
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 14:40:49
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LH: 你看,我现在都能搬东西了呢!
LL: Whoa, be careful! But hey, it looks like you're back on your feet again!
LH: Back on my feet? 我脚没有受伤啦,只有手而已.
LL: No, that's not what I meant. To be back on your feet is a general saying referring to a person who has recovered or healed from an illness.
LL: Yes. I understand why you would think I was talking about your feet, though. A sick person is usually in bed all day. Therefore, when we say that a person is back on their feet, that means they can get off the sick bed and walk around feeling healthy.
LH: 喔.原来to be back on your feet是说一个病人已经不用再整天躺在病床上,可以自由走动的意思.
LH: 好啊.Larry, I really hope you get back on your feet soon.
LH: 可是你脸色好差喔.
LL: Li Hua! You didn't shower the whole time you were in the hospital did you? I can smell your B.O.
LL: See?! You didn't shower!
LH: 如果不是我的话,那一定是你!
LL: It cannot be me. I shower everyday and I put on cologne this morning. Li Hua, maybe you're not back on your feet yet. You can't even remember if you showered or not.
LH: 嗯.B.O. 就是体臭的意思.For example: Larry had such horrible B.O. that I almost passed out. Larry的体臭难闻到我差点昏过去.
LH: 举个例子嘛,干嘛那么认真.那么back on your feet是康复的意思.我可以说,My hand is back on my feet, 我都康复了.
LL: You used B.O. correctly. But the phrase, back on your feet, refers to a person. You cannot say your hand is back on its feet. Instead you should say that you, the person, are back on your feet.
LH: 喔.To be back on your feet是形容康复的人,而不是形容受伤的部位.所以我得说,I am back on my feet.
LL: That's right. But oh, that smell! It's okay, Li Hua. You can tell me if you didn't shower in a while. I understand. I won't mind.
LH: 可是真的不是我的B.O.啊.啊!我知道了!一定是这个!
(Li Hua holds out a bag of food.)
LH: 这是臭豆腐!其实很好吃的,而且又香.你是因为没吃过所以不习惯它的味道.
LH: 喔.刚才爸妈来过了.知道我很爱吃臭豆腐,就带来给我吃的啊.来,你也尝一块.