英语,这个答案上46——55我不懂为什么要选他们,明天老师要我讲解,第一自然段Tigeis are terrible animals,but a cat is a cute animal.第二自然段AS a mother,the Chinese-American writer Amy Chua is just a (46).Her book,Batt

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/08 08:16:39
英语,这个答案上46——55我不懂为什么要选他们,明天老师要我讲解,第一自然段Tigeis are terrible animals,but a cat is a cute animal.第二自然段AS a mother,the Chinese-American writer Amy Chua is just a (46).Her book,Batt
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英语,这个答案上46——55我不懂为什么要选他们,明天老师要我讲解,第一自然段Tigeis are terrible animals,but a cat is a cute animal.第二自然段AS a mother,the Chinese-American writer Amy Chua is just a (46).Her book,Batt
第一自然段Tigeis are terrible animals,but a cat is a cute animal.第二自然段AS a mother,the Chinese-American writer Amy Chua is just a (46).Her book,Battle Hymn of the Tiger mother(),tells us (47)she gives her two children education.She says that being (48) is the only way to train a child's talent.Her kids had to (49) many rules.TO begin with,her kids (50) watch TV or play computer games.Then,they were not allowed to "(51)" with other kids after school.They had to be the (52) students in theis class.第三自然段 Chua says American mothers are (53) cats.They cate more about their children's self-respect(自尊).They don't want to (54) their kids because this may hurt(伤害) their feelings.With (55) words and understanding,they encourage their children to choose for themselves.最后一段SO is a tiger mom better than a cat mom?It may also depend on the child.(B)46.A.cat B.tigei C.member (C)47.A.where B.when C.how (B)48.A.relaxsd B.strict C.realistic (A)49.A.obey B.choose C.make (A)50.A.weren't allowed to B.weren't afraid to C.paid attention to (B)51.A.stay up B.hang out C.make friends (C)52.A.quiet B.shy C.top (A)53.A.really B.hardly C.luckily (B)54,A.be angry with B.be strict with C,be good to (B)55.A.low B.soft C.sieepy )

英语,这个答案上46——55我不懂为什么要选他们,明天老师要我讲解,第一自然段Tigeis are terrible animals,but a cat is a cute animal.第二自然段AS a mother,the Chinese-American writer Amy Chua is just a (46).Her book,Batt
46. C 举蔡美儿为例
47. C 句意:.讲述了她是如何教育她的两个孩子的.
48. B be strict with sb. 对某人严格要求. A relaxed "放松" C项是“现实”的意思
49. A 她的孩子不得不遵守很多规定. obey rules "遵守规则",固定搭配.
50. A 她不允许孩子看电视或玩电脑游戏 B 项是害怕的意思,C项是 注意的意思
51.B 句意是 放学之后 不允许和其他孩子一起闲逛(hang out); stay up “熬夜”
make friends"交朋友"
52. C 他们必须成为班级里的尖子生; top 最高、最上的意思;A 项“安静的”B项“害羞的”
53. A 美国的母亲就像是(真的、温柔的)猫.
54. B 结合上下文可知是 严格要求 be angry with "对某人生气" . be good to "对.好"
55. B.美国母亲用温柔的话语和体会孩子的心情,让孩子进行自我选择,而非像虎妈那样对孩子施加压力,严格要求.low '低的' sleepy “昏昏欲睡的”

以下是这篇完型填空的背景知识:她是“虎妈”,是美国耶鲁大学的华裔教授蔡美儿,近日她出版了一本名叫《虎妈战歌》的书在美国引起轰动.该书介绍了她如何以中国式教育方法管教两个女儿,她骂女儿垃圾、要求每科成绩拿A、不准看电视、琴练不好就不准吃饭等.虎妈的教育方法轰动了美国教育界,并引起美国关于中美教育方法的大讨论,如今讨论随着《时代》周刊的参与,几乎达到了一个高潮.虎妈的故事登上了最新一期《时代》周刊封面.作为美国三大时事性周刊之一、内容广泛、对国际问题发表主张和对国际重大事件进行跟踪报道的《时代》周刊,能将宝贵的版面拿来讨论“虎妈现象”,说明,虎妈所谓的教育理念,已经受到了越来越多人的关注、讨论和异议.不要忘了,讨论虽是一种轰动,更意味着异议大量存在.贴上耶鲁大学法律教授的标签,“棍棒教育” 等垃圾价值观仍然不好使