I hope there won't_______.A.snow B.snowy C.be snow

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 04:13:04
I hope there won't_______.A.snow B.snowy C.be snow
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I hope there won't_______.A.snow B.snowy C.be snow
I hope there won't_______.A.snow B.snowy C.be snow

I hope there won't_______.A.snow B.snowy C.be snow
选c,此时这是there be 结构,won't be +动词原形.不能选B,因为b是名词.不能选A,因为不符合句子的要求.

选C.be snow
翻译为 我希望那里不下雪

I hope there won't be snow

这是there be结构

祝你学习愉快! (*^__^*)

反意疑问句:I hope that there won't be any rain tomorrow,____________? I hope there won't be rain的意思,希望知道, I hope there won't_______.A.snow B.snowy C.be snow I hope it won't last I hope it won't be 第一单元1.Will there be more people in 100 years?()I,hope.A.No,there isn't B.No,there aren't C.No,there won't D.No,they won't2.I hope I have()free time.Idon't like to keep busy.A.more B.less C.many D.much3.Every day he makes me()early No,it's won't last long.I hope( ) I hope it won not rain again.意思 I hope it won't_________(rain)this Sunday I hope ( )play soccer with us tomorrow Yes,I hope ( ) Ahe won't,it too Bhe won't ,so too Will there be more people in 100 years,do you think?----,I hope.A No,there isn't B No,there aren'tWill there be more people in 100 years,do you think?----,I hope.A No,there isn't B No,there aren't c No,there won't 选哪个 为什么 根据首字母填空1、You look happy.Is there any good news?N_______special.I passed the driving test1、You look happy.Is there any good news?N_______special.I passed the driving test this morning.2、I hope my dream to be a teacher will come t__ 根据首字母填空1、You look happy.Is there any good news?N_______special.I passed the driving test1、You look happy.Is there any good news?N_______special.I passed the driving test this morning.2、I hope my dream to be a teacher will come t__ Will there be more people in 100 years,do you think?----,I hope.A No,there isn't B No,there aren't为什么?请说明不好意思,还有个C No,there won't shanghai is far from Bejing,so i take a t__ there every year. I hope to be there on i hope you always there for I hope you won't be late tomorrow. 答语:Yes,I won't.可以这样说吗?I hope you won't be late tomorrow. 答语是:Yes,I won’t.还是No,I won’t.?请教高人指点啊~~