词组以及情态动词can完成句子1.if you like swimming.(we/go to/the beach/together/this summer holiday2.if you are not busy at the moment,(we/talk about/trip)3.if you want to read these books.(you/borrow/them/l

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 18:05:50
用括号中的单词和词组以及情态动词can完成句子1.if you like swimming.(we/go to/the beach/together/this summer holiday2.if you are not busy at the moment,(we/talk about/trip)3.if you want to read these books.(you/borrow/them/l
xRN0wŢ@OǗ]onQn @ ZTޑ8J9dj[#(d͠.\?}ogn~_._oOsqsuΎ{P?Ng켽<[OSR %wׇ5g%fs)Q,e}iw$ JJ!ByPsPd!Lh%IZjTYf(ﮏ6"Fhj;t AsxIKX Guߌ2cRol7e0>ܘLXfPcmlE~E >|x8G<* KH/ SذɲN-Cɍcp;L>B |Q 7l$#wzmMF}eTwVC-`I__6,/;0SP

用括号中的单词和词组以及情态动词can完成句子1.if you like swimming.(we/go to/the beach/together/this summer holiday2.if you are not busy at the moment,(we/talk about/trip)3.if you want to read these books.(you/borrow/them/l
1.if you like swimming.
(we/go to/the beach/together/this summer holiday
2.if you are not busy at the moment,
(we/talk about/trip)
3.if you want to read these books.
4.if you don't like this dress,
5.if you go to beijing,
(you/visit/the summer palace)
6.if you finish your homework on time.
(you/play/computer games)

用括号中的单词和词组以及情态动词can完成句子1.if you like swimming.(we/go to/the beach/together/this summer holiday2.if you are not busy at the moment,(we/talk about/trip)3.if you want to read these books.(you/borrow/them/l
1.we can go to the beach together this summer holiday.
2.We can talk about trip/
.3.You can borrow then from library
4.You can give it to saran.
5You can visit the summer palace.
6.You can play computer games.

用括号中的单词和词组以及情态动词can完成句子1.if you like swimming.(we/go to/the beach/together/this summer holiday2.if you are not busy at the moment,(we/talk about/trip)3.if you want to read these books.(you/borrow/them/l 用答句中的动词和括号中的情态动词完成表示请求许可的问句 情态动词can和could区别 情态动词can和will的区别 几道英语填空题,用答句中的动词和括号中的情态动词完成表示请求许可的问句. 情态动词can 后面的单词要注意什么? 英语中的助动词和情态动词的用法和规则怎么用,具体例子,does,do和.must,can.怎么用怎么区分希望各位老师举例回答. 简单句子的成分分析~复合情态动词He can speak French.和He is able to speak French.中,情态动词分别只包括一个情态单词和一个情态短语,都是简单情态动词.这句话是在百科上截的,第一个句子中can是情 情态动词can后,be动词用什么形式 can在做情态动词和实意动词分别是什么意思?The thieves dropped the torch and run away as quickly as they could.中的could是实意动词还是情态动词?I can paly football.中的can是情态动词还是实意动词?稍有不懂者 初一情态动词 can may 的相关解释和练习题 . 情态动词can could might may 的用法和区别 情态动词的can和may有什么区别? 情态动词和回答can would shuold must may 情态动词mustn't和can't有什么区别? 情态动词的can't和mustn't的区别 情态动词can的用法, can是情态动词吗?