宾语从句反意疑问句翻译I think that you are a good student.don't you?He said that you are a good student,didn't you?翻译一下这两句

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 04:15:54
宾语从句反意疑问句翻译I think that you are a good student.don't you?He said that you are a good student,didn't you?翻译一下这两句
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宾语从句反意疑问句翻译I think that you are a good student.don't you?He said that you are a good student,didn't you?翻译一下这两句
I think that you are a good student.don't you?
He said that you are a good student,didn't you?

宾语从句反意疑问句翻译I think that you are a good student.don't you?He said that you are a good student,didn't you?翻译一下这两句

宾语从句反意疑问句翻译I think that you are a good student.don't you?He said that you are a good student,didn't you?翻译一下这两句 这个英语的宾语从句改为反意疑问句对不I don't think he is a bad boy,is he?I don't think he is a bad boy,isn't he?哪个是对的哦? 反意疑问句中如果有宾语从句,请问后面的疑问部分的人称是跟主语的人称还是宾语的人称比如:I don't think she can pass the exam,_________? 宾语从句的反意疑问句怎么变宾语从句的反义疑问句“,”后的否肯形式是根据主句变,还是从句变?如果有那些否定前移的词,像believe,think这样的“,”的怎么变?给个句子:I don't think you are wrong 宾语从句反意疑问句详细解答 I dont think 反意疑问句反意的是从句部分?i told blabla反意didnt 求关于think、believe等这一系列词宾语从句的反意疑问句的语法知识 think 反义疑问句I think 加宾语从句,他的反义疑问句有哪些情况呢? 否定前移和反意疑问句,请帮我判断对错.believe等后接宾语从句,若为否定句,需前移.这里不分第一人称还是二、三.在完成反意疑问句时,由I(we)believe(think…)+宾语从句的句式,完成反意疑问 请问,以I thought引导的宾语从句的反意疑问句,是看主句还是看从句? It doesn't help,I think.合并为宾语从句 I think i am right的反意疑问句?看过别人的回答.不是说结构是与宾语从句的主谓保持一致吗?最佳答案怎么会是don't am的否定是什么?不应该用am的否定吗?是什么? 英语反意疑问句中,陈述句部分是“i think+从句”结构时,简短疑问句怎么改? 宾语从句中为什么I don't think+宾语是根据从句,he doesn't think 就不行 I don't think I know you反意疑问句怎么问? “宾语从句主语为第一人称I或we 时,反义疑问句与从句保持一致”这话是不是不完整?我认为应该是:只有“I/we (don't) think/believe/suppose/expect + 宾语从句”这类存在否定转移可能性的复合句,其 反义疑问句中有宾语从句四道题I think he is a student,()?I don't think he is a student,()?He thinks I am a student,()?He does't think I am a student,()? 反意疑问句如果主句从句都是第一人称对哪个提问?比如说I think I am a good student.______