
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 00:47:40
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第一单元:A Word order
1 My hotel room overlooked a courtyard in which there was a fountain and several trees.
2 Though Uncle Charles looked everywhere for his glasses, he could not find them.
3 During Christmas, there was so much extra work at the post office that a great number of students were employed to help.
4 I don't want to see that film because it had poor reviews.
5 Now that wages have gone up, prices will rise and the cost of living will be higher than ever.
6 Although the police searched everywhere, neither the missing boy nor his dog could be found.
7 James Sullivan, whose book on the Antarctic was published recently, will give a lecture at the local library next week.
8 In spite of the fact that fares have increased, the railway company is still losing money because the employees have demanded higher wages.
9 He gave me such a fright that I knocked the teapot over.
10 The climbers not only reached the top of the mountain but they spent the night there as well.
B Composition
We watched the circus act. A man was walking on a tightrope, and then he rode a one-wheel bicycle across, carrying two others on his shoulders. When he got to the other side, the crowd clapped his performance.
He returned to give a repeat performance and rode out onto the tightrope again. He looked very confident, as he had done the first time, but he was doing a hand-stand on the one-wheel bicycle when he lost his balance. The crowd gasped as he grabbed the tightrope. He seemed to hang there for ever, holding on to the bicycle. Then slowly he managed to climb on again and ride to the other side. There was a silence that you could almost hear (if you know what I mean)before the audience burst out clapping and cheering. (140 words)
C Verbs
a died, has just had, were, have been trying, died, was, lasted, proved, removed, sent, found, did not show, have not decided, died, feared, cut, has not happened, survived
b used to travel, was, used to live or lived, used to fly or would fly, used to take or would take, had, were flying, gaining, turned, flew, were waiting, told
c will last, will continue, is reached/has been reached, will last, have offered/will offer/are offering, will relieve, lasts, drive, will have to
d will be retiring, will be sending, will sign, will be sent, will all remember, will be attending, will have been teaching, retires, will devote, will be
e waved, had been water skiing, had, were thrown, struck, continued, had just begun, noticed, came, had roared
f 1 found, had reached 2 have just moved, are 3 met, told, had just returned 4 will be set up 5 went or used to go 6 will have been studying 7 were arguing, stole
g is now known, are sighted, are washed, are rarely caught, was caught, was carried, was eventually brought, was found, has since been sent, has been examined, is called, are rarely seen
h The man told the court that at the time the murder was committed he was travelling on the 8 When the inspector asked him if he always caught such an early train, the man answered that of course he did. He said he had to be at work at 10 o'clock and added that his employer would confirm that he was there on time.
When the inspector asked him if a later train would get him to work on time, he said that he supposed it would, but that he never caught a later train.
When the inspector asked him what time he arrived at the station, he said he had arrived at ten to eight, that he had bought a paper and waited for the train.
And when the inspector asked if he had noticed anything unusual, he said that he hadn't.
i 1 are not brought 2 will cause 3 would have completed
j ringing, climbing or to climb, cleaning, answering, cleaning, interrupting, to interrupt, working, coming, to stay
D Other verbs
a 1 had to go 2 should have gone 3 should begin
b 1 ‘I shall have the parcel delivered,’ said the shop assistant.
2 Are you going to have this suit cleaned?
3 When will you have this jacket dyed?
c 1 Can you show me the way to the station, please?
2 I give him a few lessons and he was soon able to swim.
3 They were able to jump into the sea before the boat sank.
4 You cannot leave this room until you get permission.
E A and The
an, —, a, —, —, a, the, —, a, an, —, —, a, —
F Supply the missing words in the following most, from, in, biggest, of, lot, different, many, range/variety
G Supply the missing words in these sentences
1 at 2 in, in 3 to/from, on 4 on, on 5 at
6 in (to), to 7 in 8 of 9 in 10 in
11 in 12 on 13 with 14 at/on 15 to
Special difficulties
A Words often confused
1 between 2 usual 3 headmaster 4 clothing
5 clothes 6 clear 7 clear 8 wash
9 mood 10 temper 11 too 12 fairly
13 old enough 14 petrol
B Write sentences using each of the following
1 I always get up at 7 o'clock. /She is slowly getting over her illness. /The prisoners couldn't get away. The walls were too high. /Get out! You're annoying me.
2 Please keep off the grass./They built the wall round the house to keep people out./ The teacher kept all the children in after school for misbehaving. /John found it difficult to keep up. The others were running too fast for him.
3 He has deceived a lot of people, but he can't take me in./I think you should take up a new hobby. / The plane took off at 4 yesterday afternoon./ The girl's mother took her doll away.
4 I ran into a very old friend last weekend./ We have run out of bread. Can you get some? / Don't run away: I want to talk to you./ She ran after him as he cycled off down the road.
5 She didn't want to tell the truth, so she made up a silly story./ As soon as we reach the top of the hill, we'll turn round and make for home./ From this distance, I can't make out what they're doing./In order to make up for what he had done before, he took them all out for a good meal.
C Write sentences using the following
1 The leaves of many trees turn yellow in autumn.
2 If you leave milk out in the heat, it will go sour.
3 In winter here it grows dark by 5 o'clock.
4 If you fall ill while you're here, you must see a doctor.
5 If all my dreams come true, I shall be a very happy man.
6 Don't get angry with me: it wasn't my fault.
1…so do I. 2…neither should I. 3… so am I.
4…so will I. 5…so did I. 6 … neither have I.
(Possible completions)
a After an absence of forty years, the man returned to the town where he had been born. Now, as the train drew into the station, he remembered how, as a boy, he had spent many days there watching the trains.The station itself had not changed, but when he walked outside, he got a shock. The old church which used to stand alone was now surrounded by lots of buildings. He noticed with dismay that new blocks of flats had grown up all round the church. After, he went to his old neighbourhood. He was pleased to find that little had changed. Everything was exactly as he remembered it. Even the little shop where he used to buy his sweets. He smiled with pleasure when he saw that the old school was still there, too. When he had spent enough time there, he rapidly made his way to the house where he had been born and brought up. (158 words)
b When the prisoner saw that the soldiers were coming, he climbed up and hid on the roof of the house.From his hiding place behind a large chimney, he saw the soldiers arrive and watched as they surrounded the village. The first thing they did was to take the villager outside the house into the square and question him. It was obvious to the prisoner, from the way that the villager shook his head, that he pretended not to understand what the soldiers were saying. Fortunately, then, the soldiers just left him, and did not beat him,as the prisoner thought they might have done.
While some of the soldiers then searched the house and the fields around the house, three or four others fetched a ladder and climbed on to the roof. They were on the other side of the house, but the moment the prisoner saw this, he climbed down a drain pipe on his side, and managed to get back into the house through an open window. As he found himself in a bedroom, he hid in a large wardrobe, closed the door and waited. After about half an hour, he heard the sergeant shouting orders down in the square, and the soldiers left. (207 words )
Key structures
a going, seemed, had (no sooner) gone, rang, was, spending, got, dressed, was, got, were, hurried, had been walking, decided, was just opening or had just opened, discovered, was, had set
b have been discovered, used, drew, was made, was walking or had walked, stopped, did, saw, have been found, are being hunted, are shooting, are running, are trying, thinks, are learning or have learned
c will supply, will take, will change or will be changed, are employed, is completed or has been completed,will cost or will have cost, has built/have built or is building/are building, will improve, will produce, will be built, will have
d After the crash, two angry drivers got out of their cars.
‘Do you always sleep when you're driving?’asked the first driver sarcastically.‘You were on the wrong side of the road.’
‘Do you mean to tell me,’shouted the second driver,‘that you didn't notice that this road was being repaired? Of course I was driving on the wrong side of the road when you hit me. The other side is full of holes.’
‘Didn't you see the traffic sign?’
‘Listen,’said the first driver. ‘Have you ever driven a car before? I've been driving a car for twenty years.
There are good driving schools for people like you. There they teach you lots of things ---- how to drive a car, for instance.’
‘Now you're really telling me something,’answered the second man angrily.‘I happen to be a driving instructor.’
e After the crash, two angry drivers got out of their cars. The first driver asked sarcastically whether the other man always slept when he was driving. He was on the wrong side of the road. Shouting angrily, the second driver asked the first one whether he had noticed that the road was being repaired. He was driving on the wrong side of the road when the first man hit him because the other side was full of holes. He asked him if he had seen the traffic sign. The first driver then asked whether he had ever driven a car before. He said that he had been driving a car for twenty years. There were, he added, good driving schools for people like the other driver.There they taught you lots of things ---- how to drive a car, for instance. Grateful for this information, the second man angrily informed the first one that he happened to be a driving instructor.
f 1 If you hadn't been more careful, you might have been knocked down by a car.
2 If she hears anything, she will let you know.
3 If you were in my position, what would you do?
g 1 You mustn't go into town on your own.
You needn't do that if you don't want to.
2 I had to pay the man a dollar, so I did.
I should have paid the man a dollar, but I didn't.
3 I have to be there by 11 o'clock for my appointment.
I should be there early if I want to get a good ticket.
4 You must be here at 8 every morning.
You must eat more vegetables.
5 I could swim very well when I was younger.
After trying to pick the lock for ages, she was finally able to open the door and escape.
6 My brother could solve difficult maths problems even when he was very young.
I finally managed to solve the problem.
h 1 On receiving the prize, he smiled with pleasure.
2 I am not looking forward to getting my exam results.
3 Instead of lying in bed, you should see a doctor.
4 Don't you think this room needs redecorating?
5 You should avoid staying in the sun too long.
i ----, ----, ----, ----, a, a, an, the, a, the, the, the, The,----,----, a, the, The, the, a, the, ----,the, the
j 1 At, in, at or outside, out, (up) to, on , into or inside
2 of, in, on, out of, to, since, after
3 with, and, in,in, into, in, in or inside, for, at, at
4 of
5 of, to
6 to, from
7 about, on
8 from, with
9 to, of
10 with, to
11 at, on
12 of, for
Special difficulties
1 If he happens to mention me, give him my regards.
2 It happens that I met him last year.
3 Not only was she first in the test, but she scored 99%.
4 Never have I seen such a messy house.
5 Seldom do we have to do jobs like this.
6 Suppose he gets the job, what then?
7 I suppose you want to go soon.
8 She is supposed to be an expert.
9 They were supposed to be home by 8.
10 Whatever you do, don't tell her what I've told you.
11 You can come whenever you like.
12 Whenever she sees that film, it makes her cry.
13 I now wish (that) I had listened more carefully.
14 I wish (that) I had stayed at home yesterday.
15 I wish (that) they would come back soon.
16 I was delighted to receive your letter.
17 We are proud of our basketball team.
18 I would sooner wait for the rest.
19 He would rather not go alone.
20 I would rather she listened to her parents.
21 You had better start studying for your exams.
22 I find it difficult to know what to say.
23 No one considers him to be very clever.
