英语高手进,261_______ look as if we are going to have some trouble A.It B.There 谢

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 09:40:59
英语高手进,261_______ look as if we are going to have some trouble A.It B.There 谢
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英语高手进,261_______ look as if we are going to have some trouble A.It B.There 谢
_______ look as if we are going to have some trouble

英语高手进,261_______ look as if we are going to have some trouble A.It B.There 谢
A.It it looks as if 看起来好像 这是固定句型

【英语高手进】汉译英:一些男生在课堂上做鬼脸引得其他同学大笑格式:Some boys ______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______后面填六个单词。 英语高手进,261_______ look as if we are going to have some trouble A.It B.There 谢 英语高手进.I often go fishing on _______(Sunday).谢了@! 翻译词组(英语),英语高手进!初二想起某人_______进展________两边看_________谢了…… 英语高手进, 英语高手进,快来做单选. 英语时态问题,英语高手进(初中问题)1.when he arrived,it _______(rain)2.the good news ________(make)them happy.They saw her dance yesterday.(改为被动句)she ______ _______ ________ ________ by them yesterday. 英语紧急提问,请高手速进He was lucky to find a good job(改为感叹句)_______ _________ he _________ _________ find a good job! 英语高手进,求高手帮忙按图写一篇英语作文. 英语练习题 高手进 快! 英语高手进,要回答超快, ★★★英语高手进!句子的适当形式填空!★★★1 They are ______(draw) a picture.2 Do you know the _______(woman)names?3 You must be _______(help) to others.4 Look,Lily and Lucy _______(dance)in the room.5 I like ________(listen) to th 英语反义词悬赏20!高手快进!追加悬赏哦!heie-_______ out-________ down-______hot-________ cool-________ mother-______ on-________ interesting-_______ ends- shag you on the loo! Excuse me,Wei Fang.46_______ B:Sorry,I don’t know.47_______ Tony is coming.You can ask him.A:48_______ What’s the time,please?C:It’s around 3:30.A:Thank you,Tony.C:You’re welcome.Oh,49_______ Look!B:Is it black?C:50_______ B:Let me have a loo south,the south,southern...如何运用(英语高手进)1.这三者有什么区别,词性分别是什么2.应该怎么用(尤其是和冠词的搭配方面)3.以下这四道题(1) _______ Suez Canal brought________ east and_______ west closer 英语高手进,就一小题!每空填一个单词Which ruller is longer?They are _______ ________ ______each other.(图上画的是2把一模一样长的尺子) 英语高手进,进了发题