The magical effects ( ) its light creates on the lobby make us think of the ancint palaces.A.where B./C.when D.of which这是定语从句吧?为什么选B呢?在顺便翻译一下吧~没看懂句子意思...

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 08:23:25
The magical effects (  ) its  light creates on the lobby make us think of the ancint palaces.A.where B./C.when D.of which这是定语从句吧?为什么选B呢?在顺便翻译一下吧~没看懂句子意思...
xSn@~UO c.`]ET&'PCJD4͉Wx jIJxfgfg /zoQ>XL*2z$v\AѴ+R =D@ю^p"J;(c!^R| 2ۍ imrg)dhܱNiĞӻ)wH#NiE4H3)ܻXq̰[(pl7iM-y1pdgzDQ>>Ot<˸蒒O-WiDz[Q3LOOnJn7Xfs擆uA8},s9;#<{`d:qh+) (6m)q^Ie<ܠ⡄p>9HU ~V$ykq=-1D>)5je%5[=IHN+AȨ ļX**k!e^6||x.

The magical effects ( ) its light creates on the lobby make us think of the ancint palaces.A.where B./C.when D.of which这是定语从句吧?为什么选B呢?在顺便翻译一下吧~没看懂句子意思...
The magical effects ( ) its light creates on the lobby make us think of the ancint palaces.
D.of which

The magical effects ( ) its light creates on the lobby make us think of the ancint palaces.A.where B./C.when D.of which这是定语从句吧?为什么选B呢?在顺便翻译一下吧~没看懂句子意思...
The magical effects its light creates on the lobby make us
奇幻的效果 它的灯光产生(创造) 大厅上 使我们
think of the ancint palaces
想起 古老的 地方(名胜古迹)
连起来肯定是:照在大厅上的灯光产生的效果 ,effects效果作为先行词, its light creates on the lobby 为定语从句
整句为:The magical effects (which\that\不填) its light creates on the lobby make us think of the ancint palaces.

引文变换一下语序:Its lights creates the magical effects on the lobby. The effects make us think of the ancient palaces."