用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 We will go on a cycling trip ( )( save) money Maria is用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空1.We will go on a cycling trip ( )( save) money 2.Maria is looking forward to ( )( visit ) the Great Wall

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/20 12:34:20
用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 We will go on a cycling trip ( )( save) money Maria is用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空1.We will go on a cycling trip ( )( save) money 2.Maria is looking forward to ( )( visit ) the Great Wall
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用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 We will go on a cycling trip ( )( save) money Maria is用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空1.We will go on a cycling trip ( )( save) money 2.Maria is looking forward to ( )( visit ) the Great Wall
用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 We will go on a cycling trip ( )( save) money Maria is
1.We will go on a cycling trip ( )( save) money
2.Maria is looking forward to ( )( visit ) the Great Wall
3..Would you help me ( ) (pack ) my bag ,mum?
4.What about ( )(take) him to Ming Tombs
5.The worker started ( )( build)the house two weeks ago
1.They ( )( )( 到达) the airport early that day .
2.We met ( )( )( )( ) (在.脚下) the mountain
3.That’s fantastic I’m ( )( )(期待) to meeting him
4.The parking lot is ( )( )( 充满) buses ,cars and bicycles
5.( )( )( 务必) the kights are turned off when you leave thf room
6.In the end ,they were ( )( )( )( 不见了)
7.He ( )( )( )(禁不住大笑) when he heard the exciting news .

用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 We will go on a cycling trip ( )( save) money Maria is用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空1.We will go on a cycling trip ( )( save) money 2.Maria is looking forward to ( )( visit ) the Great Wall
1. We will go on a cycling trip ( to save )( save) money
2. Maria is looking forward to ( visiting )( visit ) the Great Wall
3..Would you help me ( pack ) (pack ) my bag , mum?
4.What about ( taking )(take) him to Ming Tombs ?
5. The worker started ( to build )( build)the house two weeks ago
1. They ( arrived )( at )( 到达) the airport early that day .
2. We met ( at )( the )( foot )( of ) (在.脚下) the mountain
3. That’s fantastic ! I’m ( looking )( forward )(期待) to meeting him
4. The parking lot is ( full )( of )( 充满) buses , cars and bicycles
5.( Be )( sure )( 务必) the kights are turned off when you leave thf room
6. In the end , they were ( out )( of )( sight )( 不见了)
7. He ( couldn't )( help )( laughing )(禁不住大笑) when he heard the exciting news .


1. to save 2. visiting 3. (to) pack 4. taking 5. building

1. arrived at
2.at the foot of
3.looking forward
4. full of
5,Make sure
6. out of sight
7.couldn't help laughing