关于核物理,核化学的专业英译汉,If the material involved is a ceramic oxide powder,no melting/softening is postulated that nosignificant fraction of the non-volatile fission products generated are released.Due to thesize of the individual

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/07 00:06:52
关于核物理,核化学的专业英译汉,If the material involved is a ceramic oxide powder,no melting/softening is postulated that nosignificant fraction of the non-volatile fission products generated are released.Due to thesize of the individual
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关于核物理,核化学的专业英译汉,If the material involved is a ceramic oxide powder,no melting/softening is postulated that nosignificant fraction of the non-volatile fission products generated are released.Due to thesize of the individual
If the material involved is a ceramic oxide powder,no melting/softening is postulated that no
significant fraction of the non-volatile fission products generated are released.Due to the
size of the individual particles in a powder,it is assumed that the fraction of volatile fission
products (noble gases,iodine,ruthenium) present are so close to the surface that they are
released in the following fractions:5E-1 of the noble gases; 5E-2 of the iodine; and,2E-3 of
the ruthenium.
Other groupings of radionuclides are possible.For instance,ruthenium is unique in that it
can readily form volatile oxides under appropriate conditions.Ruthenium could be logically
included with the Transition Metals increasing its release fraction from 2E-3 to 3E-2 (greater
than an order-of-magnitude increase).The ARF for the Alkali Metals is 4 times greater than
for the Halogens and is difficult to justify.Generally,the elements in the Main Group I
elements appear to be more volatile than the elements included in the Main Group II category
although both are assigned the same ARF.The role of cladding is critical for the Chalogens
(Group V) elements especially Te for which significant interactions with the cladding are
predicted in all but very oxidizing conditions.Ba releases appear to be high and such values
only occur for very reducing conditions.The ARFs are those determined from the evaluation of the most recent experiments on irradiated field heating and may not reflect
response for lesser conditions.

关于核物理,核化学的专业英译汉,If the material involved is a ceramic oxide powder,no melting/softening is postulated that nosignificant fraction of the non-volatile fission products generated are released.Due to thesize of the individual
发布以下分数:5E条的稀有气体- 1; 5E条的碘- 2,2e的- 3
包括与过渡金属增加其从2e的- 3释放的一小部分3e的- 2(大于

关于核物理,核化学的专业英译汉,If the material involved is a ceramic oxide powder,no melting/softening is postulated that nosignificant fraction of the non-volatile fission products generated are released.Due to thesize of the individual 关于核物理,核化学的专业英译汉,6.3 MATERIAL RELEASE IN CRITICALITY EXCURSIONSThe radionuclides generated by an excursion are a function of the fissionable materialundergoing the reaction.The quantity of each fission product or actinide f 核物理学,核化学有什么区别? 兰州大学的核学是原子核物理好还是放射性化学好 原子核物理中,关于核结构的磁转动是什么意思?磁转动 告诉我一些关于核物理的知识(高中) 核物理中提到的核素和化学中的同位素有什么关系 化学中的 放射化学和核化学还有与核物理 三者有什么不同啊!求高手详细解答 核物理的就业方向怎么样 在什么地方可以买到关于原子核物理,近代物理学之类的书? 化学与应用化学专业的区别是什么? 有关核物理,核电站的一些有趣知识 中国核物理的鼻祖—赵忠尧 中国最好的核物理系是哪所大学拥有? 哪里有原子核物理的习题集? 关于核物理的通常所说的对人体有害的是放射性强度还是辐射性强度?为什么? 南华大学 核化工与核燃料工程 核反应堆工程 核物理有什么区别?我今年就打算报南华的这几个专业中的一个了,就是不知道这三者有什么区别另外想问一句理科分数在540左右2010年能录取到 现代物理学总共分哪些领域?(如核物理,凝聚态物理,天体物理学,流体力学这些大学有的专业,别说声光热电力!)各个领域的代表及前沿理论有哪些?相对论,量子论,弦理论,圈量子理论,经典力学,