
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 18:59:41
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In" the New Chivalry Novels in mainland China",the creation of many different martial arts works of the female image,they face the independent consciousness of seeking love,love no more decisively abandoned sense of self-esteem,requirements of both sexes relations on equality consciousness reflects the awakening of feminist consciousness; they required to achieve self potential consciousness of life,unwilling to the survival space is limited to" home" freedom consciousness,face the problem to have the independent views of the independent judgment consciousness reflects their female consciousness to deepen.These female images and the desire for love and the equality of self-esteem pursuit,and to their own value and independent personality,reflects the strong female consciousness.

In " mainland new martial arts ", There are so many female images shaped differently from the usual past martial arts works.Their consciousness about pursuiting independently for facing love, the d...


In " mainland new martial arts ", There are so many female images shaped differently from the usual past martial arts works.Their consciousness about pursuiting independently for facing love, the decision to give up self-esteem for losing love,and the equivalence consciousness of requesting the equality of men and women both parties relationship,which reflect the awakening of female consciousness; They requst to realize the self - potential life consciousness , unwilling to make living space limited to " home " of freedom, and can hold independent views of judgment when facing problem,which reflect the deepening of female consciousness.These women image the longing for love and equality of self-esteem to pursue, and to their own values and independent personality quest, reflect a strong female consciousness.


In " mainland new martial arts " in the , shaping has many different Yu past martial arts works of female image , they face love Shi of independent pursuit consciousness , and love no longer Shi decis...


In " mainland new martial arts " in the , shaping has many different Yu past martial arts works of female image , they face love Shi of independent pursuit consciousness , and love no longer Shi decisive abandoned of self-esteem consciousness , and requirements men and women both relationship peer of equal consciousness reflected has its female consciousness of awakening ; they requirements implementation self - potential of life consciousness , and unwilling to will survival space Council limited to " home " of free consciousness , and face problem can has independent views of independent judgment consciousness reflected has its female consciousness of deepening . These women desire for love and the pursuit of equal dignity, as well as pursuing their own value and independent personality, reflecting a strong consciousness of women.
希 望 采 纳
在“大陆新武侠”中,塑造了很多不同于以往武侠作品的女性形象,她们面对爱情时的自主追求意识、爱情不再时果断放弃的自尊意识、要求男女双方关系对等的平等意识体现了其女性意识的觉醒;她们要求实现自我潜力的生命意识、不愿将生存空间局限于“家”的自由意识、面对问题能有独立观点的自主判断意识体现了其女性意识的深化。 这些女性形象对爱情的渴望和对平等自尊的追求,以及对自身价值及独立人格的追寻,都体现出强烈的女性意识.


英语翻译在“大陆新武侠”中,塑造了很多不同于以往武侠作品的女性形象,她们面对爱情时的自主追求意识、爱情不再时果断放弃的自尊意识、要求男女双方关系对等的平等意识体现了其女 中塑造了很多的英雄形象,其中在特洛伊战争中用了木马计的英雄是谁 他在作业中出了很多错误 英语翻译 15世纪末16世纪初 “地理大发现”的含义?A发现了美洲大陆B开辟了欧洲到亚洲的新航路C人类首次完成了环球航行D欧洲人在新航路开辟过程中发现了许多以前不知道的地方 英语翻译这个小子赖在大陆都不想回去了 英语翻译在这个月我们搬进了新校园,在这里我们可以做很多体育运动,所以我们也不能缺少营养餐,今天我们的学生西餐厅开业了能用ENGLISH翻一下不,(没有语法错误) 英语翻译内容摘要:古龙作为新派武侠小说家的杰出代表,其作品在保持传统武侠小说典范的基础上,努力地进行着“求新、求变、求突破”的尝试,以其强烈的反传统意识,实现了武侠小说从思 请你根据上联,不谢下联.横批:团圆一家亲 上联:老家在大陆 新家在台湾 老家新家共享一个家 下联:不好意思,打错了,不谢是补写. 三国演义中塑造了什么人物形象 羚羊木雕中在塑造我的性格中运用了什么描写方法 哥伦布发现美洲大陆,开辟了新航路,在历史上有什么意义? 英语翻译摘要:林语堂在《京华烟云》里塑造了不同类型的女性形象,表现出亦新亦旧、亦中亦西的女性观.他既对女性在家庭和社会中应该占有一定的权力和地位表示赞同,但又不希望女性独 沁园春长沙作者在词中塑造了一个怎样的形象 诗歌中塑造意象就是使用象征手法吗?如题.在诗歌中,塑造多个意象是不是可以说使用了象征手法?倒过来说,运用象征手法是不是必须塑造意象? “我在大学认识了很多新朋友”怎么翻译 英语翻译能否翻译:江丙坤在大陆谢票,听闻赖幸媛当了上司,傻了眼! 《三国演义》中塑造了一位温酒斩华雄、过五关斩六将的英雄形象关羽,美髯公关羽的传奇故事还有很多,比如 在【最后一课】中小说主要塑造了【 】和【 】.表现了法国人的【 】在【最后一课】中小说主要塑造了【 】和【 】.表现了法国人的崇高的【 】