
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 02:45:44
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汗一个.读到你说“我是一名英语老师”的时候.我愣了3秒 哎没关系啦 我一直是一个好学生 有时候也会偷懒 干脆让别人帮忙的时候也有.
好了 切入正题(因为英语和汉语的写作方法有所不同,所以翻译也略有不同:
My parents really cared about me when i was small;they reminded me to do my homeworks everyday.At the same time,i learned lots of hobbies and extra cricular activities like badminton,photography,and ping-pong.When i was in college,i was the captian of my class for 3 years,i've lead many activities like camping or talent shows.i recived many awards; i won the Best Captian for 3 times.i was the president for sign language club; i was in charge of connecting ours to the other clubs out there.so i won the Best Prisident for it.Those all helped me with the developements in leadership,and interpersonalities.i was involved with lots of activities even during breaks; i was a teaching assitant and was a leader of it.As an english teacher now,i am trying by best to spread my knowleges to my students.In the summer of the third year of my college,i was assisted to a treasure at one of the building companies; from that i leared lots of stuffs i would not have learned from my normal life.Expriences are lessons for life.(啊 累死了.我很认真的给你敲得.希望会有帮助哦!)

personal statement

Since the childhood, my parents education is strictly, urge me to study hard. However, learning also peacetime still developed many hobbies, such as photography, table tennis, badminton, etc. During t...


Since the childhood, my parents education is strictly, urge me to study hard. However, learning also peacetime still developed many hobbies, such as photography, table tennis, badminton, etc. During the university, I served as a monitor for three years, organize several class activities, spring autumn, class soiree etc, many awards, three times get courtyard of an excellent student cadre title. I also served as a college sign language club community outreach department minister, various outreach activities conducted societies, made outstanding achievements, and obtain the cadres title. These training a well organized, communication and management coordination Summer practice activity is rich, once organized and participate in education, as an English teacher, I try our best to put his own knowledge spread to the students. Junior year summer vacation, I worked as a installation engineering company accounting assistant, knowledge comes from practice, I learned many things couldn't be found at school.


Since childhood, father and mother educate are very strict, supervise me to study diligently. However, study at the same time usually also has also raised many hobbies, like photography, pingpong, bad...


Since childhood, father and mother educate are very strict, supervise me to study diligently. However, study at the same time usually also has also raised many hobbies, like photography, pingpong, badminton and so on.
in university period, I am class leader three years, organization many classes and gradees move, like the spring autumn outing, the class and grade party and so on, wins an award many times, three times obtains the courtyard outstanding student cadre's title. I have also been institute sign language society mass organization's external liaison department minister, carries on outside mass organization each item to unite the activity, the result is prominent, and obtains the picked cadre title. These have raised the good organizing faculty, exchange ability and management coordinated ability
practice are summer rich, once organized and participates to teach, to take an English teacher, I exhaust ability disseminate my knowledge for the student. The great three summer vacations, I hold the pos


英语翻译从小,爸妈教育很严格,督促我努力学习。不过,学习的同时还平时还培养了多个业余爱好,如摄影、乒乓球、羽毛球等。在大学期间,我担任班长三年,组织多项班级活动,如春 英语翻译 “不断督促自己努力” 英语翻译我的妈妈从小就很爱我,她从小就教育我怎么做人,告诉我什么事情应该做,什么事情不该做.妈妈给我洗衣服,给我做饭,陪我一起玩,那使我很高兴.但是,妈妈对我的学习很严格,明天都会 英语翻译尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们,我的名字叫XX,今年11周岁了.与许多同学一样,我在家中是独生女,但我的父母没有因此而溺爱我,从小让我接受严格的教育,对错分明,你们可能会觉得,我的童 英语翻译求翻译,如果你努力的话,你的梦想就会实现.我们的老师总是对我们很严格.我不必天天来上学. 英语翻译由于我的父母都从事教育行业,他们对我非常严格我每天放学之后就骑车回家,六点半之前到家从小就养成了有变化随时跟家人联系的习惯虽然他们经常批评我,但我们的感情非常要好. 求文档:“我是一个新生,我很荣幸是您的学生,以后,希望您能严格的要求我、督促我,让我在知识的海洋里 我父母对我要求很严格,英语翻译! 英语翻译我的爸爸要求很严格,对我总是非常的严厉,经常会教育我,给我讲一些道理,我很敬佩他,我爱我的爸爸,他教会了我很多东西. 家庭教育太严格我生在一个干部家庭,父母双职工.而且是生活在大城市.我从小就被家人用大道理讲大的,我没有真正的得到快乐和自由,一天生活的政治的很,从来都生活在他们的阴影下.教育我 什么词语的意思是比喻严格督促使进步 比喻严格督促使之进步的成语是什么 一个人从小受到严格的教育,一个人会获得道德实践的勇气和力量 (填关联词) “以后,希望您能严格的要求我、督促我,让我能在知识的海洋里尽情的遨游”用英语怎么说 “以后,希望您能严格的要求我、督促我,让我能在知识的海洋里尽情的遨游”用英语怎么说 如何从小教育好孩子? 要是人们从小受到把钓到的大鲈鱼放回湖中这样严格的教育的话,会获得道德实践的勇气和力量.严格的教育指? 英语翻译为了达到这个目标,我从现在开始努力,接受更好的教育和锻炼,开阔眼界