be aimed at 具体在句中怎样用?请多举几个例子

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/15 05:08:25
be aimed at 具体在句中怎样用?请多举几个例子
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be aimed at 具体在句中怎样用?请多举几个例子
be aimed at 具体在句中怎样用?请多举几个例子

be aimed at 具体在句中怎样用?请多举几个例子
But since 2005 Mr Kim has overseen anti-market measures that seem also to be aimed at returning the soldiers to their garrisons. 但是从2005年金正日开始监督反市场行为以来,同时也开始旨在使这些士兵返回他们的驻地.
It was not clear whether the crackdown, which appeared to be aimed at controlling debate in advance of the congress, would ease in the future. 目前尚不清楚,这轮打压行动(似乎是为了控制越共大会召开前夕的舆论)是否将在未来有所缓解. The insurance would be aimed at easing worries about the extent of banks' losses and at reviving the market for securities into which banks repackage the loans. 这项保险措施旨在缓解公众对银行损失程度的担忧,并使债券市场复苏(银行将贷款打包成债券并在这类市场上出售). He says a revaluation could be aimed at tightening control over the economy. 他说,重新评估货币价值可能是为了更严格地管控经济. But since 2005 Mr Kim has overseen anti-market measures that seem also to be aimed at returning the soldiers to their garrisons. There are many possible reasons. 从2005年起金正日就已经开始制定打击私人市场的措施,这一举措看似也旨在令那些忙于赚钱的士兵回到驻防岗位. Some experts say the North's recent moves may be aimed at influencing that vote. 一些专家认为,北韩近期的举动可能是为了影响那次选举. North Korea has apparently revalued its currency, in a move that may be aimed at tightening domestic market activity. 北韩重新调整了其货币价值.此举可能是为了更加严格控制其国内市场活动. The beam will be aimed at a collector on the other side of the hangar, rather than several kilometres away. 实验中激光束的目标能量接收器不是位于几千米以外,而是放置在了飞机库的另一端. The timing of the increase, which came on the final day of the week-long Chinese New Year holiday, appeared to be aimed at avoiding unsettling global and domestic markets. 此次加息的时机选在春节七天长假的最后一天,似乎是为了避免对全球和国内市场造成干扰. Russia's offensive could be aimed at threatening Mr Lukashenka rather than deposing him. 俄罗斯的进攻其目的不在于废黜他的政权,而在于威慑他. That plan is said to be aimed at avoiding subpoenas, though the publishing of the location data at all is opt-in in the first place. 据说此计划的目的是为了避免船票,但发布地理信息完全是自愿的事情. The fiscal reform will be aimed at adjusting the relationships between central and local governments. 财政改革的目标是调整中央政府与地方政府之间的关系. The appeal will be aimed at commercial hacking, such as attempts to break into online accounts and steal money from Internet users and businesses, its organizers say. 这两位发起人说,号召主要针对商业黑客行为,比如试图入侵在线账户并盗窃互联网用户和公司的钱财. Mr. Harper's visit appears to be aimed at overcoming negative sentiment on both sides. 哈珀此次访华的目的看来是要克服双方之间的消极情绪. The book appears to be aimed at pet-lovers. 这本书的目标读者似乎是那些热爱宠物的人. The ideal to be aimed at was to devise an instrument that could record with a pen on paper, the movements of the ground or of the table as the quake passed by. 理想的目标是设计出这样一种仪器:当地震发生时,它能用笔在纸上记录下大地和桌子运动情况. Worryingly, Pyongyang's drive towards full nuclear status may no longer be aimed at getting Washington's attention. 令人担忧的是,平壤争取获得全面核地位,也许不再是为了引起华盛顿的注意. The scheme appears to be aimed at fortifying a sense of Kyrgyz identity rather than reconciling the two peoples. 他们这样做,似乎只是为了抬高吉尔吉斯人的身份,而不是为了协调两个民族之间的关系.The notice appears to be aimed at ensuring that asset-restructuring plans don't strip a troubled company of its profitable arms at the expense of bondholers. 通知的目的似乎是确保资产重组计划不会以牺牲债券持有人利益为代价,而将盈利的下属公司从遇到麻烦的集团公司那里剥离出去. The latest cyber attack seems to be aimed at displaying the North's technological prowess. 此次最新的网络攻击似乎旨在展示朝鲜的科技实力. For now, he says, it will be aimed at job hunters, but it could eventually be used by employers to screen and train workers. 他说,目前该产品主要面向求职者,但最终雇主也可以用来筛选和培训员工. However, traders said that the intervention appeared to be aimed at controlling the pace at which the US dollar declines rather than solely being an attempt to stop Asian currencies appreciating.

be aimed at 具体在句中怎样用?请多举几个例子 be aimed at和be aimed to区别 区别aim at和be aimed at别跟我是主被区别,要具体的 Aim at ,be aimed at的区别 be aimed at的用法be aimed at是一个固定搭配吗?在很多地方见be aiming at例如i am aiming at getting a good job in advertising这里用be aimed to行吗 be aimed at,aim at,aim for 的用法区别主要讲解一下at和for的具体区别, be aimed at 与 be aimed to 怎样区分这两个短语 aim at 和be aimed at 区别,非谓语用法 aim at 与be aimed at的区别 翻译:She aimed to be there at six . This anti-smoking campaign is mainly aimed at teenagers.This anti-smoking campaign is mainly aimed at teenagers.为什么是 be aimed at 哪里体现被动了呀? many ads are aimed specially at teenagers ,and some ( )see more than 100 ads a day.A,women B men c young people D old people 句中aimed是什么词性呀. 请问be aimed at doing sth.和aim at doing sth.有什么区别? We set up an English club aimed at improving our English learning...这里的aimed at可以用aiming at吗什么时候用be aimed at的形式?aim at和be aimed at都有目的在于,旨在的意思,两者的区别是什么? It's aimed specifically at yong people 同义句 It's aimed____at _____ _______ be aimed 有什么用法? 关于“be aimed at”的用法这个短语中aim是动词,所以这是个被动短语.那么这个句子The book is aimed at the children 就应该理解为 这本书被针对于儿童 这样翻译是不是有些怪啊. 当 aim at 和be aimed at 都是针对 ,旨在与的意思时 有什么区别